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Daisy Ruvalcaba

Hum 312
Dr. Gayle Elliot
Response 3
I dont like writing. I never understood why I have hard time writing papers. In class I
read the short story Eleven by Sandra Cisneros, I remembered the experience I had when I was
in the sixth grade. In the short story Rachel was made felt bad on her birthday. I was told I did
not know how to write. The writings of Sandra Cisneros have taught me to have confidence in
my writings. Cisneros short story have the ability of inspiring you be better even though you
have a bad experience growing up.
In the sixth grade I was humiliated in front of the whole class. In the short story Eleven
By Sandra Cisneros , the main character was also humiliated in front of the whole class. The
whole class had to write a summary about a chapter in the book. The teacher kept confusing me
of what exactly she wanted me to write on the paper. I kept erasing what was on the piece of
paper, so my paper was all dirty. The whole class was talking like they always did. Only couples
of us were actually writing. The Teacher was outside having a conversation with someone on the
phone, she seemed a little mad. The teacher rushes in and looks at me and asked me if I had
finished writing. She grabs the paper out of my hand rips it up and in front of the whole class
she said did you write this with your feet, this is trash just like you The whole class stared at
me. I turned all red and didnt know what to do. The whole class just stared at me as I cried. The
teacher yells GET OUT OF MY CLASS AND CRY OUTSIDE! This whole sixth grade
experience made me self-confident about my writing skills. As a result of the humiliation that I

felt that day it effected my education like the humiliation that Rachel felt in the short story
Eleven by Sandra Cisneros.
In front of the whole class Rachel was told that the ugly sweater was hers because Mrs.
Price associated ugly with her. It was Rachels eleventh birthday and she was excited that it was
her birthday. Mrs Price decided to humiliate her in front of the whole class in the short story by
Sandra Cisneros. An ugly sweater like that, all raggedy and old, but Mrs. Price believes her.
Mrs. Price takes the sweater and puts it right on my desk, but when I open my mouth nothing
comes out. "That's not, I don't, you're not...Not mine," I finally say in a little voice that was
maybe me when I was four. Mrs. Price did not let Rachel explain that wasnt her sweater. I was
eleven also when my teacher let me know how terrible my writing was. The teacher had to let the
whole class know that I had bad penmanship.
Sandra Cisneros writings tell the story of a happy day and in the middle of the story the
story changes to a sad story. This story has inspired me to change the way I think. I have decided
to write and give writing a chance. Cisneros stories are very inspiring because they tell you of a
better day. In the short story Eleven By Sandra Cisneros, Rachel stays positive even though
she had a bad day.
I do not like writing because of the experience I had in the sixth grade. I always think of
the day that the teacher called ripped the paper in my face and compared and said that I didnt
know how to write. When I read the short story Eleven by Sandra Cisneros I started to cry
because I remember how it felt to told in front of the whole class that my work was awful.

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