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Greetings Dear,

My name is Dr. George Benjamin, I'm a Medical practitioner from Houston-Texas, U.S, working and
residing with my family here in Dublin, Ireland. I feel obliged writing this mail to you. Do accept my
apology if this mail does not suit your personal or business ethics considering the fact that there
wasn't earlier information regarding my mail.
I'm establishing direct communication with you soliciting for your assistance and co-operation in a
business investment financial programmed involving $5M USD ($5,000,000.00USD). My idea is targeted
at partnering with someone, individuals and corporate bodies alike in great business opportunities. I am
currently seeking means of building business interest in the Following sectors: real estate, stock
speculation and mining, transportation, health care, tourism, Manufacturing, tobacco etc. If you think you
have a solid background and idea of making good profit in any of the mentioned business sectors in your
country; please write me for possible business cooperation.
More so, I am willing to facilitate and fund any business that is capable of generating 5% to 10% annual
return on investment (AROI).
Contact me for further details through my private email
Thank you for your time and attention.
Warmest Regards,
Dr. George Benjamin.

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