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Raymond Galicia uwrT Reading is one of the most powerful skills you can have. Reading and comprehending the things we read is an important tool that humans need. Being literate just does not mean knowing how to read, it means having knowledge in a specific area, You can be literate in anything from computers to food. The most common thing people associate with when they think of the word literate is being able to read and write. Growing up my family encouraged reading. Reading was such a staple in our house that it did not feel like homework. Some people dread reading but at home it was a fun thing. Every night I was read a chapter of a book or a short story. My favorite book was named "The Kissing Hand." The story was about a mother raccoon kissing the paw of her child. The child would put his paw up to his face whenever he would feel homesick. This story helped a lot when I started school. On the first day of kindergarten, I did not want to go. I remember being calmer than other kids but I was still was nervous about my Mom leaving be behind in the classroom, Some parents had to stay with their children because they could not handle being by themselves in a room with strangers. My mom kneeled to the ground kissed my hand and told me "If you feel scared, just put your hand to your cheek and know that I love you." After this T felt g/comforted and was ready for my first day of school. The book was given to use to ease separation anxiety, the story helped a great deal, and to this day my Mom brings up the story. By finding comfort in this story, I found comfort in other books. After I knew reading could make me feel at peace, I

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