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Teacher Candidate: Carli Sisson

Date: October 29, 2014

Grade and Topic: 5th Grade Science

Length of Lesson: 60 minutes

Mentor Teacher: Dr. McDonald

School: University of Memphis IDT 3600

The short story Jack and the Beanstalk allows the student to read and analyze what is being read and then
properly record a summary into Microsoft Word. This story opens up a pathway for an experiment to be done
on the growth of a lima bean as well as a need for collected data to be recorded technologically into a line graph
for visual representation of their observations as described in the TN state science standard 0407.
Content Learning Goals and Objectives
1. Given a short story of Jack and the Beanstalk, TLW type a 5-10 sentence summary in a Microsoft
Word document with 100% accuracy.
2. Given a lima bean, TLW record the growth of the bean plant for 3 days with 100% accuracy.
3. Given a Microsoft Word Document, TLW use collected data to create a line graph measuring the
growth of the lima bean with 90% accuracy.
4. Given a laptop, TLW create a cover page for the short story in a Microsoft Word document with
100% accuracy.
Student Participation
The goal of this lesson is for the students to fully comprehend a short story by typing a summary as well as
performing research on the growth of a lima bean. Students are to correctly create technological based
recordings along with proper typing skills and creativity.
State/District and/or Common Core standards
SPI 0507.3.1
SPI 0507.3.2

Identify the cell structures that enable plants to conduct photosynthesis.

Compare how plants and animals obtain energy.

ISTE Standard
2. Use digital-imaging technology to modify or create works of art for use in a digital
4. Select and apply digital tools to collect, organize, and analyze data to evaluate theories or
test hypotheses.

Materials Used

Jack and the Beanstalk

Microsoft Word and Excel
Zip lock bag
Lima Bean
Paper Towel

Technology Integration
Students will use the short story given above to type a summary in their own words into a Microsoft Word document.
Microsoft will then be used to create a line graph so that the student can record his or her collected data of the growth of a
lima bean throughout a 3 day period.


Students will show how well they comprehended the short story by clearly typing in their own words a
summary of what they read.
Academic Language is not addressed in IDT 3600.
This lesson is a continuation of TN Science standard SPI 0507.3.1 and SPI 0507.3.2
The class will continue to use technology to record collected data through Microsoft Word and then
Microsoft Excel. Each student will be asked to type a 5-10 sentence summary of what was taught in
class starting from now on to better improve typing skills, sentence structure, and awareness.

I am aware that the lesson will be differentiated for students who did not master the objectives and for those ready
for enrichment. However, modifications are not covered in this course and are not part of this lesson.


Begin by handing out Jack and the Beanstalk.
Give the students 5 minutes to gather their thoughts and ask any questions about what was read.
Ask the students how they may relate to Jack in the story
Ask the students what they would have done if they were Jack in the story
Provide each student with a laptop.
Instruct the students to open Microsoft Word and being typing their 5-10 sentence summary.

Prior to the Computer (10 minutes)

Teacher Procedures:
1. Begin reading the short story, followed by asking for questions, comments, or concerns. Make sure each student is
gathering their thoughts while laptops are being passed out.
Student Procedures
1. Students are to follow along with teacher and read Jack and the Beanstalk.
2. They then are to sit quietly and think of their summary while laptops are being passed out.
Computer Time (40 minutes)

Teacher Procedures
1. Instruct students to open Microsoft Word
2. Have students being typing their 5-10 sentence summary
3. Direct students on how to insert and create a line graph on Microsoft
4. Direct students on the correct way to use clipart
5. Check to make sure each student is on track and saving documents correctly

Student Procedures
1. Open Microsoft Word
2. Type 5-10 sentence summary in Times New Roman 12 font
3. Open a new Microsoft Word document
4. Insert a line graph labeling the columns: Day 1 to Day 3 and rows: 0.5-2.5 inches
5. Open another Microsoft Word document
6. Find clipart and explore different images
7. Insert picture from clipart for cover page
8. Be CREATIVE and make a cover page for Jack and the Beanstalk
9. Save all documents under the same folder
10. Log onto student email
11. Email folder with summary, practice line graph, and cover page to teacher
12. On day 3 email teacher completed line graph of lima bean growth

Post Computer (20 minutes)

Teacher Procedures:
1. Gather students into a big circle
2. Allow each person a chance to share their favorite part of the story.
3. Pass out zip lock bags, lima beans, and paper towels.
4. Ask each student to return to desk and begin putting bags together
5. Let each student hang their back in the windows of classroom
6. Remind students to submit their completed line graph by email to teacher at the end of the week
Student Procedures:
1. In the circle each student is to share at least one thing about the story and chime in on what others say.
2. Students are to return to desk and being putting together their lima bean bag
3. Allow student to hang bag in the sunlight
Students will sit at desks and participate in a trivia game with vocabulary words that cover the unit about photosynthesis
till time to switch classes.


Student types only a
simple, less than 5
sentence summary of
the short story and
has 10 or more
grammatical errors.




Student meets the

minimum of 5
sentences but only
uses the summary to
explain who Jack is
and has 6 or more
grammatical errors.

Student types a
somewhat clear
summary of what is
going on in the story
with 4 or less
grammatical errors.

Student fully types a

5-10 sentence
summary with clear
wording and an
understanding of the
story with zero
grammatical errors.

Lima Bean

Student line graph is

not neat and not

Student records
measurements but
does not have
columns or rows

Student somewhat
clearly creates a line
graph that shows
almost precise
growth of the lima

Student creates a
line graph with the
exact bean growth
on the exact day
with zero errors.

Creative Cover
Page for
imaginary story

Students cover page

has no title, is sloppy
and lacks necessary

Student creates an
effective cover page
that shows the title
of the story.

Students cover
page is somewhat
clear but lacks color
and creativity.

Students cover
page has color,
clipart, title and
clearly shows the
short story in a

Typed summary
of the short story
with 10-15

I googled Science Writing Rubrics to help me create an effective rubric.

I am aware that modifications will be made for students who did not master the objectives and for those
ready for enrichment. However, modifications are not covered in this course and are not part of this
particular lesson.

Student Sample

Lima Bean Experiment

Growht in Inches

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Students Cover Page

Jack and the Beanstalk

Students Summary:

Jack and the Beanstalk involve a young boy and his mother struggling to make ends meet and they are forced to try and
sell their cow. Jack tells his mother he will take the cow into town to be sold and returns later with no cow but 5 beans that
are said to grow as tall as the sky if planted. The mother is mad but Jack plants them anyways, only to wake up the next
morning and see a giant beanstalk that reaches to the sky. He explores the beanstalk and meets a lady who is married to a
giant who wants to eat humans. Every time Jack climbs back down he takes things from the lady and the giant and these
things make his mom and him very rich. The last thing Jack stole was a harp and it woke the giant and he chased after
Jack. Jack ran as fast as he could and yelled at his mom for an axe. When he reached the bottom he cut the beanstalk
down. Nobody knows what happened to the giant and his wife, but they do know that Jack and his mom were very rich for
a very long time.

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