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A Special Insider’s Report For Property Agents

“7 Secrets That’ll Put You A Cut Above The Rest… And Sending Your
Personal Bank Account Overflowing With Cold Hard Cash!”

By: Shree Kay & Kenji Tay

This special report is crafted to help you improve your real estate business
and get you on your way to explode your sales commissions.

It is also a simple introduction to our Proprietary Millionaire Agent Seminar

where the Real Meat of our Tactics and Techniques will be revealed
to those serious about making a Million Dollars and more as a Property

If you aren’t just a wishful thinker but a Real Action taker, go to and register your seat right now.

The seats are limited and once it is gone, it is gone…

For the rest, just read on...

This special report is laid out in a sequential manner that will put you
through a series of developmental processes, giving you the big picture of
what you will need to be successful in selling real estates.

The good thing is, it does not matter if you are new to the real estate industry
or have been around for some time, what you are about to learn, is going to
change the way you look at your business.

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In fact, if you are to follow exactly what you are about to discover in this
report, I can almost guarantee you that you will at least double your gross
income in the next 3 months.

There is the catch however,

You need to take action.

You see, learning and understanding strategies or theories will never give
you the wealth or result you set yourself to achieve.

It is only when you apply the knowledge that you have acquired that puts
you on a different level with others.

Knowledge is only as powerful as the person who wields it…

Let’s not waste any more time…

Shall we start?

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Mind Set

Before anything else, we have to set this straight. If there is one thing you
need to turn your career around… it is the way you look at your real estate

This brings us to the first secret of this report – Mind Set

It has been said that when you are a real estate agent, you are your own boss.

You write your own pay cheques and you are directly responsible for your
own actions.

I hate to spoil your day… but it wouldn’t be fair if I were to hide this fact
from you.

Here is the million-dollar question:

Ask yourself really… what are you doing today that actually makes your
real estate business look like a business?

Consider this carefully before you answer.

Are you holding on to a job… where income is in direct proportion to the

amount of hard work you’ve put in?


Are you really an entrepreneur…a business owner?

If you are honest enough, you would have picked the first answer.

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Nothing wrong with that except that you don’t make big money holding on
to a job.

Before we go into the nitty gritties of how you can become more successful
as a real estate agent… you need to have this change in mindset.

You must learn to think and behave like a business owner

Sure, if you are comfortable in what you are earning now and doesn’t want
to go a step further, you can choose to close those book and pretend nothing
ever happened.

Because you are directly responsible for your own income, the more you
take this as a business, the more money you will generate.

You must learn to adopt systems and explore ways whereby you can easily
expand what you are already doing

As a business owner, you must not only take

responsibility for your own future but also
explore the infinite possibilities that you can use
to expand your business.

As a business owner, you should never wait for

things to happen… instead, you make them

As a business owner, you must never question

what you cannot do… but how you can do it.

As a business owner, you are responsible for the service you represent and
not the service your real estate company provides… remember, your
company is not responsible for your income…

As a business owner, you must always strive to improve your business and
scale it for bigger profits.

While the list is endless, it is crucial that you make this paradigm shift from
an employee to a business owner today.

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Everything in this report would be useless if you are unable to think and act
like a business owner.

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Goal Settings

Success is a "Premeditated Act".

It begins by setting goals. That
explains why goal setting is an
essential and important step which
many of the success and prosperity
coaches encourage when mentoring
a student or giving advice to clients.

What is a goal anyway ? What is effective goal setting ?

First, you need to have your goals written down. That way, you will
constantly remind yourself what are you after and not short change yourself.

Do you know someone who told you that they wish to achieve something in
the new year and ended up achieving nothing ? They get so hyped up during
the start of the new year but because they did not have their goals written,
they gradually forgot about them as time passes.

So, write your goals down.

Use some Psychology Tactics to boost your self-motivation. Eg: you want
an Audi R8. Get a picture of it and paste it beside your goals. You want a
dream vacation to Hawaii.. do you have a picture of the island ? Paste it at
your bedroom door or your restroom so that you constantly remind yourself
of your goals.

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Second, you need to PLAN your goals. Yes. Goal setting is not just about
writing down what you want, but also what you are going to do to achieve it.

I say again, write down your plans and your strategy in achieving your goals.

The plans will be like a check list towards your goal. With your plans
written down, you will be able to know what needs to be done and what has
not been done.

This is especially helpful when you use a process call reverse engineering.

Start with an end in mind.

Let’s just say you need to make $100,000 this year.

$100,000 = $8350

$8350 = how many x amount of sales

x amount of sales = x amount of appointments

x amount of appointments = x amount of cold call + x amount of listing + x

amount of direct mails

Ultimately, all you need to do, is to focus on the numbers you will need to
make that amount of money.

However, as you know, Planning without action leads to

nowhere. Action without planning doesn't always move
you in the direction in which you want to go.

A lot of agents make this mistake when setting goals.

They don't plan... without a direction to head towards,

they settle for less.

Third, you need to set a time line for your goal. Goal setting is not effective
when it does not have a specific time line.

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Let me just say that a GOAL is a specific measurable and Time Bound end
in which you take specific action until achieved.

With a specific time line, you can measure your efforts and your current
status vs your goals. Let say you wish to make an additional $25,000 in your
income by Jul 2010. Come March, you are only making an additional $500.

Now you can measure your efforts vs current status vs your goal.

Do you need to step up your effort ? What have you not done ? What else
needs to be done in order to expedite your performance, efficiency towards
your goal ?

Last but not least is doing what you have set out to do. I believe all of us
know that we can have everything in the world, but we need to work for it..
so.. Action is the word..

Set your Goals, Strategize it, and take massive Action...

Unlock Your Cash Vault When You Uncover All The Secrets To
Becoming A Super Star Real Estate Agent…
(Limited seats only)

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The surest way to success is by following

the footsteps of those who have already

Strangely enough, despite this as a known

fact, most agents start off by implementing
their own ideas and models. It seems that
they always wanted to do things their own
way without following a proven success

In other words, to achieve the same desired

results of millionaire real estate agents, all
you need to do, is to follow exactly what
they have been doing and do exactly just

This includes the way they speak to their clients, their lead generation
model, their marketing plans, the place they hang out etc.

The more details you go into, the more likely you are to achieve similar

Modeling also helps to give you the fastest path to success.

This is because the route to success is already being laid out in front of you,
and all you need to do is to closely follow the path given.

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Though it is almost impossible to follow exactly the routes of success, you

can easily navigate yourself based on the direction set out in the business

The figure below will illustrate the directional path when you follow a
successful business model and when you try to figure things out on your

Inevitably, we can clearly see how much time and heartache you can save
when follow closely to a given path…

Warren buffet, arguably the world’s greatest investor, understood this

modeling process and studied the teachings and models of economist
Benjamin Graham.

In fact, when he was starting out, he became so obsessed with the teachings
and models of Benjamin Graham that he vowed not to make another
investment until he had read Security Analysis 12 more times.

Think about this, how else can you go wrong when you do exactly the
activities that have brought success to another person?

This is almost too simple…

However, adopting the wrong models can leave you wondering what went
wrong in your business.

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If you study close enough, you will notice that almost all real estate agents in
Singapore are modeling each and everyone.

That clearly explains why only a few tend to stand out and become

So what is the problem?

When you model what other “unsuccessful” agents are doing, you are in
fact, inviting the results of what other “unsuccessful” agents are receiving
into your life.

That is to say, if you do the same things as the rest of the agents out there,
you will get the same results as the rest of the agents.

In other words, you can forget about making a break through… and put
everything else in the hands of lady luck.

No seriously… that is why you don’t see that many millionaire real estate
agents in Singapore.

You may choose to continue what you are doing and get the same results
that you are getting or you may choose to find the right million dollar model
and work your way towards that direction.

The choice is really yours…

If you want to achieve superstar status career… you have to model after the
super stars… look at what they are doing and follow carefully to what they
are doing.

“Uncover The Business Models That Net Over A Million Dollars In Just A
Single Year… And How You Can Copy Them To Make Your First Million !”
(Limited seats only)

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Investing In Self

As an entrepreneur, we need to strive

to improve ourselves everyday.

That is what separates us from

employees that is holding on to a job
and doing the same routine each and
every single day.

And this is vital to your success as a

real estate agent.

Life is still, which is why their income remains a stagnant… and the reason
is because they stopped growing… and when they stop growing, they
become less productive and less efficiency and it is why they depended on
promotion opportunities… even then… it is not a guarantee… despite them
fighting with hardwork, tears and sweat…

However, as a real estate agent, you are different. You are responsible for
your own income. If you consider yourself an entrepreneur, then you must
strive to grow each and every single day.

How much income you make, will be indirectly proportionate to how much
you strive to improve yourself.

You see, modeling may be your key to success but it will not be complete if
you just stop at there.

There are reasons for that.

Let me give you an example:

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Agent Alvin makes $5000/month going for 10 appointments.

Agent Bob makes $2000/month going for 10 appointments.

If Alvin and Bob uses exactly the same lead generating system and getting
the same caliber of clients… what do you think is wrong with the equation?

Quite obviously, the way they close their sale is different. The way they
engage, talk, and speak to their clients are different.

If Bob wants to achieve results like Alvin’s, he will need to improve the way
he does sales. He needs to understand how the human mind behave and how
to build rapport with his clients.

Sure, he can continue to work hard and get more appointments… let’s just
say he does 20 appointments and now makes $4000/month.

Despite the time and effort, he still makes less than Alvin… and the
advantage Alvin have in this case, is that Alvin has more free time and yet
earns more than Bob.

What if Alvin decides to get 20 appointments instead…?

$10,000 vs $4000, whose shoes do you want to be in?

That is not all, as you invest in yourself, there will be a time when you far
exceed your competition and start to separate yourself away from them.

Going back to the example above,

because Bob choose to improve,
eventually, he will close up and
become even better in closing than

Over time, if Bob continues to

improve and grow his real estate
business, he will gradually separate
himself from Alvin and start making 5
figures a month.

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The best thing is, he can even make 5 figures doing nothing if he know
how… and that is where business delegation comes into play.

Investing in self is one of your keys to success. Instead of doing what you
have been doing all this while, look for books, seminars and courses on how
you can improve the way you conduct your business.

You invest in yourself because of the knowledge and skills you will develop.

Despite the cost, your ROI will increase over time and as a polished real
estate agent, it is here that you shine and separate yourself from the crowd.

Some of the skills you may want to develop and improve over time are your
lead generation systems, your business models, your sales process, the way
you connect with clients, time management, business marketing, handling
people etc

You don’t know what you don’t know and if you choose to remain as where
you are today, do you think you will be at where you really want to go…?

“Unlock Your Cash Vault When You Uncover All The Secrets To
Becoming A Super Star Real Estate Agent…!”
(Limited seats only)

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One of the greatest money making secrets is the

way you position yourself in the minds of your

In other words, if you are able to build a home

inside the minds of your prospect, money will flow
to you naturally even without you trying.

Confused ?

Let me explain:

Generally, a human mind is said to contain 10 – 15 buckets.

Each bucket is like a category of generic things we use or see in our

everyday lives.

In each category, we usually have 1 – 2 brands in which we associate to

these categories.

In other words, when we need a certain service or item, these brands pops up
straight into our mind without us needing to crack our head about it.

Let me give you some examples:

Coffee – Starbucks, Coffee Bean

Blue Jeans – Levis

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Burgers – Mac Donalds, Burger King

Petrol – Shell

Colas – Coca Cola, Pepsi

As you can see, these brands firmly position themselves as the top 2 brands
in the minds of the people.

When you occupy the top 2 positions in the minds of your prospect, you
instantaneously get free advertising from your prospects through referrals
and also get sales for repeated business.

Using one of the examples… when you

feel like getting a cola, it is either coke
or pepsi… and not the “rest of the

All of these have to do with the

psychology of human behaviors.

You see, as human beings, we tend to

be lazy and naturally.

It is a chore to spend time thinking of alternatives when we already had an

answer in mind.

Unless absolutely necessary, we will normally go back to the same brand we

had associate ourselves with and this is especially the case if we’ve
developed a “liking” for that particular brand.

Imagining positioning yourself as the expert in the prospect’s mind…

whenever someone mention about selling or buying houses, your name will
be mention because of the position you have firmly placed in the minds of
your clients/prospects, resulting in an automation in your referral system.

In addition, this can also mean that the sales process is easier to close
because of the expert status you’ve gained and also because of the
“edifying” process your referral source had before hand, done for you.

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Happy referrals also mean happy repeated clients. That is to say, Clients
who had done business with you before will not only refer new customers to
you, but also gladly do business with you again.

Imagine successfully positioning yourself in front of hundreds of potential

prospects and clients… what do you think will happen when these referring
processes becomes automated and your brand name starts becoming viral…?

I hope you can now see how powerful positioning is in relation to your

Here is the million dollar question…

Are you positioning yourself as the go to agent in the industry?

You see, a lot of agents are struggling to make a break through because they
do not know how to position themselves as a brand.

What are you doing that separates you from the crowd?

What are you offering to your clients that other agents are not doing?

Sure, you can fetch a higher selling price to meet your clients needs but does
that mean that other agents can also do the same? – Definitely !

Sure, you respond to their needs and deliver results… but… does that means
other can also do the same? – Definitely !

It is no wonder that often times, we see that the client is lost after one single
transaction and everything is back to square one…

You start generating leads… get listings… make appointments… bring

clients for viewings… trying to close the deal… etc

There is no leverage, no nothing… and the very reason why most real estate
agents are not striking it big… because they are acting as “just another real
estate agent!”

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So think of how you can position yourself differently and uniquely in the
minds of your prospects…

When you win that battle of positioning, your income will start growing
faster than you ever thought possible.

“Discover How You Can Easily Position Yourself In Front Of Your Prospects
& Win The Battle Of The Minds In This Upcoming
Real Estate Domination Seminar!”
(Limited seats only)

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Do yourself a favor… go buy the latest copy of

the straits times and look at the classified
section… what do you see?

Quite amazingly… every other agents is doing

the same thing.

Listing their service.

There is nothing wrong with that except that you

are not making money or get your advertisement
to work for you.

No, seriously, why would anyone want to do business with you?

Every single agents looks the same, offer the same stuff and yes, competing
with each other for appointments and viewings…

Remember about positioning?

Well, marketing is directly in collation with the way you position yourself.

If you don’t know how to market your service to your clients, you will not
be able to position yourself in the minds of your clients.

As you can see… these 2 work in tandems with each other… if you want
earn that no.1 and 2 positions in the minds of your prospects and clients, you
have to learn how to market.

A lot of real estate agents over looked this very important factor and it is
clear why they fail to achieve success in their career.

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Do what others are doing…

And if you remember the chapter on modeling, when you copy what the
other struggling agents are doing, you reap the same results.

It is a cycle… and many agents fail to understand these fundamentals and

goes around in a self-destructing loop.

And if you remember the chapter on “Investing In Self”, you will realize that
most agents fail to do that and continue doing what they are currently
doing… again, falling into the trap of failure…

While hard work can make up for loss time, working hard does not make
you rich. It is a myth…

Think about this, if you do not see the results and growth of your business,
how much time and energy do you have inside that’ll keep your fire

You see, working hard is one thing but

it is important that you have a system
to leverage your hard work on… only
can will you achieve the maximum
gain from your hard work and reap the
benefits out of it.

That is where marketing comes in…

Knowing how to market your business indirectly signifies how you look at
and execute your business.

With the right knowledge, here is how marketing can help in your business:

- Build a brand

- Positioning

- Increase Your Leads

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- Triple Your ROI

- Expert Status

In other words, it also means more exposure, more leads, more automation,
more money, more time and becoming more productive.

There are many different mediums in which you can tap on to market your
real estate business and you should take full advantage of them to build your
brand and why you are the agent people wants to deal with.

Learn how to market the right way and you will see your real estate business
achieving exponential growth like never before…

“Discover The Jealously Guarded Secrets Of Singapore’s Top Marketing

Prodigy And How You Can Use His Tactics To Market And Triple Your
Sales Profits In The Next 30 Days!”
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Sales Mastery

When all else is done, it will all

boils down to salesmanship.

No matter how you look at it, you are

a salesman. If you can’t sell, you
don’t make money.

Let’s be honest here, in every

business, selling is the key to
generating cash flow.

As entrepreneurs and business owners, we must learn how to sell our

products, our service and ourselves.

You can have hundreds of leads every single day, but if you can’t close any
of them, you earn nothing.

The good thing is, when you have successfully mapped out what was being
discussed in the last 6 chapters, the selling process is made very much easier.

This is because you can then leverage on your expert status, name, and
social proof to work towards your favor.

But all else aside, here’s a tip on how you can actually increase our sales
conversion: Understand what your clients want.

As simple as it sounds, understanding your market is no doubt one of the

most important factors in the success of your business.

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It affects many different aspect of a sales cycle and is crucial when it comes
to conversion.

If you do not understand the your market, it will be almost impossible to

present them with what they want, less sell to them.

You see, a lot of agents fail because they skipped this process when it comes
to selling. They simply present the same things over again and over again to
all of their clients.

The thing is, It doesn’t work this way…

Look, there is no one size fix all solution… and if you are trending on that
line, you are actually leaving a lot of money on the table.

I hate to be honest here, but all human beings, are selfish.

We don’t care about how successful the other party is, and we don’t care
about how many people he has helped…

The thing we are all looking for is… how can he help me?!

That is the one and only thing we are looking for. We based our buying
decisions on the benefits we can reap from the other party

Sure, you can still sell properties without giving benefits but that also means
that the client is already in love with that place and made that decision

It is like a almost like shot-gun way of doing sales.

If you are not presenting your clients with the benefits of the property your
are selling, you are leaving everything to chance… and that is not what you
want your business to be.

Understanding your clients can help you craft out their needs, wants and

When you understand your market, you will be able see their inner most
frustration and pain.

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When you understand your market, you will be able to understand what they
want and how they want it.

When you understand your market, you will be able truly give value to them
than just giving general information that they have already knew.

In other words, it is easier for you to hit their emotional “hot buttons” when
you meet them for appointments and viewings.

You make them see things they are unable to see and you make them
experience the good thing about buying that piece of property.

Ultimately, you will save a lot of time and make more money when you are
able to increase your sales conversion.

Knowledge is only as powerful as the person who wields it.

Be that person…

This special report is brought to you by:

Kenji Tay & Shree Kay

Real Estate Domination Boot Camp

The Seminar That Will Show You Everything You Need

To Become A Millionaire Real Estate Agent !

Will you be one of them… or perish with the rest of the “me too” agents?

Don’t miss out…
(Limited Seats Only)

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