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Sofia Hernandez A00759497

Case study 8

1. Make a list of the problems that are affecting the performance of the sales
-The problems that the sales team have are:
*The sales team is not motivated to work because they dont have the
target they expected to have.
*The workers need to have more motivation and they have to learn to
work more in teams.

2. Consider David Seymour proposals. Decide which ones, if any, should be

acted upon.
The proposals that I accept are:
-To meet the target of the increasing sales by 20%, each member of the
sales team will be expected to increase sales by 20% in their areas, but I
will include giving them a bonus in their payment or similar things.
-Commission will be based entirely on the teams monthly performance.
-Each month, he will chose the outstanding salesperson of the month.
His/her photo will appear in the company newsletter. This is a good way to
motivate the employees.
-Organise an informal dinner with each member of the sales team. I think
this motivate the employees and make them have more confidence.
3. Discuss any other ideas you may have to improve the teams performance.
-To motivate the employees by giving them a bonus in their payment.

4. Action plan for the next six months.

-Give bonus to all the employees that have an outstanding in their

-Organise a dinner with the employees, but not with all of them to motivate
them to work harder.
-Recive a weekly report for each one of the employees.

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