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Final Reflection

During this semester, we started by This I Believe essay which I was not satisfied with my
grade in it. By the assistance from the Writing Resource Center, I rewrote and polished my
paper hoping to have a better final grade for it. The second major writing project was the oral
history interview; the experience of interviewing a professor in my major was new and
successful. It did not only benefit me in learning and practice how to conduct an interview but
also in learning about my intended major from a faculty member who had a great expertise in
mechanical engineering.
The following major project was the Ethnography, I liked this project a lot because I worked
out of the university frame and interacted with new people; also, I tried and learned how to do
a survey and observe a group of study. In addition, I learned how to add a secondary research
to enrich the primary observation with a scientific base that is needed to complete the
ethnographic study.
Finally the zine project, it was very interesting and special project because it was the first
time I use publisher program to design and work with a team. To mention the efforts that I
have put in this semester, I learned doing a lot of stuff from this class even outside of the
English area like how to design a portfolio and a simple form of magazine, also, I made a weekly
visiting to Writing Resource Center whether to revise my major writing papers or some entries
and also through the midnight madness event.
Overall I spent and put a great time and effort whether in making the entries, portfolio, or
the major three papers. I want regard to my This I believe paper although I see that there is

still places where I could improve the paper more or change the subject a little bit. I hope
seeing a reflection to my efforts in my final grade. Thanks for this awesome semester.

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