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The Sword of Omens:

The Sword of Omens is the legendary sword of the

1 Overview/Abilities
2 Toys
3 Trivia
4 Gallery
Its blade can extend or retract, being in the form of a dagger when resting and a full-length broadsword form when at full strength and power. The
blade itself is near indestructible, shown to be extremely strong, durable, and laser-sharp. It is able to slice through hardened materials such as
steel and solid stone with relative ease.
The blade is also highly reflective, and has reflected Mumm-Ra's own reflection back upon him on numerous occasions. It can shoot blasts of
energy with varying abilities and degrees of strength, capable of stunning, electrocuting, melting through materials such as titanium and solid
rock, blasting through and blasting apart targets/structures with explosive force, and vaporizing various targets. It has also released enough power
to overload the energy absorption defense mechanism of the Plundarian War-Bot and repel and overpower the full firepower of Ratar-O's starship,
the Ratstar.

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Its power stems from the Eye of Thundera, which is embedded in its hilt. The Eye of Thundera is a ruby that contains an all-seeing, all-powerful,
galactic/universal energy force that is sentient in nature, and takes the form of a closed cat's eye pupil when dormant, and opens to become a
black cat's head when fully awake.
The Eye of Thundera is the source of the ThunderCats' power, and possesses a level of sentience/consciousness that has lead to it being described
as "alive". As the Eye of Thundera and the Sword of Omens exist as one in a symbiotic relationship, this has led to the Sword being described as
being "alive" also. When in danger, the wielder can summon the other ThunderCats by shooting the symbol of the Eye of Thundera into the sky,
by shouting the battle cry, "Thunder, Thunder, Thunder...ThunderCats - HO!". Upon saying this incantation, the Sword also transforms; the crossbars of the hilt curl upwards, the blade grows from dagger form to fully sized sword form, and the Eye opens from its dormant to awakened and
full powered state, releasing the Eye of Thundera symbol into the sky.
Since the Eye is the ThunderCats' source of power, releasing the Eye of Thundera's signal will give the ThunderCats a great surge of power upon
eye contact with the signal. The Eye of Thundera's signal, which is an extension of the Eye of Thundera itself, has many other abilities apart from
summoning ThunderCats, such as being able to blast through the full thickness of the planet from its core to the surface in a matter of seconds.
Aside from its most powerful attack - the signal - the Eye can also produce extremely powerful ruby red energy blasts, powerful enough to repel
and overcome the full firepower of Rataro's starship, the Ratstar, thus destroying it. It has also been shown to be able to heal as well, and
possesses regenerative capabilities; spells cast by Mumm-Ra or others are broken, and if the ThunderCats have been put under any form of
trance, mind control, or spells, summoning them with the Sword will break the magic holding them. The Eye contains such immense power that,

in many episodes, releasing the Eye of Thundera signal against the enemy or opposing force often results in them being swiftly
The sword possesses many other abilities, such as generating force fields, manipulating temperature to create intense heat or flames, freezing
targets in ice, and manipulating energy that it emits to be utilized by the wielder, such as creating bridges of energy and even pole vaults. The
sword can levitate and fly, and grants the wielder the ability to fly by holding onto the sword as it travels through the air. The sword has also been
seen to transport Lion-O from one place to another, as referenced in the episode Return to Thundera, Part 5. The sword generally grants its
wielder any command they give, such as when Lion-O tries to overload the energy absorption defense mechanism of the Plundarian Warbot by
commanding the sword with, "Sword of Omens, give me power beyond power...HO!" as seen in the episode Return to Thundera.
Perhaps the most phenomenal feat of power the Sword has demonstrated was in the episode 'Return to Thundera - part 5', whereby the Sword,
after being thrown into the eruption of energies escaping from the planets core as a result of the planet tearing apart, managed to hold together
those energies, control them, and use its own power to restrain them and revert them back to their normal state, thus holding the entire planet
together and saving New Thundera.
The sword can be recalled by its wielder, and will return to their hand no matter how far away it is or what is in its way. It can warn its wielder of
danger by emitting a loud growl from the Eye of Thundera. The Sword of Omens also allows its wielder to see across great distances, find hidden
things, and spot impending danger or allies that are in trouble with its iconic ability "Sight Beyond Sight", by saying the command, "Sword of
Omens, give me Sight Beyond Sight!"
The sword has passed down through Thunderian rule from generation to generation, only ever being wielded by the Lord of The ThunderCats. Its
current wielder is the current Lord, Lion-O.
The Sword of Omens is widely regarded and acknowledged as one of, if not the, most powerful weapon in existence. The only weapon to ever
truly match it in strength and power is Excalibur, managing to pierce its source of power, the Eye of Thundera, thus defeating it and rendering it
useless until Merlin re-energised it with his ancient and powerful magic, fixing it and returning it to its original state. Mumm-Ra's weapon, the
Sword of Plun-Darr was able to crack the Eye of Thundera on one occasion, but it was easily repaired by Jaga's magic and in turn, the Sword of
Omens has defeated and overpowered the Sword of Plun-Darr on numerous occasions. Hachiman's sword, the Thunder-Cutter, was once
described as being as powerful as the Sword of Omens itself, yet since the two have never properly faced off against one another, it is difficult to
formulate an informed conclusion. However, in the episode "Excalibur", when Mumm-Ra is desperate to find a power strong enough to destroy
the sword, the only weapon that the Ancient Spirits of Evil deem powerful enough to truly challenge the Sword of Omens is that of Excalibur.
The sword's power is so great that Mumm-Ra himself is obsessed with possessing it so that he may control the power of the Eye of Thundera and
become more powerful than the Ancient Spirits of Evil could ever make him, to rule Third Earth unchallenged. However, one of the most iconic
characteristics of the sword is that it does not respond to an evil command, as well as preventing anyone trying to use it for an evil deed from
doing so. The Sword only comes to life to combat evil and, as such, is useless to Mumm-Ra or anyone else that tries to use its power for anything
but good. Mumm-Ra is therefore jumping from trying to possess it and manipulate it to his will and trying to destroy it throughout the series.
When the Eye is covered with something strong enough, like black tar, the Sword can be completely disabled, as referenced in the episode The
Unholy Alliance. However, in the episode Sword in a Hole, this is not a problem, as the Eye of Thundera simply disintegrates its bindings upon
being summoned by Lion-O. If used to attack a fellow ThunderCat, it initiates the Curse of Balthas, breaking the sword and causing it to lose its
power; the only way it can regain its power is to be reforged in star fire. However there does not seem to be any difficulty in reforging the sword
if broken by other means. In fact, reforging the Sword has been shown to make it more powerful than ever before, as seen in the episode Return
to Thundera, Part 2.
Whilst usually the Sword is only ever wielded by the Lord of the Thundercats, it has been used by other characters of 'pure spirit' on occasion;
Willa of the warrior maidens once used 'Sight Beyond Sight' in the episode 'Garden of Delights', and the Sword has also responded to Lynx-O in
'Ravage Island'. In the episode Tight Squeeze, Snarf used the Sword of Omens with no problem, and the sword in some other episodes have let
Snarf contact.

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width="180" height="135" class="thumbimage" data-image-name="Swordofomens.jpg" data-image-key="Swordofomens.jpg" />
Two versions of the Sword of Omens have been released as role-play sized props.
The Basic sized Sword of Omens is 6 inches from tip to pommel and features a prominent Eye of Thundera, with the Eye form on one side and
the Thundercats logo on the other. Pressing a button extends the blade about 2 inches. The hilt of the sword can fold up, and the sword can be
stored in the basic sized Claw Shield accessory.
The Deluxe Version is about 15 inches long, and includes electronic lights and sounds. Pressing the button below the Eye causes the hilt to swing
out and expand, while pressing the button on the grip unlocks the blade so it can be extended. Both buttons activate sound gimmicks. Like the
smaller version, the Eye has a different image on either side. A switch on the pommel turns the electronics on and off. It uses 3 LR44 sized
Additionally, most releases of Lion-O figures, both from the classic series and the new, include a Sword of Omens accessory. Many include a
smaller, "retracted" version as well as an extended version.
In the 2011 version, there is an enchantment on the sword that keeps it from being touched by hands of pure evil such as Mumm-Ra, somewhat
different from the original series where it can be touched by an evil individual, but can't be used for evil (however in the 2011 verison it can be

touched but not used by less evil beings such as Grune) . Another difference in the 2011 version is that only those who are members of the
bloodline of the Lion Race may use the sword such as Lion-O, despite if the being is good unlike the original series when Willa managed to use
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name="SwordofOmensinaction.jpg" data-image-key="SwordofOmensinaction.jpg">
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title="Black tar.jpg (9 KB)" class="thumbimage" alt="Black tar" data-image-name="Black tar.jpg" data-image-key="Black_tar.jpg">

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name="Thundercats120-29.jpg" data-image-key="Thundercats120-29.jpg">
Sword of Omens
This is an ancient and powerful weapon created to fight evil. It is the weapon that is given to the Lord of the Thundercats, and can only be
used by them. Its history is lost in antiquity. It has the following powers at its disposal:

1) I.Q.: 15; communicates with wielder through a form of empathy

2) Nearly Indestructible; made of a silvery metal (500,000 M.D.C. can only be damage with a direct attack against the sword and it only takes
1/10 all damage done to it.)
3) +12 to all saves
4) does 5d6+10 M.D.C.
5) Can fire energy bolts doing 4d6x10 MD to a 1000 ft. range
6) Can create a force field covering a 10 ft. radius and has 1000 M.D.C.. The field can be recreated 10
minutes after the M.D.C. is depleted.
7) Grants the wielder use of all Sensitive and Healing Psi powers as well as the following:
- Summon Inner Strength
- Super Telekinesis
- Cure Insanity (Palladium Fantasy RPG)
- Group Mind Block
All equal to tenth level and usable at will, at no cost.
8) With the ritual of saying thunder cats HO! Transforms from a dagger to a broad sword, but uses 1 action/attack.
9) Return to wielder when thrown or when called (regardless of distance(even dimensional)).
10) Only those of principled alignment or of Royal Thunder cat Bloodline can use it. Anyone not Principled does not take damage
from touching it. If the user attempts to use the sword for any selfish purpose, the sword WILL fly from their hands and embed itself in the
ground until it senses that the wielder is truly sorry. If used to draw the blood of an innocent, the blade will shatter. The only way to reforge it is
by doing so inside the mouth of an active volcano, within 24 hours.
11) Once per week, the sword can cast Miracle (as per Priest OCC) equal to character level.
12) By holding the hilt of the Sword of Omens up to the eyes and saying Sword if Omens give me sight beyond sight gives the wielder: Cosmic
Awareness: A person with this power can think about one individual and will instantly know where they are, regardless of where or what
dimension. This DOES NOT include a way there. It does, however, include Danger Sense (a mutants version of sixth sense (see entry under new
minors)); also if someone important to the Wielder is in danger or if a thunder cat is in danger the sword will give the wielder a warning.
13.) By Holding the Sword of Omens Aloft and Saying the Ritual Words: Thunder, Thunder, Thunder Thundercats HO! The wielder can use
Resurrection: With this you can bring a person back from the dead AND restore 1d4x10 HP/SDC/MDC but is only effective within 6 hours after
death. Plus this power can only be used twice per day. And if used to resurrect a Thundercat it can be use anytime unlimited amount of times, to
resurrect as many as needed to resurrect.
14.) When a person or creatures image is reflected off of the blades surface their true form is revealed.

When in danger, the wielder can summon the other ThunderCats by shooting the symbol of the Eye of Thundera into the sky, by shouting the
battle cry, "Thunder, Thunder, Thunder...ThunderCats - HO!". Upon saying this incantation, the Sword also transforms; the cross-bars of the hilt
curl upwards, the blade grows from dagger form to fully sized sword form, and the Eye opens from its dormant to awakened and full powered
state, releasing the Eye of Thundera symbol into the sky.
Since the Eye is the ThunderCats' source of power, releasing the Eye of Thundera's signal will give the ThunderCats a great surge of power upon
eye contact with the signal. +20 to all stats for 10 minutes to all Thundercats who see the symbol and instantly teleporting them to the Wielders
immediate area.

Claw of Omens:

The claw is rarely seen without the sword , as the claw (in addition to its own purposes) serves as the sheath to the Sword of Omens . When not in
use it can be (through mystical means) attached to the leg of the wielder . It has the following powers :
1) Indestructible ; looks like a large lions claw .
2) +10% climb
3) the four knuckles have gems in them that simultaneously fire and energy beam doing 4d6 MD
to a 500 ft. range.
4) Claw Swipe: 2d4 MD
5) The "fingers" end with claws. Each of these claws can be fired a range of 100 ft . Each of
these claws is attached to a cord with 20 M.D.C. The cords will (if cut off) grow back (claw

too) within 24 hours . These cords are normally used to help with climbing.
6) When activated, the Claw can turn away the undead (zombies, vampires, Hell spawn). When
this is done, the undead must make a save versus Horror Factor of a 12.

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