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If you are seeing 3000 ads a day why do you remember some over others?

what makes a successful advertisement?

In my opinion, what makes a successful advertisement are the celebrities used in the
advertisement. For example cover girl, they star Ellen Degenerous, Taylor Swift, P!nk ect.
And they're paid to say, "hey use this product and your skin will look as smooth and clear as
mine!" Or "your eyelashes will be long and bold with our new mascaras" and when reading
between the lines their basically saying, if you don't use this product, you won't be pretty.
But if you do, you'll look like this particular celebrity. And in doing so, it makes their products
the best selling.
Media Deconstruction questions:

1. Whose message is this? Who created or paid for it? Why?

2. Who is the target audience? What is their age, ethnicity, class, profession, interests,
etc.? What words, images or sounds suggest this?
I personally find that with advertisements, they're mainly directed towards teens.
3. What is the text of the message? (What we actually see and/or hear: written or spoken
words, photos, drawings, logos, design, music, sounds, etc.)
4. What is the subtext of the message? (What do you think is the hidden or unstated
5. What tools of persuasion are used?
the main ones are "use our product and you'll be cool." Or "use our product and you'll look
like ____."
6. What positive messages are presented? What negative messages are presented?
positive- with say perfumes or colognes, they'll make you smell good. (Except for axe, axe
Negative- makeup products put out there that if you don't use their product your not good
7. What part of the story is not being told?
The truth. Advertisers state that if you don't use their products, then you aren't good
enough. But that's not true because everyone is their own person and no product is going to
change that.

8. What groups of people does this message empower? What groups does it disempower?
How does this serve the media maker's interests?

This mainly effects teens. Like cover girl sends a message to girls that if you don't use our
product, you aren't beautiful. For boys, axe for example, sends a message that if you don't
use their product, you stink and no one will like you, but if u do, you'll be "a magnet."

Compares the macbook air to a surface pro 3, saying that its much better and you should hands down
buy this product instead.

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