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Mndez 1

Sara N. Mndez Gonzlez

Professor: Edna Cruz
English 3103
November 29, 2014
Parents: Sometimes Help, Sometimes Not
Some parents, have the ability to support the decision of their sons, others do
not agree and others do not care about it. I was blessed about my parents thanks to
God, because they always support me in my decision of what I wan to my future.
Obviously, I decide good things to my future that make mi grow up in a good way, so
if I were my parents I support me too. Other think that I like about my parents is
that when I was very stress about my notes and the things sometimes are not like I
thought, they always impulse me to finish my job and sayd to me that all is going to
be alright and this make me believe in me again. But this, is not the problem here.
Some parents are so stricted about her life and so perfect in what they wants with
her sons that sometimes commit the error of their lifes. This kind of parents want of
her sons to be all the things that they do not accomplished in her lifes and that is
wrong. They do not see that they are creating big problems in this childrens. This
acts of this parents get lower the autoestim of the childrens, divert them about what
they really want about her futures and also create scares in her mind. Just for this
things you can create a child that is not happy and can be very disgusted with life.
First of all, the child can have a low autoestim because the parents were
always trying to make that child to be perfect. Make it them to never be wrong. If
they were wrong they can be punished and also the parents reclaim them why him
or her do not make a best effort to get best. This create a low autoestim because
they were always negative and feels guilty about the results that they get in the
school or maybe in some sport. One example of this, is when the kid is in a
basketball team and he fail the ball in the basket and when the game finished, all
you can hear is a furious dad that is reclaimed his child why he is so stupid and
blind(ciego) that he can make a point in the game. This is just one thing that you can
see that can make a child without believe in them.

Mndez 1
Also, they can divert childrens about what they really wants about her
futures. How bad can be that your mom say to you that you have to be a doctor and
you want to be a dancer? How bad can be that all your live you were preparyng your
lifes for somethingh that you do not want to be? I think that this it can be really,
really bad. Just thinking about that you are destinate to work all your life in
something that you do not like and also dont make you happy and be satisfied about
it, cause me sadness. Only you can decide what you really want, not your parents,
not your grandfather, neither your girlfriend, only you. You have the decisions about
you really want to your live, you are free to decide and nobody can not say you
nothing, because is your hapiness.
Moreover, this can create in your mind scares. Scare if you fall again in the
class of math, scare if your dad scream in your face again, scare of how can be your
future if you fallow this steps that you do not want to walk. For example, how many
times a child came to his house and lie to his parents about her notes in their
classes?. They lie because the were scared about the reaction of their parents when
they said her notes to them, because the parents not understand that they make all
that they have in her hands to get a good note but, it just not happened like they
thoughted. This scares, are just some that all the scares that a child can have with
the pressure that they have in their mind because of his perfect parents.
In conclusion, this stricted parents, do not see that they can affect the
positive mind of their children and that their action can affected them. Also, they
divert the dreams of them and make them unhappy with the desicions that their
parents take without asking what they really whant about their futures. Moreover,
create scares that can be a psicologic damage in their minds. I just want that fathers
and mothers undesrstand the damage that they are creating in her sons and be
conscient that they can loose the only thing that can change her lifes in a good way.
Support the dreams of the children because they are going to be the future of the
society, and we want people that enjoy what they are and what they do.

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