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Dominguez Caballero Xiomara Nataly

Sanctuary of Stone
1. Who (or what) is the narrator of the story? What clues in the story tell you this?
The narrator of the story is the cave. You can infer this from the next passages: My
stalactites dripped and my stalagmites grew year round, they never came down to
visit my cathedral.
2. Besides humans, what creatures use the cave?
Bats, strange little fish white and sightless and insects.
3. In the second sentence, who are the first people? What does the narrator mean
when he (or she) says the y came to paint their dreams on my walls?
The first people are native americans who used to live in caves or draw in it.
4. How are bats important in the story?
Because they have a very special relation with the narrator (The cave). The narrator
describes its feelings about the bats.
5. What is the narrators relationship to the bats? Does it change?
No, the relationship with the bats doesn't change. It is a strong relation all over the
story. The cave can even feel the bats pain and joy.
6. List three ways people used the cave in recent times.
To have parties; to have cruel entertainment and to study the cave and the species.
7. What impact did human activity have o n the bats?
Negative in most of the cases. The population of bats has dropped in a very
dramatic way but in recent times there had been some groups of environmentally
conscious people that have been trying to change this situation.
8. How does the narrators impression of people change over time?
The narrator thinks at the beginning that the people were very bad. They only made
negative actions against the cave and the animals that live there. But then the things
started to change. The people started to take care of the cave.

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