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Hard and frozen rock...

Neither lashing rain nor scorching sun
Nor ferocious tempest nor roaring thunder
Could make even a little blemish on it...

But still...
A tiny seed which fell on it
Sometime in the past...
How did pierce its rootlet?

Lying dormant and exposed...

After a long and patient wait...
May be with a fall of drops of heaven...
Why did it spring to life?

Pale brown tender root

Milky white supple stem
Blanched green lovely leaves...
All but with indomitable spirit...

The same delicate little sapling

Spreading roots everywhere and
Flourishing into a lush and hardy giant...
What drove it to reach and embrace the skies?

In your impermeable rocklike heart...

Sowed my little seed of love...
And showering passion with patience...
Will it sprout and flourish any day?

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