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Purposes of Calamities

Different calamities for different people have different purposes. The calamities that befell our
Prophet (PBUH) had a purpose of revealing his perfection. The Al-Taif was around 80 km far
apart and his perfection was revealed. His perfection was revealed when he went there on foot,
when people didnt recognize him in the beginning, when people thought it is fun, when
children hit him during his journey and when his feet were bled. Taking into consideration his
situation, the Angle of mountains came and told him if he wishes, the two mountains will fell
upon them. But our nice prophet replied with not doing so, he prayed for their guidance and to
remove their ignorance. The perfections of the prophets was that they kept on the right path,
to continuously repent and to have their rewards. The great purpose of the calamities was to
motivate the people.
In Full Quran Ayth Allah Says the interpretation of which is that : Certainly, we will be testing
you with something that will bring fear, loss of wealth or lives of relatives, loss of fruit or having
hunger. If there is such a situation then we may say that honestly, we belong to Allah and we
will be returning to him. These are the people who are having blessings (who are blessed and
forgiving people.
As we have just told, the purpose of the calamities is to help the believers to help them
approach Allah, so that they are more obedient and so that they become more closer to Allah.
The interpretation of an Ayath is :: If something good is done by Allah to somebody, the
purpose of which is to put him in trial, so, if there he remains patient, the favor is given to him,
if he is grateful, he will be drawled closer to Allah.
So, you may get closer to Allah and have high rewards for reading or reciting Ayaths yourself. In
order for you to be able to do this, you should use Noorani Qaida which is a mobile app that
helps you learn Quran. You may learn Quran Kareem in an easy to understand and tremendous

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