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Explain interval training:

Interval training is when an athlete alternates between two activities that have unique, different rates of
speed, degrees of effort, or any other physical factor(s). It is a variety of discontinuous training, which
involves a series of low to high intensity exercise workouts combined with rest or relief periods called
intervals. The high-intensity period normally consists of anaerobic exercise or any other demanding
routine(s), whereas the recovery periods involve lower intensity activities and routines. For the most
part, the trainers goal is to improve his or her overall speed and cardiovascular fitness. Interval training
can include not only cardiovascular workouts, but also training for other kinds of sports as well. For the
most part, however, interval training is a technique well known and used by runners.

Explain repeat training:

Unlike interval training, which one could not repeat and was not a continuous type of training, repeat
training is a repeatable type of training. As its name suggests, repeat training requires an athlete to
repeat all the processes within a given amount of time and/or sets. Like interval training, repeat training
is well adapted to all sports and especially cardiovascular training, and generally it is the most basic
variety of training that one can utilize.

Explain threshold/tempo training:

Threshold/tempo training is perhaps one of the most productive and useful types of training,
particularly for distance runners. Training with this variety helps runners pace themselves and avoid
overexerting themselves, which yields more fulfilling workouts and an overall better consistency. With
steady, prolonged, yet moderated training, distance runners can grow greatly throughout a threshold
training routine. The typical, recommended pace for T-pace running can be from 83 to 88 percent of the
VO2 Max, or 88 to 92 percent of the VO2 Max or maximum heart rate.

My interval workout:
4 x 400m (1/4 mile) at 5:47/400m (based on VDOT Interval calculation) with 200m jog between each

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