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How to get 9 in #IELTS Listening Module

When you hear:Stress on the words speaker stress on the words it means that those words are
important in the speech.
Repeating words Sometimes speaker repeats the words
Correcting the words Sometimes speaker correct the words
Dealing with Names:When you need to write the name of someone in the question as the speaker speak,
write down the word as quickly as possible, even if its wrong or you didnt get the
words correct.
If he/she repeats the word check your written word and make corrections, if speaker
doesnt repeat, leave it as it is and its the same case for Nouns and Locations.


::You do not need to listen to every word::
In a stream of speech there will only be one or two phrases which you will need in
order to answer the question. You just have to locate them. A good tip is that
important words are often stressed and repeated.
::You need to know why you are listening::
We always have a reason for listening. In the IELTS the reasons is the question so
read the question carefully and try to pick out the key words.
::You should try to predict the answer::

Once you have identified the key words, you are ready to have a guess at the
correct answer. If you predict the answer before listening, you will listen in a more
focused way. Remember, you only listen once in the IELTS, so do not waste your

::How to Get 7+ in IELTS Listening Academic Test::

Tips from a band 8.5 achiver
Step 1- Watch English movies at least 1 per day. Watch and hear carefully.Try to
understand all the words. Use subtitles if you are not used to watch English monies.
After some days watch movies without subtitles.
Step 2-Practice the books of Cambridge. Every books has four tests. Practice
carefully. Download this books from above links or click here to download.
Step 3-Build a habit to read the instructions of every questions type. It is very
important to do well in IELTS. Always do this in practice tests so that you can build a
habit which will be beneficial for the main test.
Step 4- If you unable to answer a question do not wait for this. Skip this and go to
the next question.In IELTS exam the recording will be played once only.
Step 5- Try o listen the numbers and words very carefully. Give extra attention in
year,telephone number,house/street number,passport number and name of
man,place,country etc.
Step 6- Do not leave any question without answering. It is one kind of stupidity if
you do so. There is no negative marking if your answer is wrong. So try to give
answers of all the questions if you are not sure about the answer of any question.

Five key skills for success in IELTS Listening

1. Predict answers before you listen to identify the type of information required.
2. Identify parallel meaning between what the speaker says and what the question

3. Be aware of any grammatical changes you may need to make to the speakers
words to make them fit the question.
4. Practice using different skills simultaneously (e.g. reading, listening and writing).
You will need use all of these during the listening section of IELTS.
5. Improve your spelling.

#IELTS Listening Anatomy

Section 1: General conversation
Time: 5 mins approx. Questions: 10
Examples: An interview about student wellbeing; A telephone conversation about
buying travel tickets; A student asking about accommodation.
Section 2: General talk
Time: 5 mins approx. Questions: 10
Examples: A radio programme about local history; A short talk about healthy eating;
A presentation about student services.
Section 3: Academic conversation
Time: 5 mins approx. Questions: 10
Examples: A discussion between a student and a tutor about an assignment; A
seminar discussion about a research project; Two students discussing homework.
Section 4: Academic lecture
Time: 5 mins approx. Questions: 10
Examples: A lecture on the history of photography; A lecture on volcanoes; A lecture
on animal behaviour. (You do NOT need any knowledge of these topics to answer
the questions.)


:: 5 Tips for Multiple Choice/Answer Questions in IELTS Reading ::

1.There are 3 possibilities for every idea or choice that you see in the task:
-it might be stated differently in the text
-it might be incorrect from the one stated in the text
-it might not be stated in the text
2. Scan the text and locate where the ideas or choices are stated.
3. Be careful of words such as "more," "all," "always," "never," etc., as they modify
the meaning expressed in the text, idea, or choice.
4. If you find that the ideas are clearly incorrect or wrong, make it a habit to cross
them out.
5. Do the easiest items first. Proceed to the next item/s should you find that you're
unsure of the answer to a particular item.

#IELTS Reading
Headings Matching: Finding the Topic of a Paragraph
One way to find the topic in a reading selection is to see whether one word is
repeated in the paragraph. See the paragraph below:
"Diamonds are said to be a girl's best friend. In fact, these beautiful sparkling stones
may be a jeweler's best friend. In the United States it is customary for the male to
give the female a diamond ring as a sign of engagement. These beautiful stones are
often quite expensive."
The author's four references to the topic are:

1. diamonds
2. sparkling stones
3. diamond
4. beautiful stones
All of these words refer to the topic of diamonds.
So., the paragraph topic is: Diamond

#IELTS Reading Tips for Sentence Completion

1- Read the instruction
2- Take a look at all sentences and choose the one having the best key words.
Note: The answers are 100% in the passage order.
3- Analyse the sentence based on meaning and extract primary and secondary key
4- Certainly be sure from the existence of all key words in the place.
Note: There may be some change in part of speech

#IELTS writing task-1: Describing Trends
The graph shows that there has been
=a slight

=drop in the number of divorces in England and Wales since 1981.


Opinion based (agree/ disagree) essay:Introductory sentence to introduce topic
One side of the question
Another side of the question
Your Opinion
1. Now-a-days _________has become very common practice/ important part/ part and
parcel of our daily lives.
2. Some people favour this/ believe this is beneficial to human kind/ good for the
3. Whereas/ however others strongly oppose this considering its dangerous effects
on the society/ human kind. (Or you can write (2and 3) like this here the concern
is that whether this is a good or a dangerous practice for any nation.)
4. In my personal opinion/ I personally believe that______is very much useful for
us/nation/society/human kind// believe that____is detrimental to our society/human
kind/any nation to a major extent.
Herein I have given some strong reasons to support my view.
5. Herein I have given some strong reasons to support my view.

#IELTS writing:

************Common connective words************

as a result
it follows that
then in that case

#IELTS writing/speaking vocabulary :

Topic :- How to quite smoking
give up the fags :-stop smoking
to have the willpower:- to have self control
kick the habit :-to stop the smoking addiction
quit :-to stop
smoke like a chimney :- someone who smokes a lot
addiction nicotine :- the addictive chemical in cigarettes
puffing on a cigarette smoking :- a bad habit
something that you regularly and normally do that you know is not good for you
avoid the temptation :- stop the desire to do something wrong
the craving :-the feelings of wanting a cigarette

::Common synonym for words in Task-2 questions::

1. Solution = Answer
2. Issue = Problem
3. Opinion= View
4. Concern = Worry

5. Important = Significant
6. Justify = Explain
7. Develop = Improve
8. Attitude = Belief
9. Influence = Affect

#IELTS writing task-2: Two way Discussion Essay

1: Introduction
Explain the background of the issue
In recent years; Nowadays; Over the past twenty years
2: For
Arguments in favour of introducing English tuition in kindergarten (one or two
Some people think; They say; Its true that
3: Against
Arguments against doing this (one or two paragraphs)
On the other hand; Other people would argue; One example of this is
4: Conclusion
Your own personal opinion based on all the arguments
Overall; Having looked at both sides; In conclusion

::How to Get a Band 8 Score in IELTS Writing (Academic Module)::

Answer both questions fully

Use paragraphing skillfully to convey several key ideas
Use less-common vocabulary naturally with an awareness of collocation
Provide an overview and explain key points in Task 1
Indicate a clear position and develop it extensively in Task 2
Produce mostly error-free complex sentences

#IELTS Writing Task-2

::Describing Causes and Effects::
Verbs expressing causality
Lack of protein
=may cause
=can lead to
=can result in mental retardation.
Prepositional phrases expressing causality
200,000 people per year become deaf
=owing to
=because of
=as a result of a lack of iodine.
REMEMBER all these phrases after (=)


again, also, and, and then, besides, equally important, finally, first, further,
furthermore, in addition, in the first place, last, moreover, next, second, still, too

also, in the same way, likewise, similarly

granted, naturally, of course
although, and yet, at the same time, but at the same time, despite that, even so,
even though, for all that, however, in contrast, in spite of, instead, nevertheless,
notwithstanding, on the contrary, on the other hand, otherwise, regardless, still,
though, yet
certainly, indeed, in fact, of course
::Example or Illustration::
after all, as an illustration, even, for example, for instance, in conclusion, indeed, in
fact, in other words, in short, it is true, of course, namely, specifically, that is, to
illustrate, thus, truly

#IELTS writing task-2

::Discursive Essays::
In a discursive essay you are expected to be neutral,
objective and explore all sides. This is mostly used
for academic writing at university, but is similar to
the type of writing used in reporting complex stories
at the NST.

How to write an effective introduction?

#IELTS Writing task-02
In opinion based essay you may start like this (This is just a sample passage,
better if you bring some minor changes and make them quite impressive rather

than making it a stuff, refer examples given below)

Now-a-days _________has become very common practice/ important part/ part and
parcel of our daily lives.
Some people favour this/ believe this is beneficial to human kind/ good for the
Whereas/ however others strongly oppose this considering its dangerous effects on
the society/ human kind. (Or you can write (2and 3) like this here the concern is
that whether this is a good or a dangerous practice for any nation.)
In my personal opinion/ I personally believe that______is very much useful for
us/nation/society/human kind// believe that____is detrimental to our society/human
kind/any nation to a major extent.
Herein I have given some strong reasons to support my view.

Style in a Discursive Essay

Discursive essays should be formally written:
Avoid contractions (dont, havent etc)
Do not use slang expressions or idioms
Do not use personal pronouns. (I, you, we etc)
The essay should also be written without titles as one continuous prose and
shouldnt appear to have any opinion (Dont use, I believe, I think etc) except in the
Above all be, accurate, clear and economical (ACE)


#IELTS Speaking: don't repeat the same ideas!

Try to come up with new information either about the topic you are discussing or
something related.

#IELTS speaking
We often use present perfect after a superlative
Example: It`s the (most boring) movie (I have) ever seen.
It`s the most beautiful village I have ever seen.....

How to Get 7+ in IELTS Speaking Academic Test

Step 1- Try to put some grammar in your speaking. Use complex and compound
sentences. Also try to use some complex compound sentences.
Step 2- Use some uncommon words. Do not use the same words again and again.
Use synonyms ans antonyms.
Step 3- Try to expand your speaking. Do not make your answers shorts. Try to
expand it.
Give examples.
Step 4- Practice with your partners. You can get some quality speaking tests from
YouTube. Also see this post to get some good IELTS speaking answers.
Step 5- Try to be fluent. Do not give a long pause. practice speaking. Here are some
speaking questions for you.
Step 6- Make your voice clear. You need not to speak like a British. You should try to
make your voice smooth and easily understandable.

::Useful language for IELTS Speaking Part 1::

Asking for repetition
Could you say that again?
Im sorry, I didnt catch that.
Did you say ( )?

Stalling for time

Well, let me see.
In my case,
Hmm, Id have to say
Saying something negative
Im sorry but
Im afraid (to say that)
To be (perfectly) honest,

:: IELTS Speaking- Useful Language ::

Beginning your response
Im going to talk about
Id like to tell you about
Ive decided to speak about
Indicating a time in the past
I think it was when I was around (age) years old.
When I was a (school) student,
In my (school) days,
Speaking hypothetically
If I could choose any (repeat topic), Id choose
Given a choice of any (repeat topic), Id rather
If money were no object, Id

The song of the #IELTS Speaking test

good stress on the right sounds

not too fast, not too slow
appropriate pausing
very little hesitation or self correction

neither too loud nor too soft

good rhythm and flow of sound
clear and accurate, individual sounds
good grouping ofchunks of meaning.
trying to mirror the 'music' of the assessors speech a little [ by using a
similarspeaking speed, similar volume and similar feeling of friendliness in the

::Converstion Tips for IELTS Speaking::

Initialing a topic
You know,
If you ask me,
As far as Im concerned,
I personally think,
As I see it,
The way I see it,
In my opinion,
As a matter of fact/in fact,
What it boils down to is that,
The fact of matter is that,
As it turns out,
Do you think that,
To tell the truth,
To make a long story short,
To be frank/honest,

#IELTS speakng
:: Can you speak on these Q cards instantly? ::
//Just try to speak on all of the topics instantly without thinking a minute. Try this
with your batch mates or partner//

Actor (who, what are characteristics, about his acting skills, why)
Actress (who, her looking, expressions, nature, why)
Artist (who, what are characteristics, why)
Author (who, what are qualities, why)
Celebrity (who, his/her appearance, why)

#Speaking Armour
It is bit difficult for me to predict about the future, but looking at the current
scenario I can say that........( when you are asked to say something about the future
of something)
"Excuse me, I didn't quite catch that. Could you say that again? (If the examiner
uses a word or phrase that you don't understand, say something like)

#IELTS speaking
You are expected to speak academically
Your language should be:-

Use variety of words (no repetition of same word/which is also called lexical
Sentence starts with transition words; such as however, moreover and in
No slang (like cool....awesome......isn`t it!)

How to get a good score in #IELTS Speaking?

::There is only one the Golden rule when preparing for the IELTS speaking test and that is to
practise! Try to practise speaking English at every available opportunity between now and
the real test. Don't just practise with your teacher but try to practise with anyone you can
and in any situation.
::The IELTS speaking test is all about testing your fluency and coherence, vocabulary and
grammarrange, accuracy and pronunciation.
:: Don't panic! The speaking test isn't very long, it will pass very quickly!

#IELTS speaking:
Even if you are asked what seems like a yesno question you are expected to say more than a simple yes" or no. You
should try to develop what you say by, for example, giving reasons, opinions or describing something in more detail.
Examiner: Let`s speak about sports.Do you like any kind of sports?
Bad Answer: Yes I like sports
Good Answer: Yes I like sports specially football, since I am an age-long fan of
English premier league and my favorite club is Chelsea.

Expressing a Preference
I prefer ___A____to __B____because..
If I have a choice, I will___A____ (a real possibility)
If I had a choice, I would___A___________ (not a real possibility, just wishing)

For me, ______A__________is much more (attractive / interesting / preferable) than


Getting to #IELTS band 7+ in speaking

Very high level students know a large amount of collocations and are aware which
nouns, adjectives, adverbs and prepositions go together to show off their IELTS
Speaking vocabulary.
Example: Describe a well-known painting you have seen or know about
You should say:
What it looks like
What is interesting about it
Why it is well-known
Adjectives for types of paintings: Watercolour, decorative, portrait, still-life,
Adjectives to describe your opinion of paintings: Famous, original, valuable
Adjectives to say the style of painting: Impressionist, abstract, surrealist
Verb Paining: Hang up, display, exhibit, collect
Useful nouns: Style, technique

#IELTS Speaking:
Use time expressions as you answer questions:
Occasionally, I watch football matches in the stadium
Back then,________________
From time to time, ________________
Every once in a while,______________

--::Describing Causes and Effects::-::Sentence connectors expressing causality::

Because of this,
As a result (of this),
Example:If undernourished and retarded children do survive to become adults, they have
decreased learning ability.
Because of this/
As a result (of this)/
when they grow up, it will probably be difficult for them to find work.

::IELTS Language ::
Memorising set phrases for use in the IELTS test is a highly effective way of
achieving a higher score.
Stating an opinion (thesis statement)
I believe that
It is my belief that
This essay will argue that
Strengthening an argument
There can be no doubt that
Therefore, we can say beyond any doubt that
These are just some of the reasons why
Concluding and summarising
To sum up, / In summary, / In short,
Overall, / On the whole,
To return to my original idea,

:: Why It says ACADEMIC Module (IELTS)::

~~~~~~~Because you are expedcted to use academic words in speaking and
Like, APPEAR instead of SEEM
Enquire -------------> ask
Relaxed ------------>laid back
Finish---------> end

Responsible -------------> in charge

::Frequently confused spellings in IELTS::

Till Until (not *untill)
Lose Loose (one is a verb; the other is an adjective)
Affect Effect (one is a common verb; the other is its noun form)

Forth Fourth (one means forward; the other means number four)
Fourth but Forty (not *fourty)
High but Height (not *hight)
Great but Grateful (not *greatful)
Precede Proceed (one means go before; the other means go ahead)
Principle Principal (one means truth; the other means main)
Site Sight (one is a place; the other is something to see, as in sightseeing not
Copywriter Copyright (one writes advertising; the other means intellectual

::Most Usual Spelling Mistakes in IELTS::

[nm] in Environment, Government
[nm] in Column, Autumn
[sc] in Science, Conscious, Discipline, Fascinate, Ascend, Descend
[xc] in Excite, Exceed, Exception, Excellent, Excited
[dg] in Knowledge, Acknowledge (but just [g] in Privilege, Oblige)
[th] clusters in ordinals: Eighth, Twelfth, Hundredth

::Common Spelling mistakes in IELTS::

Separate (adj.), Definite, Desperate, Temperature, Literature, General, Relevant,
Describe, Decline, Despite; but Dispute, Discrete, Display
Capable, Achievable, Understandable; but Possible, Visible, Accessible
Performance, Attendance, Ignorance; but Independence, Sentence, Existence

As for IELTS , here is a list to expand your vocabulary:



21 very important things to

1. No one can ruin your day
without YOUR
2. Most people will be about as
happy, as they
to be
3. Others can stop you
temporarily, but only you
can do
it permanently.
4. Whatever you are willing to put
up with, is
what you will have.
5. Success stops when you do.
6. When your ship comes in....
make sure you are
willing to unload it.
7. You will never have it all

8. Life is a journey...not a
destination. Enjoy the
9. The biggest lie on the planet is:
When I get what I
I will be happy.
10. The best way to escape your
problem is to
solve it.
11. I've learned that ultimately ,
'takers' lose and
'givers' win.
12. Life's precious moments don't
have value,
they are shared.
13. If you don't start, it's certain
you won't arrive.
14. We often fear the thing we
want the most.
15. He or she who laughs......las ts.
16. Yesterday was the deadline
for all complaints.
17. Look for opportunities.. not
18. Life is what's coming....not
what was.
19. Success is getting up one more
20. Now is the most interesting

time of all.
21. When things go
wrong.....don't go with them,let them go....

Great timeless Sentences:

1. Shakespeare :
"Never Play With The Feelings Of
Others Because You May Win The
Game But The Risk Is That You Will
Surely Lose The Person For A Life
2. Napoleon :
"The world suffers a lot. Not
because of the
violence of bad people, But
because of the silence of good
3. Einstein :
"I am thankful to all those who
said NO to me It's because of
them I did it myself..!!"
4. Abraham Lincoln :
"If friendship is your weakest
point then you are the strongest
person in the world".
5. Shakespeare :
"Laughing Faces Do Not Mean
That There Is Absence Of Sorrow!
But It Means That They Have The
Ability To
Deal With It".
6. William Arthur :

"Opportunities Are Like Sunrises,

If You Wait Too Long You Can Miss
7. Hitler :
"When You Are In The Light,
Everything Follows You,
But When You Enter Into The Dark,
Even Your Own Shadow Doesn't
Follow You."
8. Shakespeare :
"Coin Always Makes Sound But
The Currency Notes Are Always
So When Your Value Increases
Keep Yourself Calm and Silent"
9. Night Nurse :
"It Is Very Easy To Defeat
But It Is Very Hard To Win

#IELTS Advice: only use official questions

Students are often worried because they find difficult or confusing IELTS questions
on the Internet (especially for writing task 2).
You can definitely trust the Cambridge IELTS books because Cambridge makes the
IELTS exam

::How to score 8.5 to 9.00 in

#IELTS speaking and writing::
1. Be careful of GRAMMAR(subject-verb agreement, plurals, genders, preposition
2. LEXICAL RESOURCES. Use Advanced English rather than Beginners.
3. Avoid REPEATING words- use synonym
4. Use VARIETY in sentence structure
5. Be consistent with questions' REQUIREMENTS
6. Do not write UNDER-worded topics, you will not be penalized for writing more
than required words
7. Be alert using Linkers and modifiers
8. In letter writing, be sure of Opening and Closing salutations


(1). A scorpion can hold its breath
for up to 6 days.
(2). Typewriter is the largest
word tat can be
typed in a single row of a
(3). Elephant is d only animal
dat can't jump.
(4). our heart doesn't beat
while we sneeze.
(5). The letters A, B, C and D,
do not appear in

the spellings of 1 TO 99.

The"D"appears 1st time in
The"A"appears 1st time in
The B appears 1st time in
C appears 1st time in'CRORE'...!!

Choose the conclusion that validly follows from the argument below.
All kittens are playful
Some pets are kittens
(1) All kittens are pets
(2) Some kittens are pets
(3) All pets are playful
(4) Some pets are playful

**Comparing and contrasting language**

---The text uses basic comparatives and superlatives but also a number of different
structures. These are very useful for #IELTS when comparing graphs or charts.--::- The iPad mini has a 7.9 inch screen, (compared to) the Google and Amazon
tablets (which only have) a 7 inch one.
(Although) the iPads (is bigger it actually has less) pixels with 1024 by 768.
(Another difference is that) every tablet (except) the Kindle has GPS.::-


"Failure doesn't mean youre a failure,
it does mean you havent succeeded yet.
Failure doesn't mean you havent accomplished something,
it does mean you have learned something.
Failure doesn't mean youve been a fool,
it does mean you have a lot of faith.

Failure doesn't mean youve been disgraced,

it does mean you were willing to try.
Failure doesn't mean you don't have it,
it does mean you have to do something in a different way.
Failure doesn't mean youre inferior,
it does mean youre not perfect.
Failure doesn't mean youve wasted your time,
it does mean you have a reason to start fresh.
Failure doesn't mean you should give up,
it does mean you should try harder.
Failure doesn't mean youll never make it,
it does mean it will take a little longer.
Failure doesnt mean God has abandoned you,
it does mean he has a better way. "

Real boys are getting busy investing on their future making money, Using most of their time thinking and getting ready for
Fake boys are swaging, showing off, living a fake life to impress others, sleeping around and boasting to women what they
can't be or afford in the next 10years
Real babes are serious, staying faithful, Graduating, building a career, trusting God for a better life, getting a Good job and
a having good family with kids in future
Fake babes are unfaithful, flirting, clubbing, gossiping, swaging, sleeping around exchanging their precious body for money,
worldly material things that won't last for ever...(VANITY)
Remember that even a broken clock WORKS, are you surprised how???? it is correct 2 times daily.....
Time is money INVEST pls

10 great #IELTS tips from a Band 8.5 achiever

Coming from India, I have been a regular user of the English language since childhood. I have been an avid reader of
magazines and newspapers with articles covering diverse topics such as politics, science and the arts. This long association
with and love for the widely-spoken language are really the reasons for me to come out with flying colours in the IELTS test.
Test takers can consider the below practical advice for improving their scores 1. Usage of idioms: I have always found using idioms very useful in conveying a thought effectively. The number of idioms
in use is quite large. But with some amount of practice, you can find yourself using them in a variety of situations in a
matter of days. There are several websites that provide guidance on usage of idioms.
2. When in doubt about usage of a phrase or word, avoid it altogether. The reason for avoiding them could be difficulty in
pronunciation or spelling or proper usage. At the least, this strategy will help preserve what you have already scored in the
writing or speaking test.
3. Watch good English language television and radio channels. You can of course include watching the several IELTS-related
videos available on video sharing websites such as YouTube. This does a world of good to your preparations for the final test
and with minimal effort.
4. I have come across many candidates who find the speaking test the most difficult. More often than not, the reason is that
they come from a completely non-English speaking background. The only way to overcome this problem is to speak with
good English-speakers. Do this as often as possible on a daily basis if you have the opportunity to do so.
5. Know the difference between words that are spelt or pronounced similarly with different meanings. They are called
homonyms and homophones (you wouldnt be asked for a definition though).
6. Do all you can to drop your native accent. That said, it is equally unproductive to acquire and use a foreign accent. Just
try to follow a neutral accent.
7. I would also suggest using shorter sentences if constructing longer ones arent your cup of tea (thats an idiom, go
research the meaning!).
8. Find and install a good dictionary on your computer (I would highly recommend Wordweb). You may choose to use a
physical dictionary as well. Whichever way you choose, always keep the dictionary handy. This will help you look up and
research words as soon as you encounter an interesting word.
9. There are mainly three versions of English in vogue worldwide British, American and Australian English. Is any one
version preferred over the others ? I posed my doubt to the guide during a British Council preparatory session. He said each
one is as good as the other two no preference. But he insisted that I follow one of the versions consistently in the test,
else it could cost you marks !
10. Lastly, try to make use of all the resources available to you. It can be any of the vast array of books available for
purchase, the free British Council library access, a friend who speaks good English or the slew of free online resources.
I would urge my IELTS candidate friends to go ahead and use the English language as often as possible and in different
situations. To achieve above average scores, it also helps if you love and appreciate the language

The 10 most common mistakes made by #IELTS candidates in the IELTS Speaking Exam:1.Being excessively polite
2 Thinking that the IELTS Examiner is a stranger to your country
3 Not speaking like an individual
4 Using stereotypes
5 Trying to befriend the IELTS Examiner
6 Speaking too quickly during the IELTS speaking test
7 Dressing inappropriately in the IELTS speaking test
8 Trying to make physical contact with the IELTS Examiner
9 Invading the IELTS Examiner's personal space
10 Speaking too loudly when answering the IELTS Examiner's questions

#IELTS common mistaken words:-

----------> Decimate
Strictly, decimate means to reduce by one-tenth and not to reduce to one-tenth. However, this usage is now increasingly
common, and seems likely to become accepted.
Literally means actually or without exaggeration. When you say I literally you are describing something exactly as it
happened and without exaggeration. If you were to say I literally died of boredom you are implying you actually died and
the use of literally is therefore incorrect.
----------->Lose / Loose
Lose is the opposite of win, whilst loose is the opposite of tight or contained.
------------>Weather / Whether
Weather is usually a noun referring to the atmospheric conditions at a particular point in time (Whats the weather like
there?) but is also a verb meaning affected by the weather (for example Your fence has really weathered) or even as a
figure of speech meaning to get through or survive something (We weathered the crisis).
Whether is a conjunction that introduces alternatives, for example Whether I win or lose or You do it whether you like it
or not. Whether is similar to if, so if you could replace the word with if then use whether

Identifying patterns in bar charts:-->>your writing becomes more coherent linking ideas together
-->>the report becomes easier to write

ASK Yourself:>>
--->>What is the biggest?
--->>Are they the same, different or similar?
--->>Does any one bar look different from the rest?
:>>>hotels were the most common form of accommodation at over 50%
:>>>self-catering was second most popular (just below 30%) but there is one major exception
:>>>caravan and camping holidays were typically least popular (around 10%) but again there was an exception
:>>>England, Scotland and Wales follow a broadly similar pattern (Scotland is only slightly different)
:>>>the popularity of caravanning in Northern Ireland needs to be highlighted

IELTS word of the day:=Percentage=

1. It is most frequent word in writing task-2
2. Remember it is better to use percentage not percent
3. Percentages can be described as being high and low
4. Proportion and Ratio are the two alternative of the word percentage.

10 Top British Council Tips for IELTS Writing:

1.Highlight/circle key words.
2.Clearly divide paragraphs.
3.Don't repeat ideas in a different way.
4.Stick to the topic.
5.Careful with timing - don't rush Task Two, it's longer and is worth more points.
6. Paragraph simply, with one idea in each paragraph.
7. Avoid informal language.
8. Learn to recognise how long 150 words looks in your handwriting. You don't really have time to count.
9. Get used to always spending several minutes re-reading and correcting your essays.
10. Don't memorise model answers, they won't fit the question and you will make more careless mistakes.

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