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From financial inclusion to the prevention of over-indebtedness through European private law

Irina Domurath, Ph.D. Fellow University of Copenhagen

Abstract for IGLRC 2015, Kings College, London
This paper examines the prevention of over-indebtedness through European private law, with a focus on
consumer mortgages. After an examination of the causal mechanism that can lead to over-indebtedness, it
claims that private law tools can serve to prevent over-indebtedness of European consumers. While the
overwhelming part of the literature and policy initiatives in the field of consumer law since the financial crisis
has focused on a narrower set of risk factors for over-indebtedness such as a lack of information, toxic
products, or over-commitment of consumers, this paper pays special attention to one important, albeit
neglected, cause of over-indebtedness, namely the occurrence of financial disasters.
Drawing on the literature on the political economy of the EU, the paper is based on the observation that the EU
policy goal of financial inclusion exposes a wider range of consumers to the financial market. While the
consequential rising levels of indebtedness might be unproblematic in times of financial stability, empirical
evidence suggests that the risk of over-indebtedness rises when financial crises occur. If financial crises are
considered an inherent part of the modern financial system, it must also be debated whether financial
inclusion, as such, exposes consumers to an increased risk of over-indebtedness.
In order to suggest specific private law tools that could protect from over-indebtedness through financial
inclusion and financial disasters, special attention is paid to the definition of risk factors and financial disasters.
It is analyzed to what extent the possibility of the latter irregularities from the viewpoint of the contractual
relation between lender and borrower can be incorporated into consumer mortgage credit agreements with
regard to an improved regulatory framework for the prevention of over-indebtedness.

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