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Max Teems and Paul Bourlet

Leadership Project: Evolution of History

August 23, 2356
To whom it may concern,
Its been five years since World War III shattered all we had known. Our lifestyles, our
future, and our hopes just vanished after one fatal plot to destroy us. Five years ago, a terrorist
team known as the Global Eradication Organization, GEO, used advanced technology that nearly
caused the doomsday of the Earth. It all started about a century ago. GEO first came into being at
this time, and used a unique form of nuclear weapons hidden beneath the crust of the Earth.
Hibernating for years underneath the soil, no one expected the near fatal obliteration of our
planet. After the activation of these bombs, the world was set into mass chaos, World War III.
Since then, the world has been reduced to ash and radioactive plains. The nations of the planet
have broken up into violent anarchy or have been plagued by radioactive poisoning. The
survivors of this Armageddon have been oppressed and taken by GEO, who has declared itself
the supreme and only government left in the world. To record the starting of this new era, all
history has been burned. GEO-Topia, as it is called by our new government, is the new great
nation of the world. Led by GEO-Topias President for Eternity, President Thorne, we have no
power and no say in our government. My name is Griffin Mallocks and I am part of the web.
Now that the world is a wasteland of nuclear fallout and viscous criminal-run anarchy,
the cities built as GEO-Topia are large bio-domes, sustained by strange chemically made plants
and sturdy concrete engineered by President Thornes scientists. There are 13 of these cities,
each one governed by an appointed lord through a meritocratic system. Each has been given their

position by the President for Eternity himself, either through skill, loyalty, or military strategy.
But most citizens dont know this. They are kept in the dark by Thornes tight grip. The only
way I know these things is due to the web. The web, as we members call it, is an underground
society of rebels who refuse to conform to the new laws. We have a labyrinth of passageways
that span for miles and miles underneath the land above. Most people in the domes are blind to
the Presidents crude and forceful style of leadership, believing him to be the savior of our
people, rescuing everyone from the last dictator of GEO-Topia, and the last before him.

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