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Graduate Scholarships Center
Sample 1:
Dear Scholarship Committee:
If the 18 year-old James would have known and understood the value of higher education
the way the now 34 year-old James does, you would have received this letter 16 years
ago. Perhaps the passage of 16 years and the experiences contained in them will prove to
be an advantage that will make further education of the 34 year-old more fulfilling
personally and more beneficial to family, friends and the community.
I am, first of all a husband and father. Jan, my wife of eight years, and I have two
beautiful childrenour daughter Sue is six, and our son Josh is three. My marriage and
the birth of our children are the most satisfying, inspiring events in my life. Another
event, not exactly a positive one at first glance, is one of the reasons you have received
this letter.
For nine years I was a journeyman carpenter working for several framing contractors on
both residential and commercial projects. My duties included all aspects of framing
construction as well as supervisory responsibilities. Then, my life changed drastically. A
wall and beam assembly, later estimated to weigh some 3,000 pounds, fell and broke my
left leg in several places.
Since this career ending injury, however, more positives than negatives have emerged.
Despite long therapy sessions and several follow-up operations, I can honestly say that
the worst consequence of breaking my leg was that I broke my leg. The incident has
allowed me the opportunity to spend more time with my wife and children and to seek a
college education.
Before the accident I was physically active at work, in recreation, and in my participation
as a semi-professional baseball player with the San Diego Marlins. At that point I hadn't
thought seriously about furthering my education. Because of my injury, I was faced with
the realization that I was not indestructible. This revelation, along with much prompting
from my wife, encouraged me to view this as a chance for a positive change and a more
secure future.
I am the first in my family to attend a university. In the spring of 2006, I enrolled in 18
units at Miramar College. Being a self-motivated, goal-oriented person, I was able to
achieve a 4.0 grade point average and a place on the Deans Honors List. Despite my
subsequent operations, I have maintained a 4.0 grade point average after 75 college units.
My goal is to earn a Bachelors degree. I selected a Psychology major and Recreation
Administration minor to improve myself and my ability to interact and communicate
effectively with others.

One of my most time-consuming activities, as well as one of the most rewarding, is my

involvement with the San Diego Unitarian Church. My responsibilities as volunteer youth
counselor and advisor for our 20 Southern California congregations include planning and
promotion of youth trips and activities which include visiting the sick and elderly and
various musical performances throughout the year. My new communication skills and the
broader view provided by the university experience, will be invaluable in my
relationships with these youth and my future career.
This 34 year-old returning student has learned to appreciate the generosity of others. I
would be honored and grateful for whatever assistance you are willing to provide. Your
investment in me will not only assist me in the accomplishment of my personal goals, but
will benefit our community. Thank you for your consideration.

Sample 2:
I have known in my heart since I was a little girl what I wanted to be when I grew up. It
was not a stereotypical childs dream such as a doctor or an astronaut; my vision was
instead something that has shaped my actions and decisions throughout my life. In the
last few years I have realized that my passion for conserving the environment is a natural
calling that I am destined to follow. This intuitive notion solidified while visiting my
mother in Maryland a few summers ago. In my old bedroom my mother has kept framed
memorabilia from my childhood. One night before I went to sleep I looked on the bedstand to find an old article that dated back to my third year of elementary school. After
rereading this article thirteen years later, with a smile, I recognized my destiny is and has
always been devoting my career to the conservation and preservation of our ecosystems.
In my third grade class we attempted to introduce higher biodiversity along a creek
through adding plants, which in turn attracts other organisms. Some of the older
teenagers had rampaged through and stole our plants while trampling the beautiful
ecosystem. I wanted to send a message to stop such destruction and the following article
ended up in our town newspaper. Although I was only in third grade, the destruction of
the environment affected me more deeply than most of my fellow classmates and
continues to do so today.
I wish to embark on an educational journey to beautiful Montverde, Costa Rica for the
Tropical Ecology and Conservation program in the Spring of 2009. In order to take this
step in my educational career, I am applying for financial aid through the John E. Bowma
n Travel Grants, CIEE International Study Programs Scholarships, and the Jennifer
Ritzmann Schola rship for studies in Tropical Biology.
Throughout my life I have always been passionate about contributing to the conservation
our earth. It became clear to me upon entering my college career that
my focus should be in wildlife conservation. When I learned about this program I became
ecstatic. Partaking in this unique opportunity will prepare me for my future career goals
and aid to my growth as a conserva tionist and a young woman. While participating in

this program I will apply the knowledge and resources learned during the courses that I
take in Costa Rica to real world situations. I will be working in the field amongst other
scientists and gaining hands on experience, which will enrich my current education and
my future career. Furthermore, I will be able to contribute to the conservation of the
tropical forest through my education as well as gain a better cultural understanding of the
world around me.
I come from a broken home and was raised by my mother on a very low income. Thus I
do not receive any financial support from my family and little from the federal
government to fund my college education. Therefore my financial needs are very high.
Throughout my life I have strived to achieve my goals solely on hard work and
determination. For example, the last five years that I have attended school I have
struggled toreceive enough federal loans to pay my tuition and have been working at
night while attending school in order to barely scrap by. However, I feel like this makes
me a stronger person and gives me greater passion for what I
am trying to achieve.
At this moment in time my situation is even more extreme than ever. Instead of working
full time all summer to save money, I have been going to summer school in order to
complete required courses before I depart for this program in the spring. The demands of
summer school leave me no time for a part-time employment. Consequently, in order for
me embark on this incredible opportunity I am extremely reliant on grants and
scholarships to see this experience come to fruition.
These scholarships and grants will assist me in achieving my goals through supporting
my trip expenses in Costa Rica. In essence they will allow me to receive
an excellent education in an amazing country as well as apply this knowledge to help
conserve our precious ecosystems that are in danger of ultimate destruction and
demise. Likewise, by supporting my education these funds will enable me to spread my
newfound insight and knowledge to further educate the people around me as I plan to
teach in conservation programs such as the Student Conservation Corps. I thank yo
u so much for your consideration.

Sample 3:
At 13, I was an ordinary teenage girl. I had my favorite movie stars, my secret crushes,
and I probably ate too much chocolate. School mattered very little to me and learning
even less. I worried about getting good grades in school but only to please my parents.
My happy life consisted of sweet treats and even sweeter thoughts, an endless array of
bite-sized banality. All that changed the summer of my 13th year, the year my older sister
went away to college.
I idolized my older sister. She was five years older than me and my link to the shadowy
world of adulthood that seemed so out of reach. When she went away, I was devastated.
It was a very wet summer that year and one particularly rainy day, I was lying in her

empty bed looking at the artifacts she'd left behind, clutching an old sweater. My eyes
travelled around the room and came to rest on her bookshelf. For whatever reason, I
picked one book up and began thumbing through it. It was Emile Zola's Germinal and it
was to change my life forever.
Germinal woke me up from my slumber. I began to see the world around me, to look at it
with new eyes. I always thought things like poverty, greed and injustice happened
elsewhere, to people that more or less deserved it. But the more I read about Etienne,
Catherine, and the Vandame mine, the more I began to realize the universal nature of
suffering. This is part of what makes Zola's novel a great work of art. It has the power to
change the way you think while also being beautiful. I realized that there were actually
striking miners in my own state. I then became an avid reader of newspapers and current
events. I held a bake sale outside my school for the families of the miners. I didn't raise
that much money but it felt good to at least to be doing something.
The affect Germinal had on me was not just limited to social awareness. I also became
more aware of other literature, history, and art. I read other Zola novels which led me to
discover Balzac and his wonderful books such as the sweet sad tale of Pere Goriot. I also
became interested in the French Revolution in order to find out how the month of
Germinal came to get its name. When I learned that the young Zola was a early champion
and admirer of Monet and the Impressionists, I began to notice art for the first time.
Now that I am getting ready for college, I feel the effect that Germinal had on me more
than ever. I've read it three times since I first discovered it and each time I seem to learn
new things. It isn't just that I have a pet rabbit named Poland or that I have a pen-pal who
is an orphaned miner's daughter. It goes much deeper than that. Germinal has changed the
way I look at myself and the world around me. No other book has done that.

Sample 4:
As we sped down the highway, the quiet and calming hum of the car seemed somehow at
odds with the late-summer lushness of the Pennsylvania landscape. Without warning this
quiet calm was shattered when my Uncle Alex yelled, Firsts!
Uh, military railroads, I mumbled, drawing myself out of a sleepy reverie.
A working submarine, Alex countered quickly.
Hospital ships.
Flame throwers.
Back and forth we went. We were playing one of our many Civil War word games. This
one consisted of calling out all of the many things that the Civil War saw the first
instance of. It was a great way to pass time when on a long road trip. I remember this
particular trip with such clarity for two reasons. One was that we were on our way to visit
Wheatland, the home of James Buchanan, a destination that I had been looking forward
to for some time. The second reason is that the very next day was my birthday. I was
turning eight.

I suppose for most children it would have seemed strange to be spending their birthday at
the former home of a pre-Civil War president. To me it only seemed like a long-awaited
treat. My Uncle Alex was an amateur Civil War historian with an infectious love of
learning. Alex's sickness took the form of believing that late 19th century American
history was more exciting and more worthy of our attention than any other period of
human existence. It would prove to be an illness that soon held me under it's spell also. It
all started when Alex bought me an Abraham Lincoln action figure for my 4th birthday. I
remember unwrapping the gift paper, revealing the strange gaunt figure as my Uncle
described to me in hushed tones who this man was and what he had done for our country.
The real gift that Alex gave me over the years, however, was that he never acted as if it
were odd for a young boy to have a keen interest in history. Because staying up late
debating whether or not Stonewall Jackson was a hypochondriac was treated as perfectly
normal, perfectly normal it became.
Looking back, I first remember thinking about what I would later realize was ethics or
morals in relation to Robert E. Lee and his decision to support his home state of Virginia
against the Union. My first contemplation of death took place after reading the
correspondence of a young Union soldier who was shot and killed at Manassas before his
younger bride ever received his letter. In short, my entire awareness has been shaped and
influenced by my Uncle Alex's colorful pedagogy. I don't know what my life would have
been without his influence but it certainly would have been different. I'm grateful that I
shall never know.
Uncle Alex didn't just teach me about a period of history. He taught me about life. He
taught me the power of opening young minds to the mystery of knowledge. Most
importantly, he taught me how to live life with excitement and passion. They are lessons
I shall never forget.
This scholarship essay question (Who has been the most influential person in your life?)
is a common scholarship prompt. The example posted here is a winning scholarship
submission that deals effectively and affectionately with the question.

Sampel 5:
My double major in Government and Studies of Women, Gender, and Sexuality (WGS)
always provokes one of two reactions. Some people, like my uncle, make light of the
concept of a man majoring in womens studies; others, like my grandmother, pull me
aside with a worried look and encourage me to try studying something besides gay and
lesbian theory. I had always planned to work in human rights advocacy, and my academic
choices seemed like good preparation for that field. Still, my uncles skepticism nursed a
suspicion that I would perpetually be an outsider if I studied issues like feminism, ethnic
conflict, racism, or poverty. My grandmothers concern fostered an equal and opposite
conviction that there is something self-serving about fighting for gay and lesbian rights
when you have a personal investment in that struggle.

When I arrived at college, I had not begun to grapple with the ethical underpinnings of
social justice. I dove into [my universitys] First-Year Urban Program, a week of
volunteering which stressed that it can be counterproductive to work on behalf of a group
without working with those people themselves. As I listened to a homeless speaker
reminisce about how clueless volunteers could be, my mind flashed back to rooms full of
white, middle class Midwesterners, and I wondered what I had actually contributed to
local campaigns against poverty, racism, and violence. I kept myself updated on the
politics of those movements, but without attempting to interact with individuals who
were personally fighting those battles, I could never confidently say whether I had helped
or hindered their efforts. In the years that followed, I threw myself into gay and lesbian
activism on campusand felt naturally authoritative when I spoke up.
It was outside the campus context, however, that I witnessed how the ability to
understand othersand not outsider or insider statustruly characterizes effective
advocacy. After receiving a Weissman Fellowship from [my university] to work abroad, I
spent a summer at the International Lesbian and Gay Association in Brussels, Belgium. It
was initially jarring because developments in the United States were rarely mentioned in
the office, where I was tracking the decriminalization of homosexuality in Africa and
Asia, publicizing anti-gay violence at parades in Latvia and Russia, and translating
materials on womens health and same-sex domestic violence. What I considered
contemporary gay and lesbian issueslike adoption and marriagewere distant goals on
the organizations agenda. Nonetheless, though I was working on behalf of people who
were thousands of miles away and had different objectives, my familiarity with the
movements resources, symbols, and terminology made me markedly more effective as
an ally.
Shortly afterwards, I left for South Africa to do field research for my thesis. In 1996, the
South African Constitution was the first in the world to ban discrimination on the basis of
sexual orientation, and I investigated how the subsequent decade of progressive legal
victories occurred in spite of an overwhelmingly unreceptive public. The Government
Department demanded a quantitative comparison of countries where similar reforms had
been proposed. Professors in WGS, on the other hand, suggested that I use personal
testimonies to understand how post-apartheid politics shaped gender and sexuality. I
quickly realized that the movement in South Africa could not be explained by
comparative cases, since apartheid and history put it in a class unto itself, but the personal
(and occasionally, contradictory) perspectives of my interviewees also failed to produce a
definitive conclusion. It was only through a combination of fieldwork and legislative
research that I found that the countrys progressive legal framework masked very specific
problemsranging from administrative indifference to endemic violencein
communities fragmented by race, class, and gender. As an outsider who still felt a
connection to the movement, I was not sure whether I could accurately depict that reality.
As one interviewee pointed out, however, the gay and lesbian movement in South Africa
has historically depended on activists who challenged claims that homosexuality is unAfrican, but also relied on outsiders who listened to South Africans, lobbied
governments, and raised awareness around the world.

I have witnessed the ways in which individuals use journalism, law, and political pressure
to draw international attention to populations who suffer from abuse and repression.
Whether one is part of those populations or not, the ability to listen to others and
contextualize observations is a necessary precursor to meaningful advocacy. Without that
background in anthropological theory and ethnographic practice, it is difficult to know
whether attempts to work with marginalized populations do more harm than good. As an
undergraduate, I have developed a better understanding of the ideological justifications
for human rights. Now, I want to train myself to conduct fieldwork and bring the pursuit
of those protections to light.
I am seeking a program that trains students to put research skills to use, but also
encourages graduates to think critically about their work. Oxfords program is especially
attractive because of its insistence on the inseparability of rigorous methodology and
sociopolitical theory. The MPhil in Social Anthropology stresses training in quantitative
and qualitative methodologies, but graduates are encouraged to apply those skills
thoughtfully by engaging with Marx, Weber, and other social theorists. The first year of
the program is virtually identical to the MSc, and provides an introduction to the field of
anthropology before those concepts are put into practice in the second year. Students
from a variety of disciplines, from academic anthropology to advocacy and human rights,
are thus able to pursue the degree and enrich each others experiences. In South Africa,
minority movements succeeded because they stressed that human rights are indivisible.
Oxfords Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology stresses this interplay of religion,
nationalism, and ethnicity, and Dr. X and Dr. Y would be especially invaluable resources
while studying the political mobilization of identities. As a human rights advocate, the
ability to conduct cross-cultural research, understand key concerns, and bring violations
to light arent only skills I hope to master, but ones I am determined to practice.

Sample 6:
My grandmother clutches her rosary and wags an admonishing forefinger at me as I sort
through the dozens of saris she has collected over eighty years. Fish curry cooks over a
wood fire in the kitchen while a cow saunters in the street outside. It is a soggy monsoon
afternoon in Sampige, the village home of my mothers family since before Vasco de
Gama landed in India. My summer is drawing to a close. I have done bloody battle with
leeches in the jungle, wrangled a classroom full of children yelling, Ajith said a bad
wordbeat him! and encountered a man who, hearing I was American, growled and
proudly showed me the pixilated Osama bin Laden on his cell phone. Yet few memories
stand out as vividly as my grandmother and the unlikelihood, bordering on absurdity, that
this womans granddaughter should sing the fight song at college football games, use the
word Google, or watch MTVs Pimp My Ride.
Daughter of a Midwestern boy and a girl from Calcutta, I find it amazing that my Indian
grandmother, experientially a world away, set the stage for my life. As I have studied for
degrees in Letters and International Studies, the interconnectedness of human experience
across time and culture has been a recurring theme. Just as religious nationalism in Serbia

has parallels to Indias Hindu-based BJP party, knowing about the governance of Sparta
under Lycurgus lends historical perspective to the fusion of faith and governance. My
academic background forms a broad and rich foundation for the English Language and
Literature B.A. at Oxford. Having seen the interplay of various academic disciplines, I
am anxious to apply this awareness to studying the intertwined development of literature
and language.
I have known for several years that I want to become an English professor and a writer.
Like most word-geeks I am fascinated by the ability of skillful writers to capture images
and convey effects through their handling of language. I want to explore the technical and
formal aspects that make it possible for literature to reflect and change the people who
read it. One of the best courses I have taken was an introductory American History class
in which we read novelists from Alger to Kesey to DeLillo. Along with learning about
historical events, we discovered through literature how those events had shaped
Americans view of the human experience. Understanding history, philosophy and
politics gives literature its grounding while literature gives those subjects their life. One
reason I love literature is its power to challenge me and refine my view of myself and
others. Literature charts my common ground with characters as diverse as a street urchin
in a Dickens saga and a modern Japanese businessman in a sketch by Murakami.
Studying at Oxford was a childhood dream of mine, discarded along with my tutu. I was
originally attracted to the fact that Bertie Wooster was an Oxonian, but the English
Language and Literature B.A. degree and the tutorial system rekindled my interest when I
participated in the Honors at Oxford program. The English B.A. focuses on giving the
student a solid grasp of the development of English literature from Beowulf to present.
Learning the foundations of literature provides the basis for future specialization just as a
background in the broader humanities enriches the understanding of literature. Reading
James Joyces Ulysses taught me how literature and culture anchor a writers work and
broaden his scope of possible expression. Anyone could describe Leopold Bloom making
a pot of tea. James Joyce chose to relate the event in the form of a catechism, borrowing
cultural and literary associations of Christianity which lend Blooms every thought and
action a preternatural significance and make a statement of bold humanism without ever
straying from the narrative. Without Joyces knowledge of his historical and literary
family tree from Homer to Yeats, Ulysses would have been un-writable. Without a
similar awareness on the part of the reader, it is unreadable as well.
The best professors I have encountered have been those who combine their expertise with
knowledge and interests beyond their specialties. In their offices a question about Iraq
turns into a discussion of Virginia Woolf. They are the professors who see their own
subject as a contribution to my broader development as a scholar and as a person.
Literature in particular is a fertile ground for interdisciplinary application and has
practical relevance in other fields. As an English professor grounded in both literary
history and interdisciplinary studies, I hope to bring students in touch with the beauty and
power of the written word, with an eye to helping them clarify their own values, discover
their potential and find their niche in the world.

As an aspiring writer, I know that producing two papers each week will be invaluable to
my development. I have written for friends and family and known the delight of a wellformed sentence from an early age, but it was not until college that I took my own writing
very seriously. I have learned to appreciate the connotations and sound qualities of
individual words and to notice how those attributes can be used to create subtlety of
meaning. Writing an opinion column for the school newspaper has exposed me to the
challenge of distilling my own thoughts and observations for the consumption of
strangers. I enjoy examining a narrow facet of life and seeing how it reflects upon the
greater whole.
I have always tried to live my life with initiative. Whether traipsing onstage in a bikini
when my friends dared me to enter a beauty pageant or visiting my Grandmother in
Sampige, through a wide range of experiences I view life from a variety of angles and
incorporate them into my worldview and writing. Studying English at Oxford is a logical
next step towards a career of using literature to examine assumptions and discover
unsuspected commonalities, thus bridging a span as wide as that between myself and my
grandmother, who recently heard that she is mentioned in my essay for the Rhodes
Scholarship. See how good God is! she exclaimed. My name is going to Oxford!

Sample 7:
I grew up in Oakland County, a predominantly white suburb of Detroit, Michigan. It and
a handful other counties circling Detroit are largely the result of the white flight spurred
by the citys 1960s race riots. Whenever my father and I visited the city, he casually
pressed the automatic lock button as we crossed Eight Mile Road, the dividing line
between the suburbs and the city. He grew up in Detroit and remembered a vibrant,
diverse citydrastically different from the dilapidated, primarily African American city I
saw. My mother worked as an advocate for urban teens in the city for years, and my
father drew up building proposals in an attempt to rebuild the city. The daughter of a
community-minded architect and teacher, I was raised to think of myself as a catalyst for
social improvement through creativity.
While studying at [my college], I focused on performance art, a discipline in which the
human body becomes the artistic medium. Some of my best classes involved
collaborations with a female juvenile facility, local farmers, and the Humane Society. In
each of these classes, we used art to reach out to different members of our community.
During my senior year, I performed a monologue in front of large-scale paintings I
created about my citys namesake. Upon graduating from college in 2006, I was awarded
a fellowship with Artrain USA, an art museum in a locomotive that travels the country,
bringing world-class exhibitions to impoverished, art-starved communities. I created
puppet shows and paintings about the towns we visited and staged re-enactments of
significant local events. After my fellowship with the Artrain USA, I was awarded an
artist residency with a community arts organization with two galleries, a stage,
classrooms, and seven resident artist studios. [The city], historically a working-class port
town, offered a host of historical events, figures, and rituals for me to explore. Its modern

day culture also fascinated meits rich cultural diversity, its proximity to the Mason
Dixon Line, and the ways in which blue collar [citizens] who had lived on the same street
for 40 years bumped up against recent Latin American immigrants.
[The city] seemed, in some ways, to echo my fathers stories about Detroit. But while in
Detroit much of the white population now lives north of the city, [my new citys] racial
divide consists of block and neighborhood divisions. It struggles with high crime, drugs,
and gang-related violence. When I moved into the Creative Alliance, there had been a
spike in drug-related theft on our block. Every day I heard a different racial or ethnic slur
uttered on the street. I wanted to change the hostility somehow, but couldnt figure out
how to break through the tension of my new city. Then, I saw a photograph that changed
In the old newspaper photo, Washday, a row of pristine marble steps leading to the
citys row houses are meticulously scrubbed by housewives in the midday sun. The
residents were unbelievably unified, as though the women had decided to scrub their
steps at precisely the same hour. I had never noticed anyone in my neighborhood
scrubbing steps and began to suspect that the absence of this performance was a symptom
of something greater than a lapse in marble maintenance. Beginning in the late 19th
century, this ritual was performed each Saturday by the female heads of household all
first-generation Americans and recent immigrants from Italy, Poland, and Germany. The
performance of the weekly chore, once unifying them in their fresh homeowners pride,
fell off gradually as the 20th century progressed, renters moved in, and a generation
moved on. I decided to use this aspect of [my citys] history as a point of entry into the
complexities of its current social structure by performing the once-communal chore.
Though great in theory, this was not an easy task. Almost immediately I realized that I
was afraid of my audience, afraid they might not remember or care about the part of their
history I was trying to resurrect. Would they slam the door in my face? Some did. But
many more said yes. Every Saturday for the past six months, I have worn a 1940s
housedress and apron. I go door to door with a bucket of water, scrub brush and a can of
Bon Ami Polishing Cleanser, knock on my neighbors doors, and ask Do Your Steps?
Their reactions range from delighted glee as they recount their days scrubbing steps to
confusion if they are strangers to the ritual. Most often, we end up in a lively discussion
about the history of their block, the ritual of step scrubbing, and their theories on why the
tradition ended.
This is just one example of my belief that it is critical that people engage with the history
of the place they live to understand its present social, cultural, and economic dynamics.
Just as Ive seen in [cities across the country], historically based performance art could do
wonders to shed light on international affairs in an engaging, thought-provoking way. It
performs the double purpose of drawing historians and politicians to art, and drawing art
appreciators to politics and history. Sometimes it takes an outsider to look at a countrys
history and politics to re-ignite an interest in or reframe that piece of history.

Many other performance artists have taken their inspiration from global and cultural
politics. Guillermo Gomez-Pena, for example, is a Mexican-born performance artist,
creating work about the politics of the U.S./Mexican border. NaoKo TakaHashi is
another performance artist whose work highlights the ambiguities of national and
individual identities, focusing on re-location in London. I would like to become just such
an ambassador, learning about a new place while connecting with its people through

Sample 8:
On one hot late-summer day when I was in high school, my parents came back from a
shopping trip with a surprise present for me: the legendary board game, Diplomacy. At
first I scoffed at such an old-fashioned game. Who would want to waste glorious sunny
days moving armies around a map of pre-World War I Europe, pretending to be
Bismarck or Disraeli? But after playing the game once, I became absolutely riveted by
the nuances of statecraft, and soon began losing sleep as I tried to craft clever diplomatic
gambits, hatch devious schemes, and better understand the game's ever-changing
dynamics. As my friends and I spent the second half of the summer absorbed by the
game, my parents grinned knowingly. How could I resist being fascinated with
Diplomacy, they asked me, when I incessantly read about international affairs, and liked
nothing more than debating politics over dinner? How could I resist being fascinated,
when I had spent most of my summers in Greece (and, much more briefly, France and
England), witnessing first-hand the ways in which countries differ socially, culturally,
and politically?
Though my passion for foreign policy and international affairs undoubtedly dates back to
high school, I never had the chance to fully develop this interest before college. Once I
arrived at Harvard, however, I discovered that I could learn about international relations
through both my academics and my extracurricular activities. Academically, I decided to
concentrate in Government, and, within Government, to take classes that elucidated the
forces underlying the relations of states on the world stage. Some of the most memorable
of these classes included Human Rights, in which we discussed what role humanitarian
concerns ought to play in international relations; Politics of Western Europe, in which I
learned about the social, economic, and political development of five major European
countries; and Causes and Prevention of War, which focused on unearthing the roots of
conflict and finding out how bloodshed could have been avoided. Currently, for my
senior thesis, I am investigating the strange pattern of American human rights-based
intervention in the post-Cold War era, and trying to determine which explanatory
variables are best able to account for it.
Interestingly, I think that I have learned at least as much about international relations
through my extracurriculars in college as I have through my classes. For the past three
years, for instance, I have helped run Harvard's three Model United Nations conferences.
As a committee director at these conferences, I researched topics of global importance
(e.g. the violent disintegration of states, weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East),

wrote detailed study guides discussing these subjects, and then moderated hundreds of
students as they debated the topics and strove to resolve them. Even more enriching for
me than directing these committees was taking part in them myself. As a delegate at other
schools conferences, I would be assigned to represent a particular country on a particular
UN committee (e.g. France on the Security Council). I would then need to research my
country's position on the topics to be discussed, articulate my view in front of others in
my committee, and convince my fellow delegates to support my position. Trying to peg
down a country's elusive national interest, clashing over thorny practical and
philosophical issues, making and breaking alliances - Model UN was basically a
simulation of how diplomacy really works.
Thankfully, I have also found time over the past few years to cultivate interests and skills
unrelated to Model UN and foreign policy. One of the most important of these has been
community service. As a volunteer for Evening With Champions, an annual ice-skating
exhibition held to raise money for children with cancer, and as a teacher of a weekly high
school class on current events and international affairs, I have, whenever possible, used
my time and talents to benefit my community. Another more recent interest of mine is the
fascinating realm of business. Two years ago, my father's Christmas present to me was a
challenge rather than a gift: he gave me $500,but told me that I could keep it only if I
invested it in the stock market - and earned a higher rate of return than he did with
another $500. Since then, I have avidly followed the stock market, and become very
interested in how businesses interact and respond to strategic threats (perhaps because of
the similarities between business competition and the equally cutthroat world of
diplomatic realpolitik). A final passion of mine is writing. As the writer of a biweekly
column in the Independent, one of Harvard's student newspapers, I find very little as
satisfying as filling a blank page with words - creating from nothing an elegant opinion
piece that illuminates some quirk of college life, or induces my readers to consider an
issue or position that they had ignored until then.
Because of my wide range of interests, I have not yet decided what career path to follow
into the future. In the short run, I hope to study abroad for a year, in the process
immersing myself in another culture, and deepening my personal and academic
understanding of international affairs. After studying abroad, my options would include
working for a nonprofit organization, entering the corporate world, and attending law
school. In the long run, I envision for myself a career straddling the highest levels of
international relations, politics, and business. I could achieve this admittedly ambitious
goal by advancing within a nonprofit group, think tank, or major international company.
Perhaps most appealingly, I could also achieve this goal by entering public service and
obtaining some degree of influence over actual foreign policy decisions - that is,
becoming a player myself in the real-life game of Diplomacy.

Sample 9:
Nothing in all the world is comparable to reading Ayn Rand beneath New York's skyline
or to studying Nietzsche atop a mountain summit.

Since childhood, the studies of philosophy and science have interested me profoundly.
Having read many books on relativity, quantum mechanics, existentialism, religion,
capitalism, democracy and post-Aristotelian philosophy, my quest for knowledge has
only intensified. Certainly, the purpose of my life is to discover a greater understanding
of the universe and its people. Specifically, I plan to better grasp the interrelationship
among forces, matter, space, and time. In addition, I hope to find a unified field theory
and a convincing explanation for the birth of the universe.
During the summer of tenth grade, I took a number theory course at Johns Hopkins
University with students from Alaska, California, and Bogota, Colombia. My attendance
of the New Jersey Governor's School in the Sciences is another accomplishment that
exemplifies my dedication to knowledge. During the summer following eleventh grade, I
took courses in molecular orbital theory, special relativity, cognitive psychology, and I
participated in an astrophysics research project. For my independent research project, I
used a telescope to find the angular velocity of Pluto. With the angular velocity
determined, I used Einstein's field equations and Kepler's laws to place an upper bound
on the magnitude of the cosmological constant, which describes the curvature of space
and the rate of the universe's expansion.
In addition to learning science, I recently lectured physics classes on special relativity at
the request of my physics teacher. After lecturing one class for 45 minutes, one student
bought many books on both general and special relativity to read during his study hall.
Inspiring other students to search for knowledge kindles my own quest to understand the
world and the people around me.
Also, as president of the National Honor Society, I tutor students with difficulties in
various subject areas. Moreover, I am ranked number one in my class, and I am the
leading member of the Math Team, the Academic Team, and the Model Congress Team.
In the area of leadership, I have recently received the Rotary Youth Leadership Award
from a local rotary club and have been asked to attend the National Youth Leadership
Forum on Law and the Constitution in Washington D.C. Currently enrolled in Spanish 6,I
am a member of both the Spanish Club and the Spanish Honor Society.
As student council president, I have begun a biweekly publication of student council
activities and opinions. Also, the executive board under my direction has opened the
school store for the first time in nearly a decade and is finding speakers to speak at a
series of colloquia on topics ranging from physics to politics. Directing fund raisers and
charity drives also consumes much of my time. For instance, I recently organized a
charity drive that netted about $1,500 for the family of a local girl in need of a heart
Consistent with my love of freedom and my belief in democracy, which is best
summarized by Hayek's Road to Serfdom, I have recently initiated an application to
become the liaison to the local board of education. Also, in keeping with my belief that

individuals develop strong principles and ideology, I teach Sunday school three months a
year and have chaperoned for a local Christian school.
Outside pure academics and leadership roles, I lift weights five times a week for an hour
each day. In addition, I play singles for my school's varsity tennis team. Because I find
extraordinary satisfaction in nature and have dedicated my life to its understanding, I
enjoy mountain climbing. Among the notable peaks I have reached are Mt. Washington,
Mt Jefferson, Mt. Madison, Mt. Marcy and Mt. Katahdin. Unquestionably, my life's aim
is to dramatically raise the height of the mountain of knowledge so that my successors
may have a more accurate view of the universe around them.

Sample 10:
Like Mr. Crabiel, I literally work tirelessly in many academic and leadership roles. I
sleep no more than six hours a night because of my desire to expertly meet my many
commitments. Throughout my life, I have worked as long and as hard as I possibly can to
effect beneficial changes in both school and society.
During the summer of tenth grade, I took a number theory course at Johns Hopkins
University with students from Alaska, California, and Bogota, Colombia. Similarly,
during the summer following eleventh grade, I was one of ninety students from New
Jersey selected to attend the Governor's School in the Sciences at Drew University. At
Drew, I took courses in molecular orbital theory, special relativity, cognitive psychology,
and I participated in an astrophysics research project. For my independent research
project, I used a telescope to find the angular velocity of Pluto. With the angular velocity
determined, I used Einstein's field equations and Kepler's laws to place an upper bound
on the magnitude of the cosmological constant, which describes the curvature of space
and the rate of the universe's expansion.
In addition to learning science, I recently lectured physics classes on special relativity at
the request of my physics teacher. After lecturing one class for 45 minutes, one student
bought many books on both general and special relativity to read during his study hall.
Inspiring other students to search for knowledge kindles my own quest to understand the
world and the people around me.
As president of the National Honor Society, I tutor students with difficulties in various
subject areas. In addition, I am ranked number one in my class with an SAT score of
1580 and SATII scores of 750 in math, 760 in writing, and 800 in physics. In school, I
take the hardest possible courses including every AP course offered at the high school. I
am the leading member of the Math Team, the Academic Team, and the Model Congress
Team. In the area of leadership, I have recently received the Rotary Youth Leadership
Award from a local rotary club, have been asked to attend the National Youth Leadership
Forum on Law and the Constitution in Washington D.C., and wrote the winning essay on
patriotism for South Plainfield's VFW chapter. Currently enrolled in Spanish 6,I am a

member of both the Spanish Club and the Spanish Honor Society. In addition, I recently
was named a National Merit Scholar.
Besides involvement in academic and leadership positions, I am active in athletics. For
instance, I lift weights regularly. In addition, I am the captain of my school's varsity
tennis team. So far this year, my individual record on the team is 3-0.
Working vigorously upon being elected Student Council President, I have begun a
biweekly publication of student council activities and opinions. Also, the executive board
under my direction has opened the school store for the first time in nearly a decade. With
paint and wood, we turned a janitor's closet into a fantastic store. I also direct many fund
raisers and charity drives. For instance, I recently organized a charity drive that netted
about $1,500 for the family of Alicia Lehman, a local girl who received a heart
As Student Liaison to the South Plainfield Board of Education, I am working to introduce
more advanced-placement courses, more reading of philosophy, and more math and
science electives into the curriculum. At curriculum committee meetings, I have been
effective in making Board members aware of the need for these courses. In addition, my
speeches at public Board meetings often draw widespread support, which further helps to
advance my plans for enhancing the curriculum.
I have also been effective as a Sunday school teacher. By helping elementary school
students formulate principles and morals, I make a difference in their lives every week.
The value system that I hope to instill in them will last them their entire lives. I find
teaching first-graders about Christ extremely rewarding.
Clearly, I have devoted my life both to working to better myself and to improving
civilization as a whole. Throughout the rest of my life, I hope to continue in this same
manner of unselfish work. Just as freeholder Crabiel dedicates his life to public service, I
commit my life to helping others and to advancing society's level of understanding.
Graduate Scholarships Center

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