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South Korea University Global Studies Department Special

Advisory Board for English Education Abroad (SKUGSDSABEEA)

We would like to ask you for a few minutes of time to share your experience with us.

1. Which of the following seven countries have you worked, studied, or lived in? (The United
States, The United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and/or Canada) In
which city/area did you live in?
2. Did you study English there?
If yes, in what type of school? Can you describe your experience?

If no, do you feel that you English improved with immersion and exposure?

3. What did you think of the locals? How were you treated? Were foreigners welcome?

4. Did you feel safe there? Why/Why not?

5. How was the cost of living in your particular area?

6. How long and difficult was the process to acquire your visa? What type of visa did you have?

7. Were you able to enjoy leisure activities there? How would you describe your life outside the

8. Was there anything you particularly loved about the country/city you studied/lived/worked in?

9. What was the biggest problem you had while being there?

On behalf of the SKUGSDSABEEA, we would like to thank you for your time with this free SKU pen.
Have a nice day.

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