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Hanin Elatlram
Professor Douglas



9 September 2014
The Right

Will Come Back to its Owners

In my childhoodl4lrld{<I used to read stories or watch cartoons that contains

diverse characters and purposes, but they shared one common thing the good and the bad
side the heroes and the devils.
at the end and the welfare

ln every anecdote or animated cartoon, the hero has to win

will sprea{gfu,on

the other hand, the devil has to lose even



he was more stronger than the good/After

anymore the bad guy

will win

I became older, I did not

and the good


see these scenes

lose no matterwhat. Unexpectedly,


belief says that the truth has to come whether I, you, or we liked it or not; whether we
were part of revealing

it or hiding it. Whether I saw it or pretended being blind about it;

eventually it will appear.

The significances of this belief or the motives behind it came from my
background. Before three years, this idea started to be an intrinsic factor in my principles
and beliefs that drew a new mapo trace, and path in my life.

It was like

a milestone or a

turning point to my perspectives. This idea changed my concerns and every single detail
in my routine

life. I lived in a country, Libya,

whose political system was dictatorial.

Dictatorial system that was capable of doing anything in terms of universally

unacceptable, aggressive, and hostile to maintain its position even the papers that I wri'te

Elathram 2
yearsunder this bloody, oppressive, and
on them cannot endure its deeds. Roughly 42




A brave revolution started

However, the sun shone again afte.ldecadeJof darkness'
happened in that year and are known
in2011, and it was one of the five revolutions that

did not surrender or yield to the

nowadays by "Arab Spring", But our political system
back aggressively against the
reality; instead, it kept sending armies of killers to fight

revolutionists until their last bullets'

not give up easily, so it
The story did not finish on this. The government could
between spreading rumors about the public
started an unbelievable media war that ranged

photo shopping methods. This revolution lasted for ten month to

to altering the reality by
succeed and finish although some people


see that

it did not finish yet'

I could not acknowledge

Through this time, I did not believe what was going on'
could speak and express our opinions
that we, the public, became free, and finally we
our heads or whispering
without fearing of punishment anymore and without turning
months, I was pondering and questioning
before talking about the government. For ten
happen? and why now ?"'etc'
myself. Is this a reality or dream? How did this


I found the answers too to

always more important than the answers"(163).


and they were compiled in one word

these tAi{/A

" The truth'" Before this event I was not

that will come a day in which the

really sure that the truth has to appear; I was not certain
oppressad people


take their rights, and the oppressive ones

it, and
punishments. But it happened and I was a witness about


take the

if you

asked me why


hold this belief I would say, because I saw the power

of the truth; I saw its strength and
influences' In other words, Although the government
was a way much stronger than the
protesters, but they won. Because they were
holding the right with them; they were the

right side' Literally, whoever have the right and hold

the justice, he will be the winner
whether he was the stronger or the


This belief gives me the feeling of security and safety

in my life. I feel that
whatever is going to happen to me, and whateyer the
circumstances will be; I am sure
that I



take my rights in this

conversely, this belief also gives

alarms to avoid hurting or oppressing anyone, because


me cautions and

will retum

back, so

if I

took other people's rights, I would get my punishment

before maybe I die in this life. So
this belief represents the guarantee in my life that
works like a monitor or a guard in
adjusting my behavers and guides me toward the right path.
According to" The book

ofEli" movie,

an action and meaningful

film, we can see

along the events there that Eli was obsessive about

sending his mysterious book to the
west of America, because he knew that the truth
would be there, and believed that if this
book was the solution or the truth that the people
needed in that time then it had to appear
and reach to every individual person even

if the cost was his life.

The value of the truth and its represenration,,

person' For instance,

It is a nightmare for the


ones who

hstween every single


the other hand,

it is a desired dream for the people who spent their lives in

seeking about it. Sometimes,

difficult circumstances in the life push the people to believe

that the truth will never

Elathram 4

come' and when they forget about it and lose

the hope in getting it. It surprise them
by its
late coming' In other words, even if the
truth has been hidden for a while, eventually
has to come and the beauty in this belief

Iocations or for some people. simpry, ir

it is universal. It is not restricted in some

i:**:f t"

life,s inevitabre


Libr- tL^


Work Cited
Pausch, Randy, and Jefhey Zaslow. The last lecture. New York:
The book of Eti.

Hyrerion, 2008. Print.

Dir. Joel Silver. Perf. Denzel Washington- Warner Home Video,


Tobol, Sarah. "The Story Behind the Libyan Revolution." GQ.


Jan. 2011. Web. 9 Sept.

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