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Michael Gillespie
Dabian Witherspoon
ENGL 102-01
Sept. 9, 2014
My Day as a Freshman
The sky was cloudy, plus the weather itself was just god awful. From the humidity to the
light drizzle which tickled my nose. Nothing was going the way I had planned it to go. Not the
parking, checking in, or even meeting my professors. Not a single thing went correctly for me on
the First day of me becoming a freshman. I thought to myself Things may not be as bad later
down the road since the road is already so rough. Then the first day of class came and I felt as if
the classes had it in for me.
I may sound a little clich but god I never knew being on my own would take so much
effort on my part. First off let me talk about my schedule my days alternate at least when it
comes down to the time that I wake up in the morning. Mondays, Wednesday, and Fridays I
wake up at nine in the morning and got to class until two-fifty in the afternoon. On Tuesdays,
and Thursdays I have class at eight-thirty god I thought after high school I could sleep in. After
the waking up issue comes the actual walk to my classes. Between my first two classes the walk
isnt that bad, maybe a two, three minute walk. As the day lingers on though my classes are
spread apart so that I have to run to make it to class. Now Im not the type of person to shy from
a little exercise but Jesus my legs killed me. They had not hurt as much as they had since my
freshman year in marching band.

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Furthermore walking was the least of my concerns. Books it was no longer high school
where they gave me books, but now I must buy my own books. These books though are not a
sum of change when it comes to price. My books totaled out to about 985 dollars, almost a
thousand dollars. I hadnt seen so many zeros except for on my video games. To think just a few
months before I had complained about renting out a library book, now I have to pay to rent out a
music book for a semester. What have I gotten myself into was the only thing running through
my head. The bright side of giving my money away was that I had no trouble paying for my
tuition, since I had so many scholarships to cover all of it for the semester. Making my life more
relieving then over the summer when I had to take a loan to pay for classes I didnt even have to
take for my major.
Finally I came down to my major Music Education I had never took any thought on
what my high school band director had told me about being an music educator as my career. The
summer class was nothing like the actual courses I had to take, though the summer classes did
give me some relief unlike some of my other peers which seemed to be freaking out about
everything. Class wise though there was so much that I had to do when I came down to my
studies. The worst of it all came from orientation week. We sat through classes all day and had
nothing to do besides to stay awake. From when we woke up in the morning to the time that we
laid our heads down to sleep at night. All we could do was eat, sleep, and sit through session
after session about being successful with whatever we were going to do in the upcoming week.
Now lets not leave out the occasional activity that we were allowed to have and or do. It
was fun, we laughed, chilled, and even worked as a unit but the first week of class there was no
team or group to help me. It was just me against the world. Yes I did have select few people that
helped me when it came down to some homework or studies, but besides that it was all left up to

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me. For starting that Monday I was my own person no one to spoon feed me or baby me
anymore when it came to my education. Even though some classes seemed to be as easy as my
high school course that I took my senior year. Yet things did not always seem that way in other
classes, such as music, English, and even my applied instrumental study.
In the end though I pushed through not letting anything or anyone get in my way and
slow me down for what I am working for. The degree in Music Education that me and half of he
other freshman CU class of eighteen are working for. For me though I will not be just a number
to be tossed around from class to class, and person to person. I am to be the person that ive
always wanted to be, a person of higher education and with a bright future ahead of me. Unlike
all of the other students that graduated from my high school. Over all though my first week of
college was the best thing that could of came from my experience in high school, and the life
lessons that I have learned thus far. Though it may have started off rough with the rain and all, in
the final days before my first class I looked upon my past and what I had awaiting me in the

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