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Civil War Study Guide

Student Name: Kyle Smith Date: 12/2/14

1) Explain all aspects of the Missouri Compromise. How did it deal with the issue of
slavery? Approved in 1820; Maine entered the Union as a free state, and Missouri
entered as a slave state
11 states allowed slavery and 11 states did not
Prohibited slavery north of 3620' latitude (the southern border of Missouri), and
included Louisiana Territory lands west of Missouri
Temporarily solved slavery controversy between the states
2) What impact did the Presidential election of 1860 have?
3) Early in his Presidency, Abraham Lincoln declared that his primary goal as President was to
Free the slaves
4) The Nullification Crisis of 1832 centered around
Southern opposition of tariffs

repealed the Missouri Compromise of 1820

was created as a means of constructing a transcontinental railroad
created two new states in the middle of the United States
let the states decide whether or not to allow slavery
Which law is being described here?
Kanas- Nebraska act
6) Explain the Dred Scott Case. What impact did it have on events leading up to the Civil War?
Dred scott was a slave that filed a case with the supreme court because his state became free
but he his owner still said he owned him. The court said since he is a slave he couldnt file a
7) Explain all aspects of the Compromise of 1850.
California would enter Union as a free state
New Mexico territory would not become part of Texas or a guaranteed slave state
The District of Columbia would no longer trade slaves, but slave owners there could
keep their slaves
Runaway slaves could be returned to their owners in slave states
8) Name the three main causes of the civil war.
States Rights, Sectionalism, Slavery

9) Explain the role of Alexander Stephens prior to Georgia Seceding from the Union.
Vice- President: right hand man to the president and if the president dies then the vicepresident will be the president of the United states
10) Explain the Union blockade of Southern ports. How did it impact Georgia? How did the
Confederate Army get around it?
The union blocked all imports in the southern ports. GA couldnt get weapons to defend their
selves. Blockade-runners
11) What role did Alexander Stephens fulfill following Georgias secession from the Union?
Vice- President
12) What does nullification mean?
Nullification is a legal theory that a state has the right to nullify

Took place on September 17, 1862

Robert E. Lee and George McClellan faced each other
The Confederate offensive was stopped
Was the bloodiest day of the Civil War
These are describing the Civil War Battle of
Battle of Gettysburg
14) What is the BEST reasoning behind William Tecumseh Sherman's strategy of using "total
war" to defeat the South?
So the union could get rid of the Souths army
15) Explain the Emancipation Proclamation.
A proclamation made by President Abraham Lincoln in 1863 that all slaves under the
Confederacy were from then on forever free.
16) Which Civil War battle gave the Union Army complete control over Confederate rail lines
in the "Deep South" and set the stage for Sherman's "March to the Sea"?
Siege of Savannah
17) The majority of Civil War deaths came as a result of
Emancipation Proclamation
18) The Emancipation Proclamation was announced after the Battle of
The Battle of Antietam
19) Which of these battles is remembered for being both the largest battle ever fought in
Georgia and for being one of the bloodiest battles of the Civil War?
The Battle of Gettysburg
20) Which Civil War battle resulted in the Union army halting Robert E. Lee's invasion of the
north? The Battle of Antietam

21) All persons held as slaves within any State . . . shall be . . . forever free; and the Executive
Government of the United States, including the military and naval authority thereof, will
recognize and maintain the freedom of such persons.
The passage comes from an important historical document, the Emancipation
Who wrote this document?
Abraham Lincoln
22) Explain the Georgia Platform, and its impact following the Compromise of 1850.
Agreed that secession was not in its best interests

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