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Borgmann, C. E. (2014). Keynote Address: Untying the Moral Knot of Abortion.

Washington & Lee Law Review, 71(2), 1299-1314.Retrieved from

Abortion is one of the biggest moral issues of our time, Politicians and the media
oftentimes refer to the debate in drastic terms, referring to it as a war. These absurd
descriptions have done a disservice to our public conversation about abortion, in that they have
coined this discussion as a conversation stopper. We say that there are two sides, that both
sides are far apart, and that they are firm in their beliefs on the subject. We also believe that the
key moral question in the debate is the value of unborn child. These perceptions are false. The
public holds a misconstrued vision of what is abortion is and what it does, most of which are
contradictory in what they are trying to accomplish. The women in this world are being
criminalized for getting abortions and that is wrong because it is the womans choice to make,
the radical views of pro-life activists make women feel like they have no choice in what happens
to their body. Pro-lifers argue that this is the consequence to having sex, taking care for and or
carrying around a child that they dont want for 9 months.
This article is useful in what Im discussing because it tells how abortion decisions are
being influenced by many other people when it only has to deal the person getting it. I will use
this article to show how abortion is the choice of the person and not society.

SIEGEL, R. B. (2014). Abortion and the "Woman Question": Forty Years of Debate.
Indiana Law Journal, 89(4), 1365-1380. Retrieved from

Back in the past many laws were passed dealing with the criminalization of abortions and
were followed with no question, making the only way to get an abortion is to have been raped or
if the fetus was going to be born with a deformity, many southern states further criminalized
abortions because they saw it as a radical topic. As history goes on we see that abortions were
looked down upon and the talk of abortion couldnt be talked about with an opinionated
argument happening, even the government targeted abortions hardcore with Republicans plan of
aggressively attacking social morality to get people aboard the anti-abortion side. Others
decided to attack the amendments and rights of being a human arguing that we treated women as
objects in our endeavors of child bearing, saying that women had the majority say on the topic.
Many other arguments for or against abortions were deemed unreliable or not considered
because the groups supporting their respective sides were promoting homosexual rights and
government child rearing. The best argument against abortion was the pro-family concept that
was further supported by Schlaflys Eagle Forum and Beverly LaHayes Concerned Women for

This article is great for telling the history of both sides of the argument and doesnt sway
too far to one side, giving a good even view of what was happening in the times where abortion
was just one sided; illegal. I will use this article to show how abortion arguments shaped the
foundation to what it is today.

Ferree, M. M. (2003). Resonance And Radicalism: Feminist Framing In The Abortion

Debates Of The United States And Germany. American Journal of Sociology,
109(2), 304-344. Retrieved October 22, 2014, from

It is womans fundamental right to have control over what happens to their bodies. No
matter the circumstance all women control what goes in and comes out of their bodies, the right
to an abortion is included as one of those rights. Women compare the United States laws and
regulation on abortions to Germanys to show how some of the rights we are entitled to over here
are not really supported over there. Abortion doesnt just have one use but it can be used to
further the rights for women and help women become self-sustaining through the concept of
having choices for themselves. Women have been told what to do by men and society alike but
they wont be coerced any longer and take a stand to make choices for themselves. Even if
women didnt have a choice in the abortion one has to look at what the mothers current situation
is or if the mother has one of the 3 exceptions to the morals of abortion. In early feminist debates
the main argument was My belly belongs to me, which was honored until it was realized that
the men had some say in it because it is also their child too so they decided to find other ways on
why they had the main right to an abortion.

This article has good points on how there is more than one reason to why abortions
should be used more, especially focusing on the fact that it is the womans decision to make on
whether or not she will have an abortion. I plan to use this article to show how abortion is not cut

and dry like how we imagine it but there are groups behind a side that have separate reasons on
why it should be encouraged instead of downed.
Harris, J. (2014, August 15). Stop calling abortion a difficult decision. Washington
Post. Retrieved from

Calling abortion a hard decision is like telling a women her mind is already made up, and
it complicates the decision when her mind is already made up. When a study was conducted,
those who had a child out of wedlock had children who were more likely to be single and less
educated. Having an abortion is, for the most part, the only practical way of dealing with
unwanted pregnancies, when the mother in question is considering an abortion she must ask:
What about our finances? Will I be able to care for it? How will this affect my future? Can I
really handle this responsibility? When abortion comes to mind we think of it as a last resort to
the situation when in all actuality over more than 51% of pregnancies among American women
are unintended, 31% were mistimed, and 20% were unwanted, 4o% of unwanted pregnancies
end in abortion. These unwanted pregnancies result in abortions that help people stay on track in
school, their life, and prevent financial problems down the road. Abortion is your choice.

This article does a good job of pointing out the reasons abortions are considered and why
some of the women who have had dont feel like they are killing human beings. With this article
I will show how women make radically rational decisions in their life by getting abortions for the
greater good of everybody.

Gallagher, J. (2004). Whats wrong with fetal rights? Abortion (pp. 236- 286).
Burlington: Ashgate Publishing Company.

Does an unborn human being have the same rights as a living human being? If a fetus is
considered to be in trouble then a doctor can step over the rights of the mother and do everything
in his power to get it delivered. Fetal rights arent formally described, but are applied lawfully to
protect the fetuss right to live and birth. Once a woman decides to forgo the abortion and the
state chooses to protect the fetus, the woman loses the liberty to act in ways that would adversely
affect the fetus. This is one example of how the law governs the rights of a person meaning that
every person, born or unborn, have certain unalienable rights. In wrongful fetal deaths and
injuries that the fetus sustained from an outside person a fetus gains the same rights as a living
person, the person committing the crime gets the penalized by the government and is given a
serious sentence for doing so. Even in some cases the fetus comes before the parent, in Michigan
a woman dying of cancer asked if she were to go into cardiac arrest that they resurrect her before
working on her child, doctors debated that the fetuss life took priority over the woman and
wrote to have the baby saved before working on her.

The article tells the story of the fetus and how he has just as many rights to live as we do,
if he dies, the murderer would get the same sentence as killing a living, breathing human being.
I will use this article to defend the rights of the fetus and his right to live just like any other
person living on this planet.

Hughes, R. L. (2006). Burning Birth Certificates and Atomic Tupperware Parties:

Creating the Antiabortion Movement in the Shadow of the Vietnam War. The
Historian, 68(3), 541-558. Retrieved October 26, 2014, from

The war in Vietnam had affected the way people had seen abortion because of the
violence that was shown on television and abortion was seen as one of the evils that was
looked down upon in southeast Vietnam. As the anti-war movement went on the antiabortion movement went on strong and grew larger, to point where historians would refer
to the 60s as a time when anti-abortion was at its strongest peak. Groups were formed on
universities campuses in an effort to stop the war and abortion, the most prominent
SOUL (Save Our Unwanted Soul) had their leaders arrested many times for their strong
belief in their groups cause. One university will remain in infamy as national guards fired
upon its students protesting, Kent State. People had arranged sit-ins in abortion clinics
and had multiple arrests because of it. Jo McGowen had been influential in the movement
by saying We cant fight for peace and kill children and had set off on her own to get
the job accomplished.

The article tells the history of the abortion movement and how it changed and
gained power over the course of time. As more people became involved in the movement
the stronger the argument became. I will use this article on how the view of abortion
changed from the Vietnam War to now.

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