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Study Guide for Unit 4

Name ____________________________ Hour ____________ Test will be on 12-18-14

1. The sum of the internal angles of any triangle will always be exactly.
180 degrees (It does not matter what classification of triangle acute, obtuse, right)

2. Sketch an isosceles triangle including necessary labels. Then label the base angles and
vertex angle.

3. If an isosceles triangles equal angles (base angles) are whole numbers, what are the
possible measures of the unequal angle.

The smallest whole number a base angle could be is one.

1+1 =2 and 180-2= 178

so the largest the vertex angle could be is 178

If the vertex angle was 2, then the base angles would be 178/2 = 89. If the base angles must
be whole numbers, then 89 is the smallest possible measure for the vertex angle.

89 vertex angle 178

4. Find the missing angle or angles in each triangle

a. 60
b. 130
c. 40
d. 40

5. Is it possible to create a triangle with side lengths 3, 4, and 5?

Yes, 3+4 > 5
6. Is it possible to create a triangle with side lengths 3, 4, and 10?
No, 3+4<10
7. Is it possible to create a triangle with side lengths 3, 4, and 7?
No, 3+4 = 7

The sum of the lengths of any two sides of a triangle must be greater than the
third side.

8. Fill in the blank

Two triangles are congruent if they have exactly the same three sides and
exactly the same three angles.
9. What are the four ways we learned to find if two triangles are congruent?

1. SSS

(side, side, side)

SSS stands for "side, side, side" and means that we have two triangles with
all three sides equal.

For example:

is congruent to:

2. SAS

(side, angle, side)

SAS stands for "side, angle, side" and means that we have two triangles
where we know two sides and the included angle are equal.
For example:
is congruent to:

3. ASA

(angle, side, angle)

ASA stands for "angle, side, angle" and means that we have two triangles
where we know two angles and the included side are equal.

For example:

is congruent to:

4. AAS

(angle, angle, side)

AAS stands for "angle, angle, side" and means that we have two triangles
where we know two angles and the non-included side are equal.

is congruent to:

ABCD is a parallelogrAM. If the two marked angles are correct, what must the
measure of angle DCA be?


10. If quadrilateral ABCD is a parallelogram, find the measure of angle DCA.

m DCA = 50 degrees

11. Find the missing measures, include units.

GR = 15 cm
GO = 7.5 cm
m GOF = 90 degrees


W = 8 cm
A = 115 degrees
R = 90 degrees
P = 65 degrees

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