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Chinas 3 Plenum Reforms

and Implications for Peru

Margaret Myers
Inter-American Dialogue
October 29, 2014

China will continue to be an

important economic partner for
Latin American nations

Proyecto nacional de ferrocarriles (2011-2016)

but Chinese engagement

will look somewhat
different in the coming

Going-Out 2.0?
- Incrementar la competitividad de empresas
chinas y limitar riesgo
- Directrices ms estrictas para la proteccin
del medio ambiente
- Posible marco legal para la inversin en el
- Diversificacin de la inversin
- Apoyo por empresas privadas en vez de
- Anti-corrupcin

Chinese Finance in
Latin America
Restricted financing for state-owned enterprises
Greater focus on risk assessment
Strategic vs. non-strategic lending
The effects of financial reforms

From Daniel H. Rosen, Avoiding the Blind Alley: Chinas

Economic Overhaul and Its Global Implications, Asia
Society, 2014.

From Daniel H. Rosen, Avoiding the Blind Alley: Chinas

Economic Overhaul and Its Global Implications, Asia
Society, 2014.

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