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USEFUL PHRASES FOR WRITING - 6CSE SPANISH Connectives: fy and [asi so/therefore pero but luego then ‘también = also sobre todo ‘especially ‘ademds furthermore a pesar del hecko de que | despite the fact thar ain embargo however a causa de due to Z ‘no obstante however lo primero first of al porque. because por lo tanto so/therefore joque = becasse/given that que that per un lado. por otro lado | an the one hond..on the | tal vez ‘maybe other hand ye/ frequency expressions: | (por) mucho tiempo (for) a long time recientemente recently amenudo often més tarde. later aveces ‘sometimes inmediatamente ‘immediately | enseguida ‘straight cway al firal Tin the end [siempre always Finalmente. finally Ltodovia still (yet) dentro de poco soon ya already tun dia ‘one day todos los dias ‘every day el fin de semana at the weekend al inicio ‘at the start coda dia every day ‘salvo except nunca/ jamas never un dia one day por fa tarde. in the efternoon | después before por la mafana in the morni antes after por la noche at night luego then/next frecuentemente __| frequently Los + day on + day | de vez en cuando from time to time ‘Adverbs “absolutamente ‘absolutely [ por supuesto of course rormalmente usuelly personalmente personally frecuentemente. | frequently pace a paca yradually generalmente generally casi practically/almast ‘afortunadamente fortunately rdpidamente quickly bastante, enough muy, very/realy demasiado too much mucho: alot Qpinion phrases: {me encanta(n) T love ‘en mi opinién in my apinion me gusta(n) Tike me molesta(n) que it bothers me that no me gusta(n) T don't lke ine interesa(n) it interests me odio Thate ‘me fascina(n) it fescinotes me | pienso que. I think that ime chifla(n) Tlove [creo que think that me parece que | itseems that WOW phrases! si pudiera if I could _ es importante que sea it's important that it is: es posible que sea its pessible that itis | para que sea in order thet it be es probable que sea it’s likely that it is [ es imprescendible que sea | it's vital that Pienso que vivir en Chichester es basura.. oY Sieaverdad! No, no es verdad xX iEstas loco/a! éSfen serio?! XX ¢Que? éQué piensas tu? éCéllate! Pienso que... 5, Qué piensas tu? ep | think ... What do you think? = What about you? No tienes razon > Tienes raz6n That's right. That's not right. Dunne iEstas loco/al! Ci What?! ‘Youlrercrazy! Yeh, really? Shut up! Topic areas All questions will be set in the context of the following topic areas and sub-topic areas. These will enable students and teachers to focus on appropriate vocabulary, Topicareas Sub-topic areas Topic area A Life In the town and rural life Home and abroad Weather and climate ‘Travel, transport and directions Holidays and tourist information Services (eg telephone, bank, post office) Customs and religion Everyday life, traditions and communities in a Spanish-speaking country Topic area B | Chitdhood Education and | Schoo! tite and routine cic ii Work/careers Future plans Topic area C Types of home House, home and daily | Information ebout self, family and friends routines Helping around the house Food and crinks area D Current affairs and social issues The modern world and | Environmental issues Hog ervlrenmene The media (e9 TV, film, radio, newspapers) Information ané communication technology (eq internet, mobile phones, email) Topic area E Special occasions Social activities, fitness | Hobbies, interests, sports and exercise ond NeaBt Shopping and money matters Accidents, injuries, common ailments and health | Issues Linguistic structures Students are expected to have acquired knowledge and understanding of spanish grammar during their course. in the examination, students will be required to apply their knowledge and understanding to various tasks, crawing from the list given in Appendix 1; Linguistic structures for Spanish, 145028943 ~ spacireaton ~ Edexcel Level fev 2Curieatem Spanish (KS) ~ a Issue 1 Feoruaty 2012 © Pearson Eaucation Une 2012 2 TOPIC AREA C- HOUSE, HOME AND DAILY ROUTINES The picture-based discussion begins with a short presentation by the candidate based on the picture which s/he has provided. The Interviewer should then intervene with 2 seties of questions based on the picture. The conversation must relate to the picture but may also incluce some questions prompted by the picture the candidate has chosen, The questions must not duplicate material already covered in the initial presentation. The aim is to develop the conversation as naturally as possible, following the candidate's lead and responding accordingly. The interviewer should ensure that the cendidate is given the opportunity to fullil the requirements of the assessment criteria and to have access to the full ;ange of marks. The following list of questions is not prescriptive, but rather indicates the types of question to be asked, All three question types should be covered in the discussion, although the main focus should be the picture provided by the candidate. Questions relating to the picture + Describea las personas de a foto. + {Qué mas puedes ver en ta foto? + {Quién crees que son |as personas dela foto? + iQuién es tu persona favorita en la foto? {Por qué? + Por qué estén sonriendo las personas? Questions indirectly related to the picture + {Qué piensas que estén celebrando? + {Qué mas van a hacer para celebrar? + Por qué crees que hace diez afas la foto habria sido diferente? + Con qué frecuencia crees que se ven estas personas? + {Qué estaba pasendo antes de sacar la foto? Questions relating to the wider topicarea + {Cémo son las relaciones en tu familia? {Qué celebréis juntos en tu familia? + {Qué estén haciendo ahora los miembros de tu familia? + Por qué es importante la familia? + Describe tu ultimo cumplearos. we casas som com arson Education ltd. 2012 Sample Assessment Maverals ° Level Vevel 2 Certficate in Sparish 2 TOPICAREA E- SOCIAL ACTIVITIES, FITNESS AND HEALTH Macerias ston Lid. 2012 Edeecel Level ‘/Level 2 Certificate in Spanish The picture-based discussion begins with a short presentation by the candidate based on the picture which s/he has provided. The interviewer should then intervene with a series of questions based on the picture. The conversation must relate to the picture but may also include some questions prompted by the picture the candidate has chosen. The questions must not duplicate material already covered in the initial presentation. The aim is to develop the conversation as naturally as possible, following the candidate's lead and responding accordingly. The interviewer should ensure that the candidate is given the opportunity to fulfil the requirements of the assessment criteria and to have access to the full range of marks. The following list of questions is not prescriptive, but rather indicates the types of question to be asked, All three question types should be covered in the discussion, although the main focus should be the picture provided by the candidate, Questions relating to the picture + pDénde esta basada este escena? + (Qué estd haciendo la mujer més joven? + Por qué lo esta haciendo? + Describe a las personas de la foto. + iQué estan haciendo las chicos del fondo? | Questions indirectly related to the picture + De qué crees que estin hablando las dos personas en el primer plano? + @Cémo crees que se siente la mujer joven? + {Qué ha hecho la muler joven antes de venir aqui? + Qué va a hacer més tarde? + 2Qué cambios habré en el teatro al final del dia? Questions relating to the wider topic area + aHas actuado en un escenario alguna vez? ;O en un concierto? Describe un concerto al que hayas ido, + {Qué tipo de musica te gusta? + {Qué otras cosas te gusta hacer en tu tiempo libre? 25 el entretenimiento una parte importante de tu vide? tiicate in Spanish © Pesrson Educatin led, 2072 Sarnale Assessment Materials Edexcel Level Level 2 i | SETS aN eR Rc seneatet Section B: Two conversations Maximum 6 minutes TOPIC AREA A- HOME AND ABROAD Straightforward questions | Describe dénde vives. 2Qué tiempo hace? 2Qué se puede ver y hacer? 2Qué piensas de tu cludad/regién? 1Dénde te gusta pasar les vacaciones? Describe tus tiltimas vacaciones. {Cudles son tus planes para las proximas vacaciones? {Cul seria tu destino ideal para ir de vacaciones? Por qué? Extension questions dfs tu ciudad un buen lugar pare los jovenes? ;Por qué? (For qué no? {Cuéles son las ventajas y las desventajas de vivir en una ciudac/en el campo? {Qué piensas del tiempo en tu pals? {Qué paises hispanohablantes conoces tli? iQue te parecieron? iPrefieres ir de vacaciones con tu familia o con tus amigos? ;Por qué? Wor qué es importante viajar al extranjero? 2Qué clas festivos hay en tu pais? ¢Cudl es tu favorite? Por qué? Straightforward questions | ‘TOPIC AREA B - EDUCATION AND EMPLOYMENT Describe tu institute/y tu rutina escolar. {QUE asignaturaste gustani/no te gustan Por qué? @Qué te pones para r al instituto? 2Qué hiciste en tu instituto ayer? 2QuE planes tienes para el proximo afio/para el futuro? Describe tu experiencia laboral, {Cual seria tu trabajo ideal? jHas estado en otro institute? Extension questions {Que te gusta/ no te gusta de tu Instituto? gPor que: iCudles son las asignatures mas importantes en tu instituto? ;Por qué? UEstds 2 favor oen contra del unifarme escolar? ;Par qué? 2Qué opinas de las realas que hay en tu instituto? iLos deberes son importantes? {Por qué? jPor qué no? 2Es importante la experiencia laboral? {Qué tienes que hacer para encontrar un buen trabajo? (Es mejor ir ala universidad 0 comenzer a trabajar? Por qué? eS SSenSRSER SNe ' ‘Question’ Number 6 This question will be assessed according to the standard assessment criteria below. eens No rewardable material, + Little meaningful communication; only aceasionally comprehensible. 12 + _The response is barely relevant to the task. | Limited communication; frequently lacking clarity. +4 + The response is partially relevant to the task but there may be major omissions. + Mostly clear communication with some ambiguity. 56 + _The response fs mostly relevant and addresses seme aspects of the task. * Clear communication with occasional ambiguity. ma +The response is relevant and addresses most aspects of the task. + Clear communication with no ambiguity. 9-40 + _The response is relevant and fully addresses all aspects of the task. knowledge and application of language Mark No rewardable material. o + Narrow range of basic vocabulary and structures. 42 +__Very little use of tenses to vary sentences, © Adequate range of vocabulary and structures, with some repetition, a4 + Some use of tenses to vary sentences. + Uses wide range of vocabulary and structures, including some complex 3 lexical items. + _Use of a range of tenses to vary sentences, tein Spanh © Pearson Eduction No rewardable material 0 + Very little evidence of correct verb formation, gender and agreement. 12 + Correct spelling is limited. * Some evidence of correct verb formation, gender and agreement a Spelling fs accurate for some of the respons + Strong evidence of correct verb formation, gender and agreement, 5 + Spelling is generally accurate although there may be occasional lapses. Sample Assessment Materials (© Pearson Education ltd excel Level Wave rificate in Spanish Paper 3: Speaking SECTION A Poe aenue ened Ce No rewarcable material jo + Minimal description of visual stimulus. 12 + Totally reliant on teacher-examiner promoting, + Minimal expression of ideas and opinions. «Minimal responses (mainly one-word replies). ‘Limited communication related to chosen visual stimulus. 34 Very hesitant and reliant on teacher-examiner promoting + Expresses some simple ideas or opinions, but these will lack clarity, + _ Replies are limited and short. * Communicates adequate information related to the chosen visual stimulus. | 5-6 + Able to sustain a conversation but requires some prompting. + Expresses simple ideas and opinions. + _Replies are simple and rarely expanded upon. © Communicates in some detail information related to chasen visual TB stimulus, * Speaks confidently, with minimal prompting necessary. + Has little difficulty expressing and explaining ideas and opinions. + Sometimes justifies and expands replies. = Communicates a wide renge of information related to chosen 910 visual/stimulus. Speaks very confidently, with very little or no hesitation and with spontaneity. ‘+ No aifficutty in expressing and explaining 2 range of ideas and opinions + Interacts well in post-presentation discussion. Frequently justifies and expands replies. fexcel Level I/level2 Certfieste in Spanish © Pearson Education Led 2072 Sample Asceszment Materials knowledge and application of language mark + No rewardable material. ° + Narrow range of basic vocabulary and structures. 1-2 + Simple and often incomplete sentences. + Adequate range of vocabulary and structures, with some repetition “4 + Some use of tenses to vary sentences. = Uses wide range of vocabulary and structures, including some complex 5 lexical items. [+ _Use of a range of tenses to vary sentences, ed oo + Norewardable material, 0 ‘© Very little evidence of corract verb formation, gender and agreement. 42 ‘+ _ Pronunciation and intonation often interfere with comprehensibility. + Some evidence of correct verb formation, gender and agreement. 34 + Pronunciation and intonation sometimes interfere with comprehersibility, + Strong evidence of correct verb formation, gender and agreement. |5 ‘+ Pronunciation and intonation seldom interfere with comprehensibility. Sample Assessment Materials jon Led. 2012

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