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Quick Write 1:

My friends got mad at me when I got my ears pierced since my sister was
going back to school and she wanted to come with us. I could see how they
might be upset since we had said a while back wed all go together.
they shunned grace and I for a bit, and wouldnt acknowledge us
I apologized for whatever I had done, they replied with really mean emails
I stayed in at recess to avoid situation

-I felt really sad at first. But then i just felt bad for them, is this so important to you. I
thought Im obviously apologizing , its your problem that youre still mad at me, I
didnt prompt you when I apologized to be that mean. I learned that you really cant
take things too seriously, it was blown out of perspective. Keep in mind what you are
really fighting about the way we handled the situation or actually the deed done.

Quick write 2:
pages 27, paragraph starting with. He aint company, Cal. and also paragraph
starting stating with, Hush your mouth..
-Why would Calpurnia stand up for walter?
-did she stand up for him because she knows what it felt like to be an outsider
dont fit in, people disrespecting you because of your
background/upbringing/the way you look
-can calpurnia relate to walter?
or was it just that calpurnia just trying to teach Scout some manners?
-did she see a part of the boy in her
--he acts like he doesnt care too much
-ages difference
people gorw up in maycomb knowing the class, groups of people, the types
always been

Quick write 3 - chapter 5

-scout starts hanging out with ms. maudie
obsessed with garden

-scout and miss maudie are talking about boo radely, and miss maudie says that
boo radley, is alive
-sticks up for boo radley, and dismisses the gossip that Scout has been told
about him
-jem and dill are going to leave a note to boo radley (52)dill said
- jem doesnt want to go near the house to give the letter
-has to show letter to atticus

Quick Write 4: 12/2/14

Key moment; 9,10,11
How moment causes a significant perspective shift for scout or jem
A key moment in TKAM is when Jem receives the white camelia from Mrs.
Dubose. I think this sort of changes the perspective Jem has of Mrs. Dubose. The
white camelia represents the surrender, the white flag to their relationship. Peace
between them. Jem thinks of Mrs. Dubose is always had the last word, and their
always bickering. That Mrs. Dubose went to her deathbed angry at Jem or still
judging him. But the camelia in fact was her way of calling a truce. It proves Mrs.
Dubose was in the end not always out to get Jem, and that it didnt matter in the end.
What was said was sort of cast aside to have peace before she died.

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