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Indonesia's national education system meant to ensure equal education opportunities,
improve the quality and relevance of education, as well as the efficiency of education
management in the face of the demands of globalization.
The era of globalization is happening today are faced with the challenge of a more
complex and competitive human resources intensifies, so it takes a superior human
resources by mastering science and technology. One of the government's efforts to produce
superior human resources is through education.
Education contributes greatly to improving the quality of human resources that
contribute greatly also to the progress of a nation. Intelligent people will give the feel of
intelligent life anyway and will progressively establish independence. Society and the nation
as a great investment unyung face the world struggling to compete globally.
Reform era has been marked by numerous changes running in various fields of life. Among
these changes is the enactment of Law No. 22 of 1999 on Regional Autonomy and Law No.
25 of 1999 on Fiscal Balance between Central and Regional.
Enactment of Law No. 22 of the Local Government essentially authorizes and
flexibility for districts to manage and take care of the interests of local people own initiative
based on the aspirations of the community in accordance with the legislation. The authority
given to the counties and cities based on the principle of decentralization in the form of
broad autonomy, real, and responsible.
Local authority districts and cities, as defined in article 11, covers all areas of
government, the public works, health, education and culture, agriculture, communications,
industry and trade, investment, environment, land, cooperatives and labor. Thus, it is clear
that education policy is under the authority of the district and the city.
Provision of regional autonomy laws based on the number 22 and number 25 of 1999, has
brought changes in many didang life including education. If previous management education
is a central authority, with the enactment of the law, the authority of cities and counties
kepemerintah diverted. As a result of the decentralization of education management reform
schooling causes. Change management is a significant and fundamental schools is the
implementation of school-based management or School-Based Management of.
MBS approach is one system that was developed in the context of granting broad authority
to the school. This approach rests on the basic assumption that by giving principals the
authority and independence to create effectiveness and efficiency in the management of the
school. Application of MBS will increase the participation of the school community
(teachers, students, staff, and community) in the schooling process that in turn improve
school accountability to its citizens.


Definition of School Based Management (SBM)

MBS is a new paradigm of education that gives broad autonomy at the school level by

involving the community in the national policy framework. SBM is a form of education reform
offers to schools to provide better education and adequate for the students.
According Syaiful Sagala (2004: 133), school-based management is defined as a management
model that provides autonomy or greater independence for schools. This model encourages
participative decision directly involving all citizens in accordance school quality standards
relating to infrastructure needs, school facilities, improving the quality of curriculum and
growth professorship.
According Malen, Ogawa and Kranz in Abu Duhou (2002: 16), school-based management
can be described conceptually as a formal change in the structure of the organization, as a form
of decentralization that identifies the school itself as the primary unit of improvement and relies
on the redistribution of decision-making authority as important means by which improvement
can be encouraged and supported.
While understanding the School Based Management (SBM) by E. Mulyasa (2012: 24) is
granting greater autonomy at the school level so that schools can freely manage resources and
sources of funding to allocate it according to priority needs, as well as more responsive to local
School Based Management (SBM) gives broad powers to the school level directly. With the
power at the local school level, the decision lies in the management of local stakeholders, so
they are empowered to do anything related to school performance. With the School Based
Management (SBM) occur collective decision-making process can improve the effectiveness of
the chase and improve teacher satisfaction.
Although the School Based Management (SBM) gave full power to individual schools, in
school decision-making process should not be on one hand. When the School Based
Management (SBM) has not been established, the school's decision-making process itself is
often conducted internally by the schools led by principals. However, within the framework of
School Based Management (SBM) quote the decision-making process of participation of
various parties, both internal, external, as well as the supporting bureaucracy. In a decision must
be made collectively among school stakeholders. School Based Management (SBM) is a form
of alternative schools as a result of the decentralization of education. School Based Management
(SBM) in principle rests on the school and the community and away from a centralized
bureaucracy. School Based Management (SBM) has the potential to increase community
participation, equity, efficiency, and management which is based on the school level. MBS is

intended for school autonomy, decide for themselves what needs to be taught, and manage
existing resources to innovate. MBS also has great potential for creating principals, teachers,
professional administrators. Thus, the school will be responsive to the needs of individual
students and the school community. Student achievement can be optimized through the direct
participation of parents and communities.

The purpose of the School-Based Management (SBM)

According to the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, MBS goal

a) The first improve the quality of education through self-reliance and initiative, and empower
schools to manage the available resources.
b) Secondly, raising people's awareness of school and community in providing education
through shared decision-making.
c) Third, increasing the responsibility of the principal to the school.
d) Fourth, increasing healthy competition between schools on educational quality to be
achieved. In addition, MBS has the potential to improve student achievement due to the increase
in the efficient use of resources and personnel, increased professionalism of teachers,
implementation of curriculum reform and increase community involvement in education.
While E. Mulyasa (2012: 25) mentions the main goal of MBS is to improve efficiency,
quality, and educational equity. Improved efficiency of the flexibility gained through managing
existing resources, community participation, and the simplification of bureaucracy. Quality
improvement is obtained through the participation of parents, school management flexibility,
increased professionalism of teachers, the existence of reward and punishment as a control, as
well as other things that can foster a conducive atmosphere. Educational equity looks at the
growth of community participation especially capable and caring, while the less able will be the
responsibility of the government.
From the description above, it appears that the School Based Management (SBM) aims to make
the school can be more independent in school through the provision empowering the authority
(autonomy), greater flexibility to schools in managing resources and encourage the participation of
the school community and the community to improve the quality of education .
Syaiful Sagala (2004: 132) mentions that the MBS aims:
a) To ensure the quality of students' learning which is based on the principles of service and
achievement of learning outcomes.

b) Improving the quality of knowledge transfer and build the character of a civilized nation.
c) Improving the quality of school to consolidate empowerment through self-reliance, creativity,
initiative, and innovative in managing and empowering school resources.
d) Increasing people's awareness of the school and the community in decision-making through the
provision of education to accommodate the shared aspirations.
e) Increase the responsibility of the school to parents, community, and government about the quality
of schools, and
f) Promote healthy competition between schools Yag about the quality of education to be achieved.
School management policies by all related elements referring to national education standards.

Principles - Principles of School Based Management (SBM)

In principle, MBS is the reform of school management against liability (responsibility),

authority (authority), professionalism and responsibility (accountability), as well as

transparency to improve the performance of schools and stakeholders, including students,
parents, teachers, community, and related parties (stakeholders), employment, and so on that can
recognize the change and has the power to optimize resources.
The principle - the principle of SBM are as follows:
a) Principle Ekuifinalitas (Principal of Equifinality)
This principle is based on modern management theory assumes that there are several different ways
to achieve a goal.
b) Principles of Decentralization (Principal of Decentralization)
Decentralization is an important phenomenon in the modern school management reform. This
principle is consistent with the principle of decentralization ekuifinalitas.
c) Principles of Self Management System (Principal of Self Managing System).
This principle is related to the previous principle, namely the principle and the principle of
decentralization ekuifinalitas. When schools face the problem to be solved in its own way.
d) Principles of Human Initiative (Principal of Human Initiative)
This principle recognizes that the human resources are not static, but dynamic. Therefore, the
potential of human resources should always be explored, discovered, and then developed.
Management curriculum and teaching programs.

D. Components of School-Based Management

It is most important in the implementation of the School-Based Management (SBM) is the
management of the components of the school itself. There are at least seven components that

schools should be managed properly in order to MBS, namely:

1) Management of the curriculum and teaching programs
Management curriculum and teaching programs include planning, implementation and evaluation of
curriculum. Planning and development of a national curriculum in general has been conducted by
the Ministry of Education and Culture, at the central level. At the school level is the most important
thing to realize and adapt the curriculum to the learning activities. In addition, school duty and
authority to develop curriculum lokalsesuai the local environment to people's needs.
Examples of curriculum and learning management application such as the Electricity Technical
Skills Program SMK N 1 Padang in terms of curriculum management components which include:
basic curriculum framework, curriculum structure, learning load, and school calendars. While
learning management components include: planning the learning process, the implementation of the
learning process, learning outcomes assessment, and pengawasaan learning process.
School is authorized to perform in accordance with their needs planning, the function has been
compiled strategic plan (strategic plan) that contains the school development plan within a period of
five years and RENOP (operational plan) GCC is an annual plan. And every end of the month or the
end of the semester, including the evaluation of the implementation of the program was held.
Schools can develop, but it should not diminish the content of the applicable national curriculum
developed by the Central Government. In this function has been developed Competence Standard
and Basic Competence through translation into indicators for each subject and also the development
of local curriculum.
Schools are given the freedom to choose the strategies, methods and techniques of learning and
teaching the most effective according to the characteristics of the subjects, student characteristics,
teacher characteristics and actual conditions of resources available at the school. In this function,
the teacher has been given the freedom to choose the appropriate methods in the learning process
that essentially is peruses constructive learning.
2) Management Education Personnel
Education personnel management or personnel management education aims to empower educators
to effectively and efficiently in order to achieve optimal results, but still in nice condition.
Management educators include: personnel planning, procurement personnel, coaching and
employee development, promotion and transfer, dismissal of employees, compensation, and
employee assessment.
Ranging from workforce management needs analysis planning, recruitment, development, rewards
and sanctions, the employment relationship to the school workforce performance evaluation can be

done by schools unless teachers are civil servants is still handled by the bureaucracy on it. This
function has been implemented in the form of temporary teachers and the provision of temporary
employees is based on the basic competencies for teachers and administrative staff, ongoing
3) Management of student
Student management aims to organize a variety of activities in the areas of student learning
activities in the school in order to run smoothly, orderly and organized, as well as achieve the
educational goals of the school.
Examples of student management implementation in CMS is accepting new students, new student
orientation, student classification, evaluation and reporting of learning outcomes, student discipline
control, guidance and counseling programs, health and safety programs, extracurricular activities,
4) Financial Management and Financing
Financial management and financing include financial planning (budgeting), implementation and
evaluation. Financial resources and school funding comes from central and local government,
parents and the community of learners.
Examples of implementation of financial management in vocational such as expenditures for
routine expenses such as employee salaries (teachers and non-teachers), operating costs, cost of
maintenance of school buildings, facilities and equipment - teaching tools (consumables). There are
also plans for school construction costs including the purchase or development of land, construction
of buildings, repair or renovation of the building, the addition of furniture, as well as other expenses
for goods that are not consumable -Items. All that must be managed as well as possible as the
implementation of SBM.
Financial management, especially the allocation / use of money has been appropriately carried out
by the school. Schools should also be given the freedom to conduct activities that generate income,
so that financial resources are not solely dependent on the government. This function is
characterized by the use of existing financial in schools through distribution on School Budget
prepared by the Principal with the School Committee and senior teachers.

5) Education Facilities and Infrastructure Management

Management of educational facilities responsible for managing and maintaining facilities and
infrastructure in order to contribute optimally and means in the course of the educational process.

The management activities include planning, procurement, supervision, inventory storage, and
Implementation of infrastructure management in organizing and managing such vocational
educational facilities in the form of equipment or equipment used directly and support the
educational process, particularly the teaching and learning process, such as buildings, classrooms,
laboratory, workshop, workshop space, tables, chairs, tools -Electric practice, and teaching media.
In addition, management of vocational education infrastructure in the form of facilities that are not
directly support the process of the educational or teaching activities, such as school grounds,
gardens, school gardens, roads leading to schools, etc..
Management of school facilities should be done by starting from the procurement, maintenance and
repairs to its development. It is based on the fact that most sekolahlah know needs good facilities
adequacy, suitability and kemutakhirannya especially facilities that are closely related directly to
the learning process. This function has been implemented in the form of procurement of goods,
which is preceded by the analysis of priorities, repair / replacement of facilities and infrastructure,
including the development of learning in order to adapt to the development.
6) Relationship Management with the School of Public
Relationship with the public school aims to promote the quality of the learning and growth of
children; strengthening purposes and to improve the quality of life and livelihood; excite the people
to have a relationship with the school. If the relationship with the public school goes well, the sense
of responsibility and community participation to promote the school is good and high.
This function can be implemented through school and community relationships to increase
engagement, awareness, ownership and support of the community, especially the moral and
financial support.
Examples of the application of MBS in the school relating to the management of the relationship
with the public schools is to provide socialization and information about the picture of the school to
the community through reports to parents, monthly bulletins, school magazine, school fairs, open
house, hunjungan to school, visits to the pupil, the explanation by the school staff, students, radio,
television and annual reports.
7) Management of Special Services
Management of special services including libraries, health, and safety schools. Application in
schools is the presence of a library containing books of learning resources, UKS, and school safety
are assured.

Characteristics of School-Based Management

The characteristics of the School-Based Management, as follows:

1) Schools with MBS has the mission or goals of the school run to represent a group of mutual
expectations, beliefs and values of the school, guiding the school community in the educational
activities and provide work direction.
Educational activities are run based on the characteristics and needs of the school situation. The
nature of the activity is very important for schools to improve the quality of education, because it
does not directly introduce changes in school management of external control management becomes
a school-based model.
3) The occurrence of the process of change management strategies concerning human nature, school
organization, decision-making style, leadership style, use of power, and management skills.
Therefore, in the context of the implementation of SBM, change management strategy is looking at
aspects of the development of appropriate and relevant to the needs of the school.
4) Latitude and authority in the effective management of resources to achieve the goals of
education, in order to solve the problems facing education, good education personnel, finance and
so on.
5) MBS require active participation of school, school administrators, teachers, parents, and those
related to education in the school.
6) SBM emphasizes human relationships that tend to open, working together, team spirit, and
mutual commitment. Therefore, organizational climate is likely to lead to the type of commitment
that school effectiveness can be achieved.
7) The role of the administrator is very important in the framework of MBS, including the qualities
of an administrator.
8) In the SBM, school effectiveness indicators assessed by multilevel and multifaceted.
F. Implementation of School-Based Management
In the implementation of the School-Based Management, no provision on the strategy used. MBS
implementation strategy will be different between one school with other schools, and between the
region to other regions. However, implementation of the MBS will be successful if the opposite of
the strategy refers to the principles and characteristics of the MBS itself.
The factors supporting the successful implementation of SBM are: (1) the existence of the political
will of policy makers that can be used as a legal basis for the school, (2) financial or adequate
financial, (3) human resources available, (4) school culture, (5) leadership, and (6) organizational
school. These six factors can not be separated from one another in supporting the successful
implementation of SBM.

Schools that have implemented SBM can be seen from some of the measure or indicator. These
indicators can be seen from the 3 pillars of the national education policy, namely equity and
increasing access, improving quality and competitiveness, as well as serv education system better.
Based on the three pillars, the indicators of success of implementation of SBM can be seen from the
increasing and improvement: (1) the number of students who receive educational services, (2) the
quality of education services (such as learning), which have an impact on improving the academic
and non academic achievement of students and the number of students who live classroom level
decreases, (4) school productivity (effectiveness and efficiency of resource use), (5) the relevance of
education, (6) equity in education, (7) parent and community participation in decision making, (8)
the climate and culture of school work, (9) the welfare of teachers and school staff, as well as (10)
in the democratization of education.
G. Role of Society in the Implementation of School Based Management (SBM)
Public participation is indispensable in improving the quality of education in schools. Public
participation was not only in the form of financial support or physical donations alone, but can be
more than that. Public participation can already be considered good if it could be involved in the
management of the school, especially if the mother can go into academic. Parents are one of the
important aspects in the implementation of SBM. As the parties are very concerned with the
learning progress of their children, parents are appropriately involved actively by the school to help
improve the quality of education in schools. Their participation not only in the form of funds, but
also thought or effort in learning, school development planning, and classroom management.
Commitment and cooperation is indispensable in the effort as well as the realization of this role.
Between the school and parents ideally mutually proactive. The participation of parents in
improving the quality of education in schools can be adapted to the socio-economic background and
parental ability.
Similarly, public support for improving the quality of school education involves the participation of
community leaders and religious leaders, business and industry, as well as social and cultural
institutions. Their inclusion in school management should be an integral, synergistic, and effective,
having regard to the openness of the school to foster a sense of belonging and community
responsibility in improving school quality. School-Based Management can work well if the school
committee empowered optimally. The school committee was formed as a school partner in
developing yourself towards improving the quality of education. In the implementation of the
school committee works based management functions.

As partners, the school committee has a role as (1) the advisory agency (giving
consideration), (2) supporting agency (educational support service activities), (3)
controlling agency (control education service activities), and (4) the mediator or
liaison rope communication between the community and government. In line with
efforts to empower and enhance the role of the community, the school is expected to
develop its cooperation with parents and the community. As part of the concept of
school-based management, empowerment committee / board of this school is a form
of participatory management involving public participation, so that all the policies
and decisions taken are policies and decisions together in order to achieve
educational goals.

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