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Supreme Court of Canada

Cour supreme du Canada



January 9, 2012
Ms. Arlene Lowery
203-1808 Smith Street
Regina, Saskatchewan
S4P 2 4

Dear Ms. Lowery,


Arlene Lowery
Saskatchewan Government, et al.
File No.: 33944

I hereby acknowledge receipt of your motion for reconsideration of the decision of

the Supreme Court of Canada rendered on March 24, 2011, dismissing your
application for leave to appeal to this Court.
I wish to advise you that Rule 73 of the Rules of the Supreme Court of Canada states
that there shall be no reconsideration of an application for leave to appeal unless
there are exceedingly rare circumstances that warrant consideration by the Court. It
also specifies that a motion for reconsideration must include an affidavit setting out
the exceedingly rare circumstances of the case that warrant consideration by the
Court and an explanation of why the issue was not previously raised.
I have reviewed your motion for reconsideration and your affidavit in support. I
regret to inform you that, in my opinion, your motion does not reveal the
exceedingly rare circumstances which would warrant reconsideration by this Oourt.
Furthermore, please note that Rule 78 of the Rules of the Supreme Court of Canada
is not applicable to this matter.
As a result, I am returning your documents.
Yours truly,

Roger Bilodeau, Q.C.


Mr. Darryl J. Brown

Mr. Henry S. Brown, Q.C.
Mr. Nicholas M. Cann

301, rue Wellington Street, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada KIA OJ1

Tel.y'Tel, : 613 996-8666 1 888 551-1185 Fax/Telec. : 613996-9138

Internet: E-mail/


I, Arlene Lowery hereby certify that:







The following Supreme Court of Canada Judge the Right Honourable Chief
Justice of Canada Beverley McLachlin, Q.C. has been previously involved or
connected with this case.
When the Applicant made her application To Take Leave to Appeal I
considered making a request that her Honour not be involved as I had
previously made a complaint about Justice Chicoine to her as the head of the
Canadian Judicial Council (CJC).
I reasoned that even though the result I was looking for was not forthcoming I
reasoned that she would not pose a Conflict of Interest since another judge or
lawyer handled the matter.
Recently I read on the internet and the Supreme Court of Canada website, 3
speeches which her Honour gave which had led me to conclude that she could
pose a Conflict of Interest afterall.
The topics of the 3 speeches I am referring to pertain to 'self-litigants', 'the
mentally ill and the law' and 'Judicial Independence'.
Her apparent perspective reflects 'a mind-set' that is concerning to me, due to
the fact that I am a self-litigant; that lam currently being treated for a 'major
depression' which is knowledge to the Court, and further it is my firm belief
that 'corruption and partisanship' is an issue.
Therefore it is my position that the Right Honourable Chief Justice of Canada
Beverley McLachlin, Q.c. could prejudice me and my granddaughter, who is
struggling with Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (Severe Anxiety Disorder) and
is also being treated, and has requested to be a 'joinder' Applicant
(Appellant) ..
Explanation and Excerpts from these 3 Speeches are at Exhibit A


December 16th, 2010

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