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John Lennon "Imagine" Summary

Living in a world without war, religion, and just having peace throughout the
world seems like an idea that we could only imagine. John Lennon, a songwriter and
singer for the Beetles, created a song called "Imagine", which he described a peaceful
world which could be living in, with no divisions between country and religion. Lennon
encourages the listener of the song to imagine a world with "no countries . . . . no
religion . . . . and living life in peace" (1). Lennon believes a world having no religious
or social divisions will have "no need for greed or hunger"(1). Lennon's main point in the
whole song is if we get rid of any borders between human beings, the world will become
a better place. In other words, he believes the world being a better place will solve our
problems in the world today. He makes us not fear anything because he helps us picture a
world so peaceful. With many people listening to this song, a world like this is very hard
to imagine but Lennon claims to be "not the only one" and "hopes someday you'll join
us"(1) . Lennon gives the idea that we need to start making this change today in order to
save our future. Lennon includes some rhetorical appeals in his song, such as ethos and
pathos. As pathos, he gives some wishful thinking such as having a peaceful world. As
ethos, Lennon is sharing his own values and beliefs. Lennon understands that many
consider him " a dreamer" but still believes in his ideas and hopes for this future (1).
Lennon is not only informing us about how ethnic diversity is a great thing but also trying
us to make a change in the world today and for the future of mankind.

Robert D Putnam Summary

Robert D. Putnam, a political scientist from Harvard University and University of
Manchester, wrote an article " E Pluribus Unum: Diversity and Community in the
Twenty-first Century The 2006 Johan Skytte Prize Lecture " where he discussed how "
the most important challenges facing modern societies is the increase in ethnic and
social heterogeneity in virtually all advanced countries" (1). Putnam claims the reason
because of the increase of ethnic diversity in "modern societies over the next several
decades [is] because of immigration (1). As United States being as one of the biggest
immigration country, Putnam claims are very true because many people see this
happening every single day. While we see how ethnic diversity increases, Putnam
observes how this is actually benefiting our society. He observed how "creativity
seems to be enhanced by immigration and diversity" (2). After describing all the benefits,
which comes from ethnic diversity , he describes how not having ethnic diversity affects
individual and the country. Putnam claims how "inhabitants of diverse communities tend
to withdraw from colleective life, to distrust their neighbors, regardless of the color of
their skin, to withdraw even from close friends, to expect the worst from their community
and its leaders, to volunteer less, give less to charity and work on community projects
less often, to register to vote less and to huddle unhappily in front of the television"
(4). Patnom is not only informing us about how ethinic diversity is a great thing but also
trying us to make a change in the world today.

Work Cited
John Lennon. Imagine. John Lennon, 1971. CD.
Putnam, Robert D. "E Pluribus Unum: Diversity and Community in the Twenty-first Century
The 2006 Johan Skytte Prize Lecture." Wiley Online Library. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 15 June
2007. Web.

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