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Gary Williams
March 23, 2014
COMM 3063 Forum

Dr. Robert Scott

Southeastern University
Amy K. Hutchins

1. Amy K. Hutchins, March 7, 2014, 9:00 a.m.

2. Hutchins main purpose of her presentation was basically talking about our identity. It was very hard to
understanding the point that she was trying to make due to her many skits. Until, she finally came out at
the end being herself and explaining her different skits. Then everything made perfect sense.
3. One thing that she asked in particular was who are you? She was basically asking in order to find out
who we really are a person. When she asked that question, it made me think we sometimes will try and
pick up these other characteristics in order to gain others acceptance. Which could be a dangerous thing,
because we could be stepping in to a lifestyle thatll be hard to get out of, or could cost a valuable price
which could be our lives or the ones who love us. On the other hand, I thought about a person who live a
bad lifestyle, which they may feel, thats who they are. My question is how can I get that person to turn
their life around if they feel thats whom they are? We cant actually change a person unless they make the
choice. That was just a big thought that came to mind when I thought about her question.
Another thing that she said that was pertaining to her question was dont name any labels. That I feel is
very important, because when people talk about me for example; I dont want them to say that Gary is a
singer and thats it. I want people to say that Gary loves God, hes crazy, hes full of laughter, he loves to
eat, etc. It was so interesting to hear her bring up labels because they can get in the way of who we really
are. People will miss out on who I really am. Thats not to say that I am putting out all my personal
business to the world. Theyll know me based off my skills more so than my characteristics. Plus, thatll
be difficult for me to even develop relationships with others. Labels only show the outward deeds, while
characteristics shows who we are on the inside.
4. One thing that I thought was so cool and helpful was when she said everybody thinks of changing
humanity, but nobody thinks of changing themselves. This statement is so true and we all need to hear
this statement. We are so quick to judge and condemn others of their faults and their wrong doings, when
we clearly have our own flaws. In other words, we are so quick to correct others before we correct
ourselves. I know sometimes I can be that person, but Ill eventually sit back and examine myself of the
things that I need to correct. People will eventually have more respect for that because it lets them know I
mess up and make mistakes just like them. Plus, its our human nature and it shows that we all need each
other. I think the world will be a much better place if we all take to heart this statement. This will allow us
to form more relationships and help us to work together.
5. One quote that I love from Hutchins speech was How will you know when you are leading the right
conversations is by changing the thinking, the behavior, and having a good result. This basically reminds
of the scripture that says, Faith without works is dead. This is pretty much says that we have to take
action and responsibility as a leader in order brighten the circumstance. When people see this kind of
dedication, theyll eventually want to join along because this is showing true leadership skills. The mood
of the leader in a certain situation will obviously have an affect on the followers. When the leader strives
for the best, the followers will also want to strive for the best. If the leader wants to give up, then the




followers will want to give up as well. This quote alone helps us to become a true leader that we are
capable of being.
Everybody thinks of changing humanity, nobody thinks of changing themselves.
Smart leaders know things, brilliant leaders ask things.
How will you know when you are leading the right conversations? By changing the thinking, the
behavior, and having a good result
How might I be a better multiplier- When your purpose and your passion brings you pleasure



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