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Having to write book reports were such a drag growing up. It wasn't hard to read, the bad part was answering the mandatory questions. In the end writing the report wasn't too bad! I feel by having to write papers on books helped me better understand what I was reading, Writing book reports helped with my literacy because it helped me comprehend what I was reading. I ‘would go into deep into the story when I knew that I had to answer questions on the thing I was reading. Having questions to answer makes you really look into the story and search for the things you need, Being graded on how well you read something was a big motivator for me. In high school getting good grades was everything. By having to read and write about books, it taught me the value of what was behin. to analyze what the story meant helped a lot with my literacy skill jing in betweeirthe lines was alwa}s encouraged and was the Sere asd Qkers Need Conausi | number one thing)

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