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Political involvement

Democracy by definition means the government by people. That means that all the
people should be able to have their say in one way another in everything that affects
their lives. There are 3 different types of democracy. They include direct, constitutional
and representative democracy. Constitutional Democracy is based on a constitution,
direct democracy is a rule of the land that is directly decided by the citizens (For
example a show of hands or a secret ballot on an issue) and Representative democracy
is a system of government that allows electors to choose representatives to make
political decisions for them. Democracy is founded on a behalf that all people are
created equal and have certain rights that are inalienable. The main type of democracy
in Australia is called Representative democracy. In this type of democracy we, as
citizens, elect representative democracy to make political decisions for us. In a country
the size of Australia, It is not physically possible to exercise direct democracy. There are
too many complex and frequent issues to be dealt with. Representative democracy,
therefore is the option that suits us best

Democracy in Australia
Democratic government in Australia, we live in a democracy. This means that our society is based
around the idea that a governments power is derived from the will of the people and is exercised by
them either directly or in directly. This takes place through a system of representation- we elect
individual to represent us in parliament. This usually involves electing a member of a political party
whose policies we agree with.

Structure of the Australian government

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