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Brittany Ayala

English 1010
Prof. Kelly Turnbeaugh
Annotated Bibliography
November 1, 2014
The Citizenship Reform

Obama, Barack H. "Immigration and the Economy." Introduction. Immigration and the
Economy. N.p.:, 2012. N. 4 July 2012. Web. 19
Nov. 2014.
Summary: on this website it states that immigration is good. The lesson of these 236
years is clear immigration makes America stronger. Immigration makes us more
prosperous. And immigration positions America to lead in the 21st century.
Evaluation: This shows Obamas point of view with the problem at hand. This is really
good information and I can use this in the part of my issue exploration essay to explain
the problem and show what is happening as of now.
Reflection: I can use this to show that the president knows that there is a problem. I
think this information will really help me and really show one of the sides to this issue. "Is the Legalization of Immigrants in the Country Illegally a Good Solution to
Illegal Immigration in America?" 7 Sep. 2010. Web. 19 Nov. 2014.
Summary: On this website is explains the pros and cons of the legalization of illegal
immigrants. For example 75% of businesses are started by immigrants and those
businesses create a lot of job opening, thats one of the pros. One of the cons is the
unknown. We dont know who these people are or what they have done in the past.
Evaluation: There are many pros and cons but just like everyday life there is going to be
risks. You can go to the grocery store and get shot in a robbery, you can get hit by a
drunk driver while walking to your car. You can get kidnapped walking to your car after
class. There are so many risks in everyday life and our prison prove that by how many
people are in there, and most of the people in there are either visa holders or American
Reflection: I can use this to show the pros and cons of this problem. I can also use this
to prove that if we live by declining the unknown and the risks of the matter we
wouldnt be driving cars, giving anyone visas or green cards, or even going out of our

Mayor Bigelow, Personal Interview, November 11, 2014

PROBLEM. We should make them go through the same process as everyone else. The family unit
should be preserved. Every effort to keep families together. A pathway needs to be made. It
needs to be at least difficult or more difficult than those who come here legally. Treat everyone

fairly. Same rights do the same for everyone. Make a special path for everyone. The system is
broken but this will not fix it, it will only make it more complicated.

Evaluation: this is an example of living in the fear of the risks. This guy believes that we
should send every one back to their home countries. What he needs to realize is that
there are risks in everything and sending everyone back wont make the risks disappear.
Reflection: I can use this to show the logical response to this problem. This is a really
good point of view to show. Obama said that we need to find a humane and logical way
to solve this problem. This shows the logical way.

Pastor Terry Long, Personal Interview, November 11, 2014

Summary: Need to make it simpler and less costly they need to come through legally should be
quicker. People are greedy. This country was made from people from around the world so why
should we deny those who are already here that opportunity. We are all Gods children and we
need to stop being greedy and selfish.

Evaluation: This is really good information. I agree fully with Pastor Terry Long. He
wants a humane way to help those family people who are here illegally.
Reflection: I can use this to show the humane response to this problem. This is a really
good point of view to show. Obama said that we need to find a humane and logical way
to solve this problem. This shows the humane and logical way.

Leticia, Personal Interview, December 6, 2014

Summary: She wishes that it was easier for her family so they can come visit her here. Plus her
brother is here illegally because he couldnt afford to come here legally so it needs to be easier
and quicker because her brother has a wife who was born here and a daughter who was born
here. His wife goes to school and takes care of their child while he works to support his family
like 99% of Americans.

Evaluation: This is really good information from the legal immigrants point of view. She
just wants everyone to be happy and have the process more easy and accessible to
those who are here illegally and have family here.
Reflection: I can use this to show the humane response to this problem. This is a really
good point of view to show. Obama said that we need to find a humane and logical way
to solve this problem. This shows the humane way.

Jose, Personal Interview, December 6, 2014

Summary: He is the legal immigrants brother and he is tired of worrying if he will see his
beautiful wife and child the next day. He really wants this reform to go through so he can
become legal and stop worrying if this day will be the last that he gets to see his family. He
works a full time job that he has been at for 6 years and he supports his family with barely $50
left after paying bills and buying his familys necessities.

Evaluation: This is really good information I can use this to show the point of view that
this reform who is affected the most. His life is in the hands of the government and he
has a lot to lose over this reform. If the government doesnt help him he will never

become legal and he will never have what most visa holders have and that is peace of
Reflection: I can use this to show the humane response to this problem. This is a really
good point of view to show. Obama said that we need to find a humane and logical way
to solve this problem. This shows the humane way.

President Barrack H Obama, speech, November 20, 2014

Summary: The President states that we need to find a humane and logical answer to
this problem.
Evaluation: The President only wants what these amazing people need to be able to
have peace of mind and be able to live their lives with one less worry.
Reflection: This shows the problem and the solution. This problem is far from being
solved but it is possible. And Obama has given us an opportunity to fix this problem.

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