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Case: Superstore

Today, frozen and semi-processed and processed foods are an indispensable part of our urban
life. The obvious advantages of frozen food are the significant saving in preparation time and the
irrelevance of culinary skills. The convenience of frozen food comes at a price, efficient
preparation, better freezing technology, greater competition and rising income levels have
narrowed the affordability gap in many countries. Moreover, urban consumers want a full range
of grocery item, cosmetics, and stationeries etc. in a single shop as well as a new shopping
environment that are different from traditional bazaar in Bangladesh. Therefore, superstore
concept rose in Dhaka city in 2001 and pioneered by Rahimafrooz. A supermarket provides a
customer with the right products at the right weight and quality.
1. Discuss the segmentation, targeting and positioning strategies of Agora.
2. Think, you are a rival of Agora and your super shop is Meena Bazaar. Discuss segmentation,
targeting and positioning strategies as a competitor.

Some points to consider

1. Form a group of four members. At least four groups will be working for Agora and four
groups will be working as a competitor of Agora.
2. Prepare a report of maximum 3 pages excluding title page.
3. Use A4 page, Font: Times New Roman, Font Size: 12, Line Space: 1.5.
4. Dont bind the report; just staple.
5. Prepare PowerPoint Presentation for 5 minutes. (Two members will present and two will
defend. I will select who will be doing what.)

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