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1: New Coke
New coke was a failure because Coca Cola selected a failed marketing strategy to
ignore its customers base. Coke drinkers were not happy about the altered new
taste .In introducing the New Coke The Coca-Cola Company was more interested
in attracting new customers. The target market was new and young soda drinkers.
Coca Cola ignored qualitative research, so the company tried to introduce the
New Coke as a new idea of a soft drink. The qualitative research expressed an
opinion that loyal Coke consumers are not happy with the New Coke. Mostly these
consumers are the cornerstone of The Coca- Cola Company. I think that Coca-Cola
did not adequately research the potential risks of the change because the original
Coke was back on the of the soft drinks shelfs a several months later and after
all attract a very low market share of 3%.The most critical issue that Coca Cola
neglected to take into consideration are its loyal base customers. Ignoring your
repeated customers and the core for your business activities opinion, preferences
and demands is a very bad business model even when the involved company is

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