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The Slacker Generation

Has work ethic declined rapidly with this generation?

By: Jennifer Snow
When Susan Malcolm Ph.D. was told about a study saying work ethic among young people has
fallen, she said that does not necessarily mean production has declined too.
A delay in praise from employers caused the decline prompting Nick Lewis to suggest
individuals have to be determined to succeed.
Lack of loyalty to one company prompted Robert Becker to agree saying young people don't
stick it out when times get tough.
They reacted to the findings in a study in the Journal of Managerial Issues, that suggests work
ethic today has a different definition than it did in the past due to breadth of experience, praise
and company loyalty.
The essay "Work Ethic: Do New Employees Mean New Values?" explores the reasoning behind
the perception of decreased work ethic, how it is viewed differently today, the notion that young
people react negatively to delayed gratification and praise and organizational commitment. In the
journal article, it states "it is possible that older and younger employees have a different
perception of what actually comprises hard work, thus their behaviors and responses may be
skewed." This is the main point that everything circles back towards, work ethic is not viewed
the same way as it was 50 years ago but does that make it wrong?
"I believe that work ethic is based on the individual and this generation of people is at risk; I
believe they are at risk of not understanding the different facets of professional life including,
knowing the role they play and being able to focus on a task for hours at a time says Malcolm
Malcolm says that work ethic has not necessarily declined with this generation but there is a
generation of people at risk of this decline because life dynamic is not the same as it was 50
years ago, people want more and want to do more. Now they can because technology has made
more available and there are so many opportunities today that may be viewed as more important
than work. I believe that work ethic is based on the individual and this generation of people is at
risk; at risk for lack of understanding as to how they compare with others in terms of measured

performance at work, says Malcolm. Malcolm see's this a lot in the college classes she teaches,
she says that students are use to academia where if you make a mistake you can try again
tomorrow but in the work place you don't always get a second chance. She said that it doesn't
make it wrong it is just a different perception of work ethic this generation has grown up with.
Malcolm doesnt think that work ethic has declined, she believes that his generation and future
ones are indeed at risk because everything is getting easier to do and in todays world we have
computers to take place of what was once learned skills. She said that a lot of young people don't
even know how to do basic things around the office like fax. Going back to the point of self
reliance in the essay, younger generations need more help with basic skills they're expected to
know when they get to the work place.
It all boils down to individual determination says Lewis, "I personally am a single parent and I
want to provide as much as I can for my daughter. I have responsibility that others my age don't
have these responsibilities and my determination I believe give me a strong work ethic." Lewis
believes that if young people are determined and just do not have the opportunity to show this.
Lewis believes that a lot of this generation cannot get jobs or jobs that they want so they cannot
demonstrate this drive to the fullest.
Lewis a recent college graduate says work ethic of this generation is good and bad but it can also
be said of past generations. Lewis divides it up into two groups of young people, the first group
is passionate and determined to better themselves and have a strong work ethic. The second
group is people who are lazy and do nothing who take handouts such as welfare or Obama care
and are not bettering themselves; they feel as if they are entitled to it. "My family has owned
may successful businesses and I witnessed firsthand what it takes to be successful and selfsufficient and not everyone has that." This relays back to the study of morality and ethics, if it is
witnessed first-hand, then it is easier to abide by and live by example.
Information and not knowledge is always readily available causing this generation to lack many
skills, everyone is also just plain lazy and if they do not feel like going to work they call off says
Becker. " I am a security guard and working right now with laryngitis because my company
needs me here. Obviously I feel terrible but just because you do not feel well doesn't mean you
get to stay home." Becker believes that younger generations need to suck it up and show their
Paul Neff a member of the work force for 15 years does not think that young people have a
strong work ethic, he thinks that most young people expect certain privileges to be handed to
them. People are getting lazier and lazier and in my opinion I feel like a lot of people want jobs
but no one wants to work. Neff believes that people cannot be successful or have a strong work
ethic if they are not willing to apply themselves. He believes that a lot of young people feel as if
they have a strong work ethic but in reality they do not, they call off when they are not feeling
one-hundred percent and socialize more than work. This goes back to the study, what do
different individuals define as basic hard work. The essay notes that this decline has been
suggested before going back to the late 1970s. It is not just a side effect of this generation, in

1977 David J. Cherrington performed a work values study "on workforce professionals
throughout various industries, found that hard work and pride in craftsmanship were not as
important to younger workers, compared to older workers." The essay agrees with Neff's point of
the decline of hard work but notes it happening gradually before this generation.
Christopher Andrew a PA State Trooper cadet and James Shultz a current college student believe
that young people whose parents force them to work for things have a strong work ethic but
those who are just handed what they want never will have a strong one. They believe that parents
have gravely hindered today's youth.
Matthew James owner of his own sporting goods business and Anthony Neimic a young
professional in the work place believe that young people have a strong work ethic and just
because it differs "from our great grandparents who had to bust their backs to survive does not
mean that it is any worse it is just different," says James. They also pointed out that when parents
give their children everything, it hinders their ability to do it for themselves. Can we really say it
is all my parents fault?

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