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Fun and Creative Christian

Christian ice breakers can be used for several different Christian events. They can be used for
bible studies, parties, teambuilding meetings, office meetings, youth groups, retreats, and also as
teaching tools. Christian ice breakers activities are a great way for people in groups to get to know
each other. They are quite popular at Christian meetings and gatherings. Christian ice breakers
should be rather quick, impersonal, and fun. If you need some new Christian ice breakers games
or activities, here are some great ones that you can play at your next Christian meeting or party.
1. Ice Breakers Questions
If you have a larger group, break down into smaller groups of about 5-6 people. Go around each
person and have them answer the questions below. Each person should answer each question.
Choose only about 3-4 questions so the ice breakers activity doesn't last too long.
*What is the kindest thing a stranger has ever said to you?
*If you could be any animal, what would you be and why?
*Who or what makes you laugh the most and why?
*If you could have any job in the world and not worry about money, what would it be?
*What is the quality about you that you like the most?
*What person living today would you want to meet and why?
2. Crash
This Christian ice breaker works best with larger numbers. Everybody mingles and moves around
the room until the leader shouts out a number. All the players must try to break off into groups of
that number. Any group or people who don't succeed are out of the game. Go until the there is
one winning group.
3. I am Blessed Game
This Christian ice breaker game works best with smaller to medium size groups. If you have more
than 15-20 people, this ice breaker may last too long. Go around the room and have people finish

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the sentence, " I know I am blessed because..." Let people know that they can't take the easy way
out and say because they are alive today. Have them come up with something more original.
4. M&Ms Ice Breaker
Pass around a bowl of M&Ms to all the people in the room. Don't let them know what the M&Ms
are for, but tell them to take as many as they want, up to a certain amount (like 10). Then go
around the room and for each M&M a person took, they have to tell one thing about themselves.
Make sure that each person takes at least one M&M. If you have a large group, this Christian ice
breaker can be broken down into smaller groups.
5. Truth or Lie
Have each person in the group go around and say two things about themselves. One should be
the truth and one should be a lie. Have the rest of the group try to determine which one is the lie
and which one is the truth. This is one of those Christian ice breakers that really can get
6. Who Am I?
This is a pretty popular Christian ice breakers games, but can be changed up to be new people all
the time. At the beginning of the meeting, pin a card to the back of a person that has a popular
person from the Bible on it. Each person must ask the other players yes or no questions about
who they are. When a person guesses right about who they are, the card is pinned on the front of
7. Line Up Game
This ice breaker game should be done in groups of 5-10 people. It is a simple ice breaker game
that can even be used with younger kids. A leader will call out different categories, such as birth
date, shoe size, height, etc. The first group to get in the correct order first wins the game. See how
many games each group can win to be the ultimate winner.

Christian Bible Group Icebreakers

Christian Icebreaker Questions
Some of the easiest icebreakers for any occasion are icebreaker questions. You can ask any
version of these questions in your Christian small group or a church gathering, and use them to
learn more about each other.
1. Which Bible character do you most relate to?
2. What is your favorite book of the Bible?
3. What is it that you want to have the most?

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4. If you could ask God one question, what would it be?
5. What brings you here today?
6. If you could be a fly on any Bible character's wall, who would it be?
7. Who do other people say who Jesus is?
8. Name a symbol in the Bible that you can relate to your life.
9. If you could go back in time to any point in Bible history, what would it be?
10. What is your favorite Bible verse?
11. Is there a spiritual quote that best describes you?
Icebreaker Games for Small Groups
Christian Icebreaker Games
Games are always a fantastic means for getting people involved alongside each other, and it's
never a problem to have a little healthy competition! Check out these games for your gathering:

Tower of Babel: This icebreaker is sure to encourage team building! Read the "Tower of
Babel" story in Genesis 11, which explains why we have so many different languages
today. In this game, have everyone divide into teams. Each team must use a given
number of items to build the tallest tower of Babel without talking! You can use books,
bowls, bibles, tape, cardboard, and much more. The highest tower at the end of the given
time limit wins! Please note, this game usually takes about 15-30 minutes.
2. Bible Bingo: Make a 5x5 bingo card, filling the squares with characteristics of people
(i.e. "favorite Bible character is Paul/Moses/Abraham/Jesus/Joseph/Mary/Sarah," "has
three siblings," "favorite Bible book is
Genesis/Revelation/Romans/Matthew/Esther/Psalms," "born in April"). Have each
player go around the room, finding people who fit these characteristics. Those who fit the
trait must sign or initial the square. The first person to get five in a row yells "Bingo!" and
Click here to get Bible Bingo Game.
3. Two Truths and a Lie: Everyone writes down or says three things about themselvestwo truths, and one lie. The rest of the group has to guess which one is the lie! Whoever
guesses the most correct wins!
4. Scavenger Hunt: The traditional hunting game, the scavenger hunt is easily adaptable
for any theme and any location. This game can be played in a few different variations:
a. Look for certain landmarks or symbols around your church, city, shopping mall, or
nearby park which follow a set of cryptic clues, ultimately leading to the final destination
or solution to the cryptogram. The team that reaches the final destination or solves the
puzzle first wins!
b. Hide items around a room or building. Then, make a list of all the items, and give a
list to each team. The team that finds the most items within the time limit wins!
c. You can also go on a spiritual scavenger hunt in which people search for other
people who have certain spiritual or personality traits.
Icebreaker Activities for Small Groups
Christian Icebreakers activities
1. Ten Commandments: Write the Ten Commandments on a board or read them aloud.
Then, go around the room, asking each person to quote the most significant

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commandment to them, and why it is so important. (See Exodus 20:2-17 and
Deuteronomy 5:6-21 for Bible references.)
I. You shall have no other gods before me.
II. You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or
on the earth beneath or in the waters below.
III. You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God,
IV. Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.
V. Honor your father and your mother
VI. You shall not murder.
VII. You shall not commit adultery.
VIII. You shall not steal.
IX. You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.
X. You shall not covet.
2. Proverbs 31 Women: This icebreaker is just for the ladies! Read aloud the description
of a "Proverbs 31 Woman" and have each lady write down and complete the phrase, "I am
a Proverbs 31 Woman because.." Each person may list as many characteristics as she'd
like. This will make for some encouraging stories!
-A diligent caregiver
-A heart of compassion, love, and charity for those in need
-A wise, productive woman when dealing with business matters
-An eager, hard worker
-Complimented on character, talents, and honor
-Confident and trusts in God alone
-Gains wisdom through Christ
-Good steward over money
-Has an awareness of her surroundings
-Is filled with dignity and advice
-Less concerned with physical appearance, and more concerned with integrity and
inner beauty
-Physically fit and well-maintained
-Prays for and supports her husband
-Respected and trusted by her family
-Seeks ways to grow and learn

3. I Am Blessed: This is a very simple, eye-opening game, since everyone has something to
be thankful about. Have everyone share as they fill in the blank: "I am blessed because.."
Try to encourage more meaningful responses!
4. One Fact: Everyone writes down one unique fact about themselves on a card. It can be
about anything from their favorite school mascot to their most convicting
Commandment. Mix up all cards and have everyone guess which person the card belongs
5. Six Degrees: According to the book "Six Degrees of Separation," every person is
connected to another through six people. In this game, choose pairs of biblical figures or
any other famous people, and have groups compete with each other to see who can
produce connections the quickest!
6. Ten Fingers: Everyone holds out ten fingers in front of them at the start of the game.
One by one, each person must share something that he or she has never done. For
example, "I have never skipped two Sundays of church in a row," or "I have never gotten a
speeding ticket." Whoever else has done it must put one finger down. The last person to
have fingers remaining wins!
7. Toilet Paper Squares: This game is great for getting people to share about themselves.
Have everyone gather around in a circle, and let each person tear off as many squares of
toilet paper as they want. After each person has enough, everyone has to say one thing

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about themselves for each square of toilet paper they collected. (i.e. "The first time I went
to church.." or "I love to ride horses in my spare time.) You may also use other items,
such as candy or snacks.

8. Would you Rather?: Give cards to your group with tough questions such as, "Would
you rather eat spiders or grasshoppers?" or "Would you rather live in the New Testament
or the Old Testament times?" These can be easily adjusted for any age group.
9. You're Like Me!: In this game, people will realize how alike and different they are from
each other. Each player stands against one wall, while the leader stands in the middle of
the room. The leader calls out a certain characteristic (i.e. "loves soccer" or "went to
church this Sunday"), and those who relate to the trait cross the room to the opposite
wall. Then, the people in those groups can discuss what it's like to have that
characteristic. Continue different rounds with different traits!

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