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Name Nicholas Shabrack Observation Date 10/3/14 Observation Time 10AM-11:30AM

Experience B-4 (Due October 5)

(B-4) Objective: To observe teachers use of computer-assisted instruction (CAI) during
reading and writing instruction.
Directions: Observe teachers use of computer-assisted instruction (CAI) during reading and
writing instruction.

1. Does the teacher use computer-assisted instruction (CAI) during reading and
writing instruction?
The teacher used the iPad reading and writing programs for all students. The
students each have an iPad with many different reading programs. She also uses
the computer.

2. If the teacher does use CAI, describe the types of computer programs used.
Study Island, Leveled eBooks. Super Why, Word Web, and Brain Pop. Image/word.

3. If the teacher does not use CAI, describe ways you think the teacher could utilize
computer programs in the literacy program.
Since she does use CAI, I also suggested scholastic book finder app, it classifies the book by
grade, and Lexile level. It is a android and iPhone app.

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