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Removing Programs from the TI-83 or TI-84 Calculator

MthSc 207 Students: The ONLY calculator program allowed on your tests/final exam is the NUMINTGL
program transferred to you by your instructor at the beginning of Chapter 5. Please delete all other
programs (see instructions below) prior to each test/exam. Any student found to have unauthorized
programs on their calculator during a test/exam is subject to academic dishonesty charges.

1) Backing Up Your Programs: Press your PRGM button to see a list of all programs on your
calculator. Back up any programs that you want to save for use after the completion of this
course by using the back-up feature of TI-Connect software. Note that TI-Connect software
should be installed on your computer BEFORE trying to connect the calculator to the USB port.
2) Removing Unarchived Programs: After backing up the programs you wish to save, press
[2nd][+, mem][7, reset][1, all RAM] to reset your calculators memory. This will delete ALL
unarchived programs.
Return to your PRGM menu to see if any archived programs remain (these would be marked with an
asterisk). If so, continue to Step 3.
3) Removing Archived Programs: To remove archived programs, you must first unarchive them.
To unarchive programs press [2nd][+, mem][2, mem mgmt][7, programs] and use your arrow
keys & the Enter key to remove the asterisk. (Note: Your calculator will generally only have
enough memory to allow you to unarchive 5 or 6 programs at a time. ) After unarchiving
programs, repeat Step 2 to delete them.
Repeat Steps 2 & 3 until ALL programs are deleted.

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