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You must mix in general cardio to avoid getting to muscular and losing flexibility.

Cardio can include:

biking, hiking, bball, tennis, swimming, etc. as long as you are doing something.

Sprinters/Jumpers: June 3rd-June 30th

Week 1: Everything is 3 sets of 12 (3x12) unless stated otherwise

Day `1: calf raises..1/2 squats..Hamstrings (good mornings)..dead lifts.abs
Day 2: Shoulder Press.Biceps (21s )..triceps (dips)..back.abs
Day 3: Squats (7x10).MEDIUM WEIGHT
Day 4: Incline pulls..biceps (reverse grip curls)..triceps extensions.abs
Day 5: Circuit training/1 minute as many reps as possible. 1:30 to next exercise. Hit each exercise three
times. (leg extension.leg curl..shoulders..back.abs)

Week 2: Everything is 3 sets of 12 (3x12) unless stated otherwise

Day 1: Clean and press.dead liftsnatch.abscalf raises
Day 2: Flat bench press.backtriceps biceps curls.abs
Day 3: Squats (5x10).MEDIUM WEIGHT
Day 4: shoulders..pull ups.abs.cable cross overs
Day 5: Circuit training/1 minute as many reps as possible. 1:30 to next exercise. Hit each exercise three
times (bench press.1/4 squats..backcalf raises.abs)

Week 3: Everything is 3 sets of 10 (3x10) unless stated otherwise

Day 1: Dead Lifts.Snatches.calf raises..step ups (onto plyo box with barbells).abs
Day 2: butterfly chest press.chin ups..biceps (21s)..triceps extensions..abs
Day 3: Squats (7x10)
Day 4: Bench Press..back.shoulder shrugslat pull downs.absshoulder press (machine)

Day 5: Circuit training/1 minute as many reps as possible. 1:30 to next exercise. Hit each exercise three
times (biceps.triceps..abs..leg curlsleg extensions)

Week 4: Everything is 3 sets of 10 (3x10) unless stated otherwise

Day 1: Clean and press.1/2 squat jumps.calf raises..lunges
Day 2: biceps (preacher curls).triceps.shoulder pullsarnolds
Day 3: Squats (5x10)
Day 4: decline bench press..backabs..flys..
Day 5: : Circuit training/1 minute as many reps as possible. 1:30 to next exercise. Hit each exercise three
times (push ups.abs..chin ups.squats.calf raises)

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