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Student:_______Melissa Smith_______________

completed by: Mindy Merten

Dates: ______10/15________to______10/17________

EDSP 5389

Absence(s): _______0_____________

Choices Made By the Student

Choices Made For the Student By Others

Student allowed choice between three books for reading group time.

All books pertain to study of the seasons which relate to topic of study.

Student allowed to choose between two different finger puppets during Finger puppet fabrics are chosen based on previous texture and shared
reading group time.
stimulus assessment.

Chose between four rewards at the end of reading group time

Rewards are pre-selected based off of likes and dislikes of the student.

Chose activity to play while eating from g-tube.


Food choice is already determined based off of g-tube.

Partners or Supporters


Paraprofessional support

Reading Group

Teacher and Paraprofessional support


Teacher and Paraprofessional support


Music teacher, Teacher, and Paraprofessional support


Paraprofessional support

Adaptive P.E.

Adaptive P.E. Teacher, Teacher, Paraprofessional support

Indoor Play/Leaving School

Grandmother and Paraprofessional support

Opportunities for Choice Making

Strategies to Teach Choice-Making

Allow the student to choose location of wheelchair while eating.

Give the student two location choices in the room.

Allow the student to choose location of wheelchair in reading group.

Give the student three options for wheelchair location while in groups.

Allow the student to choose activity at recess.

Demonstrate how each activity is played and incorporate peers.

Allow the student to choose a partner in music class.

Role play appropriate social skills while interacting with peers.

Allow the student to choose an activity during Adaptive P.E.

Demonstrate how each activity is played and incorporate peers.

Allow student to choose outdoor wear in cool weather.

Give the student two options between a light sweater or a light blanket.

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