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Running Head: Do Your Feelings Identify You?

Do Your Feelings Identify You?

Maximiliano Perez
California State University, Chico

Do Your Feelings Identify You?

As we grow up day-by-day, feelings tend be tough to show, let alone express.

There are many ways that people hide their true feelings by telling a lie or maybe not
even saying a word. Having that being said, people currently are now more then ever
using technology for negative use to let out aggression. As the social media base tends to
grow every single day, the more use of technology increases. Following the huge media
websites like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, give off an image where young
adults look into when finding the latest trend. As this is happening, online predators are
in more use of tracking down innocent teens or kids. These predators give off a type of
comfort that maybe a family member or a friend cannot give them because of family
problems or drug use that friends can put upon each other.
When talking about feelings in the twentieth century, social media plays a huge
role in peoples everyday life. Many more people use social media networks to show off
their feelings or opinion about something. Social media is starting to develop more of a
type of culture for everyone, mostly young kids, where they are free in many ways. In a
research done by the International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics, they focus on
culture that social media gives. Facebook encourages its users to also publish contact
details, details about personal interests and activities as well as details about educational
background and work (T. Taraszow, 2010). When supplying this information to social
media gives out information that is not really given out in a normal conversation. The
thought that maybe they are to scare to speak up in person so they refer to social media
for an outlet. Facebook can also play the same way as Twitter when asking people how
they feel or what they are thinking about. Twitter is also a huge social networking
website where people meet everyday and have a simple but effective conversation. When

Do Your Feelings Identify You?

starting to talk to someone online with similar interest, people gain trust that is often
A huge reason why people show their emotions on social networks is because of
online dating websites. In general, people can be afraid to approach an attractive person
at a store so they resort to dating websites. It has become increasingly clear that various
stages of ones relationship are affected by third-party opinions (B. Wright, 2012). The
third-party opinions come into play when one publishes a post of being in a relationship
with their significant other. Relationships like this can tend to go into more into a social
media relationship then an actual relationship. Families and friends would more often
judge this because of the way the relationship is. They would often give input on how
some online relationships are more about lies then the actual truth.
A researcher named Julius Vandersteen indicates that online dating can mislead
people. One negative aspect of online dating is that people may lie, or exaggerate, about
themselves to attract others who might not otherwise be interested in them (J.
Vandersteen). This can give people an impression on other people that they might have a
marvelous lifestyle but they can lie about those things. Without a clear plan, online
daters can get stuck endlessly "shopping" for the perfect partner, rather than actually
starting a satisfying relationship (J. Nicholson, 2014). This can lead some online daters
into losing hope and just falling under a deep depression. They tend to look for all these
details and this can lead to false information from other online daters. All of this bogus
information that is given on these online websites can lead families member and friends
in shock when realizing that their love one is not satisfied with themselves.

Do Your Feelings Identify You?

Social media is a virtual world where teens love to keep up with the latest fashion
or the latest trend in music. But when is it where things get out of hand and people use
the Internet to mislead people into horrible things like kidnapping and murders. Social
media is giving feelings that are wrong and right but only the person in control can decide
whether or not to have them.

Do Your Feelings Identify You?

Tatjana Taraszow, Elena Aristodemou, Georgina Shitta, Tiannis Laouris, Aysu Arsoy
(2010, January 1)
Brittany L. Wright, H. Colleen Sinclair (2012, December), Pulling the strings: Effects of
friends and parent opinions on dating choices
Julius Vandersteen, Negatives of Online Dating
Jeremy Nicholson (2014, April), How persuasion research can help you get a date

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