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August 26th, 2014 Tuesday dictionary search

1. What is rhetoric?
2. What, then, is a rhetorical question?
3. What genres of writing have rhetoric? Think of everyday examples.
4. What genres do not?
1. Rhetoric is when you say something but dont expect a response in return. You are trying to just inform the person of
something or get them thinking on a topic. Persuasive writing
2. A rhetorical question is something that someone asks that isnt supposed to be answered back. It is kind of like common
sense questions. Persuasive question
3. Non formal writings have rhetorical questions. It is used in everyday life, mainly in classes though. Rhetorical questions get
you thinking on something.
4. Formal papers do not have rhetoric. Most research papers do not have rhetoric either.
Does have rhetoric:
Does NOT have rhetoric:
-math textbook (depends)
- fiction
- instructions
-political campaigns
- magazines (has to be persuasive)
-the bible
- biographies
- motivational speakers
- some science and history books
3 Rhetorical Appeals:
Pathos- emotion
Logos- logic
Ethos- ethics
Definition of the word ceiling: noun, the top of a room that is protective to objects or humans, normally keeping you inside.
So is the dictionary rhetoric. I still think it is rhetoric although in class we discussed how some definitions are better than
others. I still think that the definition is true even though you can try to persuade someone that there is a better definition. We
also discussed the same kind of thing with instructions and I still feel instructions do not have rhetoric in them.
More notes on moodle for rhetoric (PDF)

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