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Ammar AlQuran

Mrs. Allison
Period 3
October 29th, 2014

The Preambles Impact On 9/11

Its the genesis of what our countrys fate is based on. Its the commencement of our
countrys history, management, and future, as well as the reason for our nations unity. We call it
the Preamble, and it is a salient document that establishes numerous things for the United States.
It has affected America in countless aspects, regarding the state citizens and lower individuals
will be in. The infamous 9/11 attacks in New York City, Virginia, and Pennsylvania on
September 11th, 2001 was a chief instance of a juncture where the Preamble was vital, and the
importance of it during this time proved key, as it was to be relied on in a period of adjustment to
better protect the citizens of our country.

On September 11th, 2001, 4 airplanes to take off from airports on the east coast were
hijacked by terrorists and then purposefully wrecked, creating a disaster that Americans may
never forget. The most memorable event in these attacks was the destruction of the twin towers
in New York City, which was and continues to be the countrys most populous city. Just 17
minutes apart, both buildings were demolished and crumbled to earth by United Airlines and
American Airlines, with the American Airlines (flight 11) aircraft hitting first (shown in picture
at top of next page).

Not only did these two planes cause a great deal of havoc among the nations most
inhabited city, but two other planes, hijacked as well, were dismantled in Pennsylvania and
Virginia. The Pentagon, a famous piece of construction in Virginia on the border with
Washington, DC, had a face/side that was ruined, as well as another flight demolished in
Shanksville, Pennsylvania on an empty field.

Although this tragic incident was responsible for the 2,900+ deaths of innocent American
citizens, the recovery of it was based off of the Preambles foremost statement. In regards to the
defense of U.S. citizens, the government adjusted to the terrorist attack in late 2001 by modifying
airport and aircraft rules, and heavily tightening security among these areas. The nation worked
immensely hard to recover from a strenuous challenge.

Promoting the general welfare, the fifth function of the Preamble, was tremendously
significant in the events after 9/11. The government coped with the victims of the attacks by
holding memorials and helping them in their effort of recovering. Not only did the direct victims

have to recover from physical injuries, but families of those who died in the attacks had to
recover from the trauma and shock in losing a loved one. It was extremely essential to help the
union reform and recuperate. The country would further continue into a stronger nation, and
show complete resiliency as a whole.

Insuring domestic tranquility was another of the six government functions stated in the
Preamble, and so the same things they executed in ties with promoting the general welfare
had the same effect in insuring domestic tranquility. The United States citizens eventually
convalesced from the detestable tragedy that happened, however it took a long period of time in
order to bring ease to the pain that the families of the victims received. The attacks challenged
the government in a number of ways, but despite the discomfort it caused, it brought further
adjustments within the nation. As well as helping their residents, the government carefully
mended the damage done to the country in total. It provided a thorough example of the pliance
among America, despite having the third-largest population worldwide, which is a strong
example of the citizens will to unite with one another.

The Overall Meaning Of The Preamble

The Preamble essentially summarizes the focal basis and goal of the Constitution as it
remains to establish order to the United States. It introduces the Constitution by encapsulating its
purpose and attempt to help this country remain intact and operate properly as well as with
justice. The document establishes the current task of our government. According to, the Preamble ensures a variety of laws and

undertakings stated in the U.S. Constitution. It begins the service of our supreme law, made to
succeed the former supreme law which attempted to complete the same mission in directing the
federal government, in which its name was the Articles of Confederation, which failed due to
lack of chief executive, the issues regarding law-passing due to the rule that 9 out of 13 officials
must vote in favor of the law in question, and other critical factors that put it to an end in 1789.

Six Government Functions (Phrase meanings)

The Preamble consists of six primary functions that cover the main point of the U.S.
Constitution. The document begins with the phrase, We the people of the United States, which
refers to the members of the U.S. government in representation of all American citizens. This is
followed by the first of six tasks stated, in order to form a more perfect union, indirectly
describing and referring to the failure of the Articles of Confederation in properly managing the
federal government, thereby forming the Constitution in order to assemble a better nation. The
second task, or function, is stated as, establish justice, which highlights the Constitutions
effort in initiating fairness, just treatment, and moral rightness among the American population.
Afterwards, the Preamble stipulates, insure domestic tranquility, which signifies the effort of
the government to protect the rights of U.S. citizens by establishing peace within all residences.

Provide for the common defense, is the fourth of the six functions, which follows the
statement of insuring domestic tranquility. It denotes the necessity of supporting and preparing
the military of the country to secure our safety and defend us from harm. The next function to
follow is promote the general welfare, which alludes to the governments attempt to further
progress the nation and public safety. The final of these tasks stated in the Preamble is to secure
the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, meaning that the U.S. government must

retain freedom for the current generations of American people, as well as future generations of
citizens. This was of the utmost important functions, due to the fact that the people of the United
States, before America existed, were once under rule of a king. This also relates to the
Constitutions guard against tyranny in the federal government.

The Preamble concludes with the statement, do ordain and establish this Constitution for
the United States of America. This outlines the fact that the Constitution will be put into effect
and it highlights the official decree of its service. These functions, in order, make up the
Preamble as the introduction to the Constitution (as shown in picture below).

In essence, the 9/11 attacks provided a number of tough challenges for the government to bounce
back from by addressing the Preamble and the promises it made to America.
The Preamble also is a key part of our nation, as it helps in creating the basis of the
American supreme law by restating the Constitutions purpose in a span of 6 functions that help
us control the country.
The U.S. is your home, as well as the nation you can link your own history to. The
Preambles importance to our country being to enable the governments direction is the reason it
is all feasible.

Works Cited

Web. 02 Nov. 2014. <>.

"9/11 to Now: Ways We Have Changed." PBS. PBS. Web. 02 Nov. 2014.

"Torture Victims Are Victims of 9/11 Too." World Without Torture. Web. 04 Nov. 2014.

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