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Noun: a word that gives names to people or things.

Verb: a word that expresses an action.




Agree (and Disagree)

Pleasant Embarassed

Either or ..
Ex.: Either you want something or you dont

The Truth -> True

Ex.: Saying the truth or Being true


Our time is almost up (over; finished)

What I am saying is
Other people ..or.. Others
They offer you
You are not my boss ..or.. You are not the boss of me
I think you might (kind of: maybe, perhaps, probably, possibly) want to eat it
She wants to give them to me with a good intent
It doesnt (does not) have much utility for me, but it is of some utility.
People should get used to receive no for an answer. = People need to understand that no
is o

Kind Of Synonyms

For instance = for example

Exist = There Are
Addicted = someone who needs to do something (involuntary)
Once = one time
Made up = invented
Bake = cooking bread, cakes, pizza

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