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Katie Cervoni

Cultivation Theory
App log
The Cultivation theory by George Gerbners main idea is that the medium is
the message. Gerbner focuses on the idea that the medium used in which to tell a
story is the story, and this is articulated throughout the chapter through television
usage and its effect of its users reality. The idea is that someone who is a heavy
viewer will begin to construct their reality to be that of a TV show or program
because of their viewing. For example a heavy viewer will have a great fear of
violence, and believe that there is more times than not an opportunity for them to be
the victim. This is shown in statistics that a heavy viewer believes that the chance of
being a victim is 1 in 1,000 people when in reality it is 1 in 100,000. This can also
change the idea of cultural issues and racial profiling. A heavy viewers reality will be
changed by their viewing habits.
This is so interesting to me, and also a new concept. The biggest life
application that I can take away from this chapter is the idea of a prince charming,
and a woman being dependent on a man and having the princess and her prince
mentality when it comes to relationships. I also believe that the romanticized idea of
relationships comes from this also. So many relationship will fall through and not
last because they are built upon the assumption that it will be just like the movies,
or the perfect fairytale ending.

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