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November 18th, 2014 Tuesday

Five Modes of Communication:

What aspects of communication can we consider when discussing the linguistic mode of communication?
Some aspects of communication we can consider when discussing this mode is: verbal communication, sign
language, writing,
What are the strengths and weaknesses of this mode?
Strength of the mode is being able to communicate and be descriptive about it . A weakness of the mode is
not as powerful as visual and sound also not everyone can comprehend it.
We read an article about Obama and the BP oil spill. He said that BP cares about the small people.
What aspects of communication can we consider when discussing visual mode of communication?
Picture, performances, television, road signs
What are strengths and weaknesses?
Strengths would be everyone can understand it unless it had writing on it. Like watching a dance about cancer
or war. No matter what nation you are from or what your cultural background is you could understand it.
Weakness is that you dont get a description of it.
We looked at twitters and it was hard to see who the users were with only looking at the pictures
What aspects of communication can we consider when discussing aural mode of communication?
Listening to people talk, listening to music or videos/ television and listening to books
What are strengths and weaknesses?
What is the song The Dillinger Escape Plan- Hero of the Soviet Union sound like?
It sounds like they are mad and frustrated cause it was loud scary music.
The way BuzzFeed News is set up it shows the spatial of the different articles and you can see which ones are more
important than other articles by there size and where they are placed.
We watched a debate with Obama and his opponent and how they used their gestures to discuss issues in the US
and what theyre going to do to help us. They also tried to bash each other

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