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Thomas Frasier
Professor Williams
ENG 102
13 October 2014
The Money Suckers
Have you ever thought of the old saying money runs the world? In the
movie The Corporation directed by Mark Achbar and Jennifer Abbot released in
2003 explains to us how corporations are psychotic by if a corporation was like a
person they would be analogous to a psychopath, they also compare
corporations to sharks and owners to slave plantations. This film was created to
get this horrible information out to the general public so we can better understand
what truly goes on behind the closed doors of those big corporations that look all
friendly and perfect on the outside, but are actually just money hungry people on
the inside.
The writers continually talk about how big corporations are the same as
psychopaths. This is because of what these nice companies do to the world. In
German concentration camps had an IBM computer running all the inmates
numbers and keeping track of everything. This machine had to be serviced once
every month. Meaning once a month someone would have to go into these
horrible places and make sure everything is good and running smooth. As scary
as that is the people that had to service these machines were out of New York.
This company seemed to not care much about anything at the time but money.

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Sharks are hungry for anything and corporations are hungry for money.
These big corporations are money-sucking companies that dont care about the
consumer. Neither sharks nor businesses care about the consequences of their
actions. If these companies get into trouble or anything along those lines they
just pay there way out and not a finger is laid on them. The corporations have so
much power that even they dont know what to do with. When World War Two
was going on in Europe the Coca-Cola Company stopped sales in Germany
because of what they were doing. What they didnt tell people was that instead of
selling Coke in Germany they created a new drink called Orange Fanta and this
became the drink of the Germans. The Coca-Cola Company didnt care about
what was actually happening in this war they just cared about making more and
more money and continued to tell everyone else they stopped their sales of Coke
in the enemies land. But the sad truth was they didnt stop, Coke continued to
sell Orange Fanta and profited by the Nazi takeover.
When slavery was a thing in America the African Americans were treated
horribly, but they plantation owners just acted like they were just another face in
the crowd. Corporations are a lot like those plantation owners, they seem so nice
and so perfect up front but when you see them behind the closed doors you see
how horrible they are. This film did a very good job at using pathos throughout it
because sense it was a movie we were able to see the actual clips of the
protestors and the fights that have gone on because of these corporations. They
interviewed people that were being taxed by corporations for collecting rainwater
so they could have fresh drinking waters. How do you put a law on something

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that comes from the sky? Well when you have billions and billions of dollars it is
very easy. Seeing these things (the harsh reality) really shows the poor majority
and the elite minority.
The Corporation successfully conveys the message that money can run
the world. There is something horribly wrong with the way corporations have so
much power. With all this power means a whole lot of money and getting away
with anything they want. This film used numerous statistics discussed from
beginning to end to convey their point on why corporations have become such
powerhouses in the world. Within the first 10 minutes of the film we learned that
258 corporations have cited the 14th amendment in court. Note this amendment
was written to protect blacks rights after slavery, yet only 19 African Americans
have actually used it in court. There are interviews who support corporations and
interviews of people who this corporations need to change. By interviewing both,
the creators of the film established that they arent completely biased. Being very
credible and truly giving it up to the person who watches it their own point of
view. The power should be with the people, not the big corporations.

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Work Cited

The Corporation : The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power. Dir.

Mark Achbar and Jennifer Abbott. Perf. Noam Chomsky, Naomi Klein,
Michael Moore, Vandana Shiva, Charles Kernaghan,. Big Picture Media
Corporation, 2003. Film.

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