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HE ICE QU A@ans To kimay Design and Writing: David Chart, Steven Darlington, Andy Law and Graham McNeill Development: Robert F.Schwalb Editing: Kara Hamilton Graphic Design & Art Direction: Hal Mangold Cover Art: Stef Kopinski and Andrew Law WFRP Logo: Darius Hinks Imerior Art: Alex Boyd, Carl Frank, Martin Hanford, Pat Loboyko, Eric Lofgren, Chuck Lukacs, Scott Purdy, Pascal Q uidault, Adrian Smith Cartography: Andrew Law WERP Brand Manager: Kate Flack WFRP Development Manager: Owen Barnes Head of Black Industries: Marc Gascoigne ABlack Industries Publication Warhammer, Warhammer Fantay Roleplay the Warhammer Fan play logo, Black Industries, the Industries Fi published in 207 by Blak Indust ot aes ae Tee te ger characters ilusaions, and tags from the Waensnser BL Publishing universe are either @, TM, andor © Games _ " Workshop Ltd 2000-2007, weriably registered in Gee Noe the UR and ther counties ars the ald. Al Nottingham, eerie G7 20S hem Rots nth Gren Roi oe UK Taras of Gin ind Plan aro No part of this publication may be et oi pet reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or Product Code: 60040283028 transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, a mechanical, phorocopying, recording or otherwise peepee without the prior permission of the publishers. ISBN 13:978-1-84416-433-2 © Copyright Games Werkshop Limited 2007. All Rights sewn Reserved. Games Workshop, the Games Workshop logo, ‘ T 7 QO GAR OF INTRODUCTION ... Cuarrer I: ‘Tue Lanp AND 1Ts PEopLEs. Principal Geography. Chir At nnn The Cities anmnnnaernnrnnrnn Kislev Relations annem The People of Kisleannmnnnnnn Language. Plains of Ice and Snow Southern Oblast . Eastern Oblast. Structures of Rulership ‘Atamans and Stanitsas. oe aS SBSREses 3 5 56 7 3 $9 or 61 6 7 88 83 9 9 08 wget excitement, and hardship awaie those who date ttavel the cold, inhospitable lands of Kislev; yet, there “5 no shortage of heroes who brave these perils in search of fortune and glory As the most northerly ofthe civilised “zations of the Old Work, Kislv stands forever on the brink ‘of annihilacion, for ic borders the dreaded Chaos Wastes—the “eal of the Dark Gods and home to che bloodthirsty bes 2t worship ther. Tris wide, unbroken steppe witha biter climate and hardy ople. Bounded by the Sea of Claws to che wes, the Troll ry 10 che north, and the Worlds Edge Mountains ro ‘east, its inhabicancs must fight co survive agains raiders Nossca, Orc and Goblin tribes from the mountains, d roving bands of nomadic raiders that plague the steppe, 4s the Empire’ bulwark against invasion from the north, a both nations have fought side by side many times over ‘centuries ro defend their lands ftom the vile followers of g20s, most recently against the diabolical hordes of Archaon the Ererchosen. in such a harsh land breeds hard men and women, people whom the eonstane threat of death and destruction has way ofl, To most ouside, the inhabitants of Kisley are a dour, taciturn race, which is not surprising given’ the climate and their precaious way of life, But they possess a grim. often morbid, sense of humour and have a strict code of hospitality thar welcomes strangers 2s well as friends to their hearth, ‘The northern reaches of Kisev are wild and uncamed, a bleak land of roving tribes and raiders, and che ew setlements that survive do so thanks to high palisde walls of logs and the brave swearriorswho defend them. At night, doors are locked, and windows are shuctered, as the ghosts of forgotten wars howl on the wind, and che chill ofthe grave sees upon the landscape, {In the south, Kisley becomes more hospitable—though its still cold forthe better part ofthe year—and farmsteads and isolated communities flourish here. To many in the Empire, Kisly is scen as 2 somewhat backward place, and the ru appearance of is buikdings and lifestyle tend to suppore cis Such is nor tue, howeves, ofthe mighty cities where great temples and palaces are the envy of many such civilised lands ‘The capital city, also called Kisley, is home to some of the most Incredible feats oFarchiteccure and culture, and Erengrad is one ofthe largest, most cosmopolitan cities in the Old Worl — ADVENTURES IN KISLEV — ‘ach a land of contradictions draws many adventurers northwards, for che promise of glory and undiscovered a powerful allure co those of restless sprit. A hriving in mercenaries flourishes in Ksly, since the many miles merchants and emissarics must cross to seach their nations are fraughe with danger. Those seeking treasure Jured by the though of plundering undiscovered tombs of deal warlords and perhaps even uncovering the location legendary burial places ofthe anciene Khan-Queens, some, darker reasons take them northwards, forthe Winds PMagic blow strongly from che north, and the land is rich, tag. In such a violent realm, vhose who secebucle will Sad ample tess oftheir marial prowess, and sucha desolate cape isthe perfec place in which to disappear for those seck to escape their pas misdeeds ris 2 land of dark mystery, unfettered by the stern rule of shat atempes to hold sway in the sourhern lands, ard all ancr of adventures await thote with th courage to seck Vicious bandits and slave raiders roam the land, and rurers may seek those eaken in such raids. Others may cing the lives of merchane princes or carrying avi ge between Kaley’ cities. Many who have escaped the gman acose le wo Kise, and there is no shortage of anty hunters who venture nord in sare of uch quarry: hose secking lost treasures often clan the soaring crags ofthe Worlds Edge Mountain in search of gold std o be hidden nose Dwarf holds. Advencurers who hear the cll ofthe wanderer often passthrough Kisle before journeying onwards into the mysterious eas, hoping to cross the treacherous peaks and Greenskin-infeted pases that lead tothe savage lands of the Ogres and pethaps even far off Cathay. Adventurers with 2 wish to confront theie darkest fears can travel northwards and cross the River Lyask, going beyond Kislev into the Troll Country, where monstrous beasts and creatures warped by the mutating power of Chaos dwell. Such ‘ventures almost always end in death, for the ereanures that stalk this unforgiving land aze deadly and utterly ferocious. But bold adventurers may survive long enough to discover ‘one of the many tombs of fallen champion of the tribes and. ‘eam fortune in gold and perhaps even discover an enchanted ‘weapon or armour. Such prizes make the dangers of journeying 10 the Troll Country worthwhile ro chose in search of treasure. Only the most foolhardy adventurers (or those with a splinter ‘of darkness in their hearts) dare enter the Chaos Wastes beyond. the Troll Counery for itis a realm of madness and cocruption ‘The laws of realty have no meaning there, andthe land shifts and warps to the whims and desires of screeching Daemons. This realm is the Dark Gods’, and any who return from his hellish region are changed forever. To scek adventure in Kislev is not for the fant hearted, for its ‘dangers ate many, and there are no easy pickings in the wild steppes. However, great rewards await those bold and brave ‘enough to seek them out. now swirled in blinding eddies of frecaing white around the four borsemen as they rode toward the dark shape of the stanitsa, ‘the Log walls ofthe village a welcome sight after traveling for days across the bleak steppe. Dieter shivered inthe depts of his rs, grateful beyond words o see Some sign of civilisation, though he knew tha sucha word was relative in this wild, savage country. His horse stumbled in the thick snow, and be heard Torbek curs as his beast did likewise, The Dwarf tad not liked ‘the idea of riding, but there had been lctle choice. To stand any chance of catching the slivers, they had to ride, “AL swear this beast is deliberately trying to unseat me)” be grumbled. No ne pled ot ven ie elie sworn, Mart wo usally neve ped pan prt make fun of be door warrior of Karea’a-Karak. The sunlight vas dying, and their Delgan guide had pushed them bard over the lst week, ro the point where even conversation required effort. "They tad travelled trough endless of cold sepe that serch off into the distance in vist unbroken sth of deoate cmnpines and long days, enchring alae ere the sky Seemed somehow wider than he could ever remember it being back in LLusendosff. The dark forest of the Empire narrowed your view of the world, but hee, the land spread out in great open spaces that ‘made man Fel uterly insignificant. He'd heard men had gone mad in the wilderness of Kislev, and having spent the beter part of the Last few weeks travelling beneath the eropty skis ofthis rugged lane, he could well believe i. Zakir, thet guide, shouted towards the stanitsa in the song-like tongt of his people, the howling wind snaching away much of the sense of ita fara Dieter could make out. ‘Fat chance of them leting us in,” snorted Torbek. “Why should they?” Come on,” suid Markus. “What harm could we do them? We're only four riers.” “Aye,” agreed Dieter. “We know that, but they don’t. For all they know there could bea hundred hyazak concraled in the DMizzard just waiting For us to block the pate from closing nce Its open.” “Bloody Kislevites,” said Markus. “Don’t they ever relax?” “Would you, if you lived so close to Troll Country?” asked Dieter. “Stop being so dimmed logical,” sapped Markus. “So you're saying it's another night onthe steppe for us? Great.” Dieter opened his mouth to reply but held his tongue as be heard an answering cry from the wall ahead. He beld up his hand as te id to ello te shouted convertion between Zaki andthe nn on te wl ba he ide Kisvarin Fe hd pike up was Insaficiet for him to make much sense of what was being sad. ‘Closer now, he could see the village had been built on the skirts of alow mound of earth witha sturdy zal raised within a rocky stockade and number of white-puinted buildings clustered within the outer paliade wal of sharpened logs. Dieter could see warziors wth ng seas and ows ov te top fh hk ur roi hes rom he wort wh col The aon he ko bis neck suifened ashe realised there vere probably a dozen arrows aimed squarely a his heart right now. ‘Zaki circled bis mou, 2 roan-coloured steppe pony with a wide chest and mean temperament, before the thick timbers of the stanita’s gate, shouting and laughing with gate guards. “What in Sigmar’s nam is be doing?” saié Markus. “He's laughing,” said Dieter, similarly puzzled. “That's i then,” sad Torte. The stepe's got to im, andthe bugge’s gone mad. We're all going to die ou hee, and that’s zo way For a son of Grungni to die, frozen to death in this wastcland. There's not even a decent mountain insight.” [don’t think we're going to die here,” ssid Dicter as he heard the reak of timbers and the sound ofa heavy locking tar being removed from the gate. The gate slowly opened outwards, pushing mounds of snow ahead of it, and Zakir beckoned them forward. Dieter dug his heels into his mount’ flanks and rode towards the opening, Torbek and Markus quickly following him. “What did you say to them?” asked Dicer ashe reached Zakir. “How did you persuade them to open the gate?” ‘The shaven beaded Dolgan shrugged and sid, “Persuade? What mean?” Why are they letting us in?” “Zakir just ask to spend night,” said the Dolgan, as if something to a simpleton. “ls rude to refuse hospitality of faa Teele yee eee a “Too cold tobe out here wasting time talking,” agreed Markus as be rode For the gate. “The lad’s right,” sid Torkek, Forcing his mount to Follow the swordsman. “We could all do with a warm bed for a change.” “Dwarf speak trie,” said Zakir. “Go. Pay respects co hetman then eat and drink by fire!” Dieter couldn’t argue with that and guided his horse through the gates and into the stanitsa. Inside, che buts and barns of the ‘illag were swathed in thick shawls of snow, the earth within the palsade yall iron bard and crisscrossed with tracks. Leoking up to the inside face ofthe walls, Distr could sea dozen or so men patrolling a timber ramyart, watchful for any signs of kyazak or worse. Living ths far north in Kislev, Human raiders could be the last ofthe stanitsa's worries. ‘After stein to their horses, Zakir and a warrior named Aydin led the group up the slopes ofthe mound towards the thick-walled zal, its narrow windows shuttered and its heavy, iron-banded door shut tight against the elements. A curl of fragrant smoke rose From the roof, and Dicer saw the building reflected the Kislevtes asa people: practical, dour, and uninviting. ‘Aydin hammered the haf of his spear against the door. Seconds later, it was hated open, and they hurriedly made their way inside. “eae asiled Dicer, and be blinked inthe sudden light. Two fires burned in wide hearths, filing the ball with 2 warm orange plow, and the mouth-watering aroma of cooking meat came from slowly turning spits. Groups of Kislvite sitting on colourful lankes sang rovady songs, and men in long shirts danced and capered around the fires to rhythmic clapping, while wild music was played on stringed harp and violin-tike instruments. ‘The riot of colour was in stark contrast ro the bleak whiteness they bad just ridden through, and Dieter was rendered speechles by the vividness ofthe sight before him. ‘Long-taired women in scarlet shawls handed plate of meat and vegetables around, ad skins of drink were pes between laughing men. At the Far end ofthe long tall, a powerful man with a shock of dark hair and a long drooping moustache sat onan elaborately carved chai atop wooden dais. He clapped in time withthe musi, tll axe propped up next ro him. “What's going on?” said Markus. “Are they having party?” “Party?” said Zakir. “No, this is Dehafaroy sants,, and this night i good time to ext and drink. Here, drink some Kou.” ‘fair enough,” said Dieter, accepting the proffered ferher wineskin and taking a mouthful of the spirit. Having drunk koxniss tefore, be knew to onty take small sips, For the liquor was far stronger than anything produced in the Empire. The Fiery sprit burned on the way down, but be vas gratefil for is warmth. ‘“Come,” said Zakir, gripping his arm and leading him towards the man at the end of the long ball Must pay respects to heman.” ‘Dieter was unable to reconcile the energy end laughter he saw around hirm with the grim, unforgiving people of Kislev be tad met previously, his beart warming to these northern folk ashe saw the hetman rise from bis chair to greet them. "The man was tall and powerfully bult—the thick furs and colourful clothing unable ro conecal his mighty physique and martial tearing. Dieter nodded respectfully to the hetran, as did Torbek and Markus. “Me Osman Marmedov,” said the hetman in booming voice of thickly accented Reikspel. “You welcome in Dabafarov. My ‘home is your hore.” ‘We ae grateful indeed,” said Dieter. “You bonour us with your hospitality. We will, of course, compensite you for the food and shelter.” ‘Compensate? I not understand” Zakir waved his hand and said something in hurried Kislevarin to Marmedov before turning and kissing a Dieter. ‘*Nor offer money! I insult to his hospitality.” “Sorry.” said Dieter. didn’t know.” “Tee him you will tell aes of your lands,” said Zakir. “Thats price of shelter.” “Ary, well tha ve can do,” said Torbek proudly. “kave thousand of years of tales for him.” ‘Marmedov stepped close ro Dieter, and he could smell the kourniss and meat on the man’s breath. “Eat. Drink. Tell me why you travel through Raspoitsa.”” ‘Dieter new the word meant “roadlessness,” che deadly featurelesres thatthe snows brought to Kislev and rendered dixetion and maps irelevant. To travel at such times was tantamount to suicide, but they had job to do, and the snows bad comme upon them suddenly. “We are tracking a band of kyazakslavers who attacked the Natavan stanita,” said Dicer. “The betman’s daughter was among those taken. "Marmedoy’s Face darkened and he noded in understanding, spitting into the fire ashe std, “Kyazak no good filth, Prey upon reap he anand rhing bck Herman of Naas ds our find he ‘Wy? He has no sons, no warriors?” “Tris sons are dead,” said Torbek, “killed in battle, and his warriors are few.” ‘The hetman shrugged. “Is good way to die. When you find kyazak, you kill chem. Detafarov stanita will give you food and ‘warriors for hunt.” “Thanks you,” said Dieter, bowing to Marreedov. Ss of no mater,” sid Marredov. “Rest and cat. Tomorrow you bunt kyszak.”” ‘As the heiman spoke, a sudden derknes fell upon the hall, and all hat fled from its walls a the fires gatered in their hearths. Dieter gripped his sword kilt as Marmedoy swept up the ae from beside his chur. ‘All song ceased, and the music ended as warriors snatched up spears and swords from beneath their blankets and leapt to their feet. Dicer felt a crawling semstion of dread work its way up his Spine inthe sudden silene, tearing a distant howl on the wines rating the shutters. “What's tappening?” shouted Markus, his sword already drawn. “Be silent! roared Marmedov, looking up a the smoke hole in the tll’s roof, “The Ryzhnyi Khoziain rides the wind. If we “are Tucky, it ass on its way.” ‘Dieter followed the hetman’s exze, watching the darkness beyond the hole For any sign of movement, wishing be knew what he was looking for. The only sound in the hall was the crackle of the embers and the mournful how of the wind beyond the walls. Dicter held his breath and glanced over at Markus and Trbek, The Dwarf had his axe atthe ready, and Marks vas tensed for 2 fight. They, too, could sense the erecping fea tat slid into the hal ike an asssin’s blade. “Marmedov held up his hand, and Dieter could hear the faine sound of booming wings, as though something immense flew nearby. Evens he beard the sound, it faded and the tnreasoning fear he bad felt began to fade- For the space of ten heartbeats, nothing moved ‘Then the darkness lifted, and the Fires roared bac. ito full-thrested life, Marmedov put down his aze and shouted something in ‘Kislevarin, The musicians began to play, and the people of the hall once again took up the songs. “What inthe name of Sigmar’s blood was tht?” breathed Markus. Meo dacs meny ison the wera sale anda, “Nt spt of Bad ih ze “Nya!” insisted Marmedov sternly. “Is our way, Respect i.” “Aye, lad,” said Torbek, “Do asthe man sys.” “azen't you worried tha thing might come back?” said Dieter. ‘Marmedov shrigged and took a mighty swig from a wineskin, “Is of no matter. Tomorrow we may be dead, so tonight we drink andeat and sing, For this is Kislev!” “Wars Las “The strength of Kislev lies in you all. The land has called you all here, and itis here that you will put that strength to the test defying Chaos. There is power in this land, and tomorrow it will run in all your veins, Use it well?” —Tue lee Que oF Kistev ae inhospitable land of Kislev lies ro the northeast of the Empire and acts as a bulwark berween the land of ‘Sigmar and the Realm of Chaos, Kisley isa wide-open steppe, Lonely villages stand isolated in the empty wilderness, and ‘mighty cities rise From the landscape like grea islands of stone. The climate is harsh and unforgiving, and only the scrongest, most determined people can survive here. The Kisleite people are wolf ough and self rliane, often seen as backward and rustic by cheir more “civilised” neighbours, but none-can doubt ‘containing waving, tall grasses and thunderin thei bravery or decrmination, for Ksley island that stands forever on the brink of destruction. The people of Ki seen theit county ripped asunder by foul hordes from the Chaos Wastes of the far north time and time again, and now these stoic folk face a colder and harder life than they ever have before PRINcIPpAL GEOGRAPHY To the south and west, Kise is bordered by the sprawling dark forests of the Empire the land to which ic has sworn the Eternal Alliance following the Great War against Chaos, For centuries. the warriors of Kisley and the soldiers of the Empire have foughe the force ofthe Dark Gods, and chough rations have not always been harmonious, neither nation has filed to answer the call to bate when is ally isin peri ‘The Sea of Claws forms Kisle’s western coastline, and the setdements that survive hereby fishing and whaling must constantly batl against the terror of Norse riders, who sail from theie frozen harbours to plague the southern lands, Kisle has no standing navy. and chese villages must look to their own defence when they spy Norse longships on ce horizon in scarch of slaves and plunder, vr have AND SITSPLEOPIES, The bleak land fir beyond the River Lynsk to the north is known as the Troll Country a hostile lind of war-hungry tribes and monstrously mutated beasts of Chaos, The Worlds Edge Mouncains form a virwally impenetrable barrier 0 the northeast and east, and within these dark peaks del ‘numerous eibes of Ores and Goblins. Within these boundaries can be found all manner often forests, rivers and hill, hough wihin is borders there is ile jn the way of mountains, and only che occasional low mound of carh breaks up the sprawling rastand steppe, The southeen border shared withthe Empire has long been established atthe River Uskoy (named after the god Ussun), which surges from. the soaring peaks ofthe Worlds Edge Mouncains and flows ‘westward units rozen waters swell he watts of he Talabec Kisler’s northern border is more dificult to define, though ost scholars agree that it convenient to deaw ita the River Lynsk, a river of deadly cold that flows all the way co the Sea of Claws. The reason for this ficult is because the north of Kisley is barely distinguishable from the Troll Country and the tundra beyond. Only afew of Ksle's tribes travel farther north than the Lyns, riding into the Teoll Country and easewards along the High Pass. The north of Kisey is col, infer land, and most ofthe Kislevites who ean be found here lives nomadic existence, moving constantly from one grazing ground to che next, much lke the Marauder tribes of the Shadowlands ‘As che inhospitable norch gives way co the south and approaches the marches of the Empire, Kisle transforms, assuming many of the civilised trappings found in the lands of Sigmar’s people. Remote farmsteads flourish in these ands, and most of these settlements tend ea be fashioned from uncut ee a a EE sy FPO! _Ff cope: Tee lad andits Peoples (SP rocks or local timber since quartied stone isin shore supply This appearance gives many of Kislev’s setdements a somewhat backward, frontier look that people of the Empire consider unciviised. THE Mountains Kisle is bounded to the east by the Worlds Edge Mountains, grimly forbidding peaks that rise from the steppe like rearing, fangs and seem to scrape the sky with their immensity In ancien times, the entirery of che mountains was once the domain of the Dea, who crafted vast cities and fortresses in the rock. When the Dwarf realm fell into ruia, many of these tunnels and halls were destroyed, forgotten, or captured by Night Goblins and Skaven, The only holds suid to remain chs far north are Karak Ungor (nove known as Red Fye Mountain afer its caprute by the Red Eye tribe of Night Gablins) and the lost stronghold of Karak Vlag, Only the insanely brave or foolhardy would dare sisk the untold dangers of the treasure hordes lying forgotten in abandos ountains, but the lure of mighey 4 Duar holds is he Worlds Baye a powerful incentive. The main roure ‘Mouneains in Kisley isthe High Pas, a ueacherous route th Jeads from Kisler to the mysterious lands ofehe east, where dark tales speak of Dares and a race of Dwats compted by the povter of Chaos, FORESTLAND “The great forests ofthe Empire gradually thin out at their northern borden giving way to the increasingly desolate oblast (a broad, empty, f fen region, for more information, see Chapter VI: The Oblast on pay this, Kisle is not wichout small woods and forests, some of which are sumoured to be the homes of isolated Wood Elfcommunites. Such rumours are perhaps not without substance, as there are many folk tales that 51) of Kislev. Despite of shadowy bands of archers who have emerged from the ain death at the hands of Beastmen. However, no sooner are the crearures of Chaos destroyed than these saviours vanish back into the woods without a word save Kislevite warriors from The majority of Kislev’s (adiieeedly small) forestland isto be found in the more fertile south or in che more forested to the east, in the foothills of the Worlds Edge Mountains, ‘hough isolated copses and small wooded areas can be found throughout Kisle. Thes vile creatures —Beastmen, Ores, Goblins, or other dangerous beasts—thac have come dovin from the mountains in search of prey the near constant wind that whips down northeast These bitingly cold gusts scour the steppe, blowing endure yi cis home to all manner of across the lands with such violence that those are hardened, roughened, rong. In phenomenon that gives rise to the expression of “living i the wind,” meaning to livea hardy, tough existence. These dm: ferce northern winds are seen assigns of l-omen and are said to hetald the coming of the warlike sribesmen of the Dark Gods. When such winds blow strong, it isa time of fear and uncertainty, and the warriors of Kisley ready for war. = THE STEPPE “Ic ain’t natural to ive out there without a good reef of stone above yeh I kept in my wagon with a big hat on, sos I didn’t go mad like them. Nary a decent mountain 10 be had within eyeshor ond nour but open skies ond empty land all around you. I tell you it aint narural” —Dnizap URcRIMsoN, Dwar Mencuant oF Kanaz-A-KARAK. “The majority of Kisle is made up of the massive, sprawling. grasslands known as the steppe, a vas landscape where a traveller is never warm, and the ait is parched and dry. Ver lide ran falls on the steppe, meaning only the hardiest grasses and planes can survive, bur when the rains do come, they are torrential downpours thar break che banks of rivers and stop all but the mose determined ffom travelling. Aside from smal villages, known as siantias viewally the only inbabicanes of| the steppe are nomadic tribesmen wha roam the steppe in ‘groups, constandly searching for new grazing areas. The soil in che north of the steppe is very poor, and only in the more fertile south of the country can farmers cozx crops from the land. Kyazak divell in the steppe, bur these ferocious warrior. tribesmen do noe grow any crops or tear any animals; instead, they take what they need by foree, artacking stanitsas and slaughtering any travellers they come across for gold and supplies. Such isthe vastness ofthe steppe that i is next ro impossible co hunt these raiders down, though there i pleneiful ‘work to be found for those wo seck employment in defending. villages from che kyazaks’ brutal raids. Tue TROLL CounTRY To the north ofthe country isthe desolate ey cane ofthe ‘roll Country. land twisted into unnatuel forms due to its proximity to the Chaos Wastes. None dare laim this land, for itis infested with ferocious Beastmen, Tolls, ard many other creatures 50 warped ast defy any classification of form. The Troll Country is alo home to warbands of Chaos, who fight their bates fr supremacy here before marching south to raid Kislev and the Empire. Besides che followers of Chaos, the only inhabitants in this dsolae region are debased, semi-nomadic tres sid ro be the descendents of those who were driver northwards by the migrating Gospodats who fst seed Kislv Tue Cuaos Wastes “I would stand by while Humans were wiped from the ‘face of the world. They bring nothing into the world, ‘and iris certain thar they will rake nothing out of it. Wiy should I mourn them?” —Lorp Atpastn or Arr Lone “The Realm of Man must not fall. Our fare is incertwined with theirs, and if the fall, s0 t00 do we. For this reason, I taught ther first masters of magic, and for this reason, we mast not abandon Men, despite their barbarous ways.” —Tecus, Lonsuasren oF UnTHUAN Beyond the Toll Country can be found the nightmarish repjon of the Chaos Wastes, ells wasteland of wild magi, ‘where Daemons glbber on the wind, and the las of reality ae tundone. This isthe realm of the Dark Gods, and no honest, for virtuous man dares walk here, fort do sos to abandon all hhope of survival and sanity. Here, Gods walk the earch, and the power of magic blows in mighty winds across the landscape. “The ground secthes with the saturation of Chaos, che forests fe, and the sky bleeds ia horror at such violation, The very airs poisonous, and only the most insane would ever dream of approaching this warped land, Here, in the depths of che Chaos Wastes, the myriad followers of the Ruinous Powers blood their champions and make war ‘on each other before unleashing their warbands and armies fon the lands ofthe south. When the Winds of Magic blow strongly, the power of the Gods increases, and theie warriors surge southwards to pillage and destroy. Chaos follows in their wake, and the conquered lands waithe and buckle under its foul, warping touch unel such rimes as its power wanes, ‘causing the Realm of Chaos to recede once more, hough the Fands couched will never be the same. CLIMATE “When I travelled into that cold land, T expected the Kislevites to be dour and miserable, Lady knows arrive after a month of snow, but everywhere I travelled I encountered life and humour. Dark humour, it has to be sai bur what ese could flourish in acounor So wracked with woe as Kisleo?” —Froniay BantHotD, Baetoxwan GuLDE isk climate varies enormous ranging from long, dark wintes to warm, balmy summers when the long grases can cach fie. ‘During particularly hot summers (a rarity in Kile), his threat is panicularly dangerous, for such steppe fires can spread with ‘unimaginable rapdigy since the gras iso dry and many unwary teavellershave been trapped and burned x death by such a conflagration. Such fires ae rae, and for dhe most part, Kile is & cold, beak land with ie sunlight ro warm the bod. vwrithe with unnacural Kisle’s deadly cold winters are infamous throughout the Old World, and when the snows come, che land is held tight in is inon grip. Temperatures plummet to far below frecring, and 0 be caught out on the steppe in winter isto die. Sow blankets the land in white and such is the unending vista of featureless whiteness thar covers che land thatthe Kislvite have aterm for such emptiness. eis known as Rapoza, which means “roadlessness,”and no one that values thei ie dares ro eravel in such times. Even outside the months of winter, the northern reaches of the steppe are often covered in snow, and the temperature never reaches far above freezing. ‘When spring finally comes to Kisley, it brings with ita mixture ‘of snow and rain, and with the brear of the winter, che steppe ‘comes alive with people as tribes migrate co find fresh grazing, kyazak seek our new prey, and caravans of merchants set off with fresh cargoes ro take to far-off marers. Travelin spring is clangerous, asthe icy landscape becomes muddy, and wagons often become trapped in che mud, where they will no doube be A Kistev Lexicon ‘Thnughout hs ourabook, ou wl ind names Kevasa ol To amit you in narigng the ext hee words are defined here for easy reference ataman: The village chief atamanka: Female village chief bachér An unraly bay’ or childs sho used to denote a Warsi oo Koumiss: A strong alcoholic beverage made from fermented mare's milk kozhukhi: A sheepskin coat lkrashenin: Dyed linen intended for fete: A unite rops—hone archers Kowa of winged lancets = ald: An nklelength loose shi hac cam be wotn asa manis shirt tas or unlit survive Sabi, oF & woman's underdess tiyadadi woman oflew mons Jerowas A cow ora particulary stupid samogoat A crude moonshine boyat/bayarin: A noble lords res stanite: A sizeable Kislerserlement, bammistre Mayor Jerug Licrlly “circles; used wo doscribe Tange enough ruse one or more chapka: Fur lined cap # dlewastacja Devastation: main used 25a solemn word to descebe che land left behing aftera Chaos groups of Ungo horsemen devas A cea, distilled spiie popular throughout Kise enoxned for its potency and medicinal mf inns ns parentage or inferior incursion properties Tae do widzenia: Good bye, ot die well: : Outlaws or raiders Swinia: Pigor disgusting person who often used interchangeably lap: blunt-pointed, hand-woven shoes does not respect tradition droyaskas Blademaster tile bestowed _ manurka: A dance from the old days of salachta: From the Reikspiel word, Upon @ master swordsman whose ‘gallantry, fl of suggestions of aadeigescblecbt, meaning nobility Skills above all ochers passion and love tiesa: A small village druhina: A noble nnekulturny: An uncultured person who Urtra: Four-year cycle of the Ungol dries dobry: Good day does not comport himself properly Calendar saul: An atamans steward and behaves without respect ‘venet: Elaborate headdress worn by Aabiekas:Poreable huts ‘oblast: A broad, emp; frozen region maidens kika: Flaborare headdresses worn by smartied women skoniushy: The Ice Queens own Master of the Horse koruna: A rectangular or semicircular cur loak of che nobiliey koszmar: A nightmare, atime when dark spirits are loose rospekt: A street pulls Army garment guide” raspashnoe: An open-front over. yurta: An easly wansportable tent constructed from wooden poles and animal skins . zal: The main meeting hal in a village Raspotitsa: A time when snow blankets zza: From beyond; mainly used to the steppe; literally “roadlessnes” fiddle-man: Another name for “city describe where Chaos marauders «ome from, 0 a o avoid giving ‘voice co the name of their esl ie paamen SS abandoned to enable the caravan to move on before it becomes prey for kyazak ‘Autumn js when the people of Kislev hunkee dawn so weather the harsh winter wo come. Old men wearly shake their heads and declare that this coming winter wll be hat cis Something of tradition forthe eldedy of Kislev (of which there are few) to complain that each coming winter willbe che hardest yet and then proclaim how the winters were harder when they were younger. Inthe autuma, firewood is stocked, livestock slaughtered, and crops stockpiled so there will be cooug food to last uni spring. Tue Ciries “Pa sooner wrestle an Ogre than risk sailing to Erengrad without a dozen armed merchantmen with ‘me, Our naxy say they patrol it, and I hear tell that even the Eloes sail the Sea of Claws, but I'd just as soon put ‘my trust in my own cannon as leave i 1 the likes of Elves to keep me safe from Norse raiders!” —Prrr Leerpan, Mencuant oF MARENEURG, “There are three major cities in Kslev: Prag, Brengrady and the capital which is also called Kiser: Each city has is own dissin history and personality, and though they at all peopled by Kilevies, they each havea personality oftheir Kistev ‘The capital of the nation and seat ofthe Tzars and Trarinas who rule the land, Kislew isthe largest and most developed of Kislevs cities. Sitated close to the Urskoy, i is vireually ‘on the border with the Empire, and many of thei customs and aesthetic values have influenced Kisle life liceratuce, and architecture, Founded as the capital by che Khans and Khan-Queens of the Gospodar people in Year I (1524 IC), thas been besieged many times in is history, chough it has never fallen to an enemy. At the centre of Kislv lie the Bokha Palaces, the hereditary sea of power, rebuilt during the reign, of Tear Boris Bokha after ch original Palace Gospodarin was all but destroyed during che Great War against Chaos in 778 (2302 1¢).. (Ae \ = RSS we SH BS “Thay have courage, I'll give them that, but i's a wild courage, untempered by discipline that’s beaten into a man by drill sergeants like me. Give me a month, and Pl have them marching like respectable Empire soldiers” “Pd sooner entrust my flank to a Free Company.” “Neither the climate, manners, nor diversions of the place suit either my health or temper, and the only pleasures I may indulge in are eating and drinking—yet Sigmar knows I have scarce tasted worse in my time here as an ambassador of ‘our noble Emperor than anywhere else” —Lerren To ALTDORE, ANDREAS THUGENHEM, FORMER AMBASSADOR TO THE COURT OF THE TZARINA KATARIN “De fight good, dem Kisleites. I fight wit ‘em last year when the ‘for pay fighting, hey? Dey fight in the saddle, and dey look like dey born there. In fact, I don’ think I never seen one get ‘ff his horse. Maybe dey love ‘em a litle r00 much, ifa ya know what I mean?” Originally the Ungol capial (when it was merely a walled town. known as Norvard), ic was later overrun by the Gospodacs ‘Now; Etengrad is Kislev’s main trading city and its largest port, Situated on the coast of the Sea of Claws, vessels from across the Old Woeld, New Werld, and even Norsca come here with goods, slaves, gems, and precious metals. Ksley docs not have a sanding navy and, instead, relies on Empite warships and. private merchant vessels to safeguard their waters. Erengnad also benefits from extensive defences ia the form of cannons, walls, and submerged mines ro repel would-be invaders. Sal, the waters of che Sea of Claws are dangerous, and all merchant ships are armed in some fashion, many vo the standards of ‘other nations’ warships, and can be pressed into service by che ‘Tearina when needed, PRraaG Alo known as the Cursed City, Praag isthe most northerly of Kislev’s largest settlements and has been overrun several times bythe northern tres. During the Grese War against Chaos, the walls and buildings became so corrupeed with, Chaos energy they sprouted tentacles and eyes, Wailing screams echoed from rooftops, and the ground beneath the ciy shifted and writhed. After theie victory atthe siege of Ksle the Kislevites razed Praag to the ground and rebuilt its though i¢ js sill rumoured chat a dark taine remains there. The people of Praag are regarded as shifty and nervous by most outsiders, paranoid and potcaraly in league with the dack powers ofthe ‘north. Praag also ats as a rallying poine for che seattered horse tribes in times of war and has a considerable Ungol population, “This situation bas led co Praag attempting to cede from the OuTsIDER PERSPECTIVE “Bah, all that koas makes them mad! Who would want to live there anyway? The summers are cold, the winters are ‘freezing, and if the nomads don’: kill you, the marauders wil! I tell you, they're welcome to the place!” —Senastiay Woatz, MexcHant of NULN —Daur Sexceanr Kraus Wornke —Konr Buen, Knioit Panter Legion ride south tothe Wasteland looking —Exzo Mancociio, Tazan MencEnany a power of the Tzars on three occasions: twice. the city was starved into submission by trade embargoes fiom the south, and on the thied occasion, the city was reclaimed by military farce and is now ruled by a Gospodar governor responsible only o the Tzarina. KistEV RELATIONS “Bastard Empire. Kept safe with Kislev blood. You and ‘your land be dead but for us. Kisleo’s sons die ro keep Your lands safe, and only when Empire burns do you ‘come to fight. Treat us like dogs and then expect us to die for you!” —Bovar Ansar Kovovics ‘Though they might like che world to chink otherwise, the Kislevtes do not stand alone against the perils of Chaos. The ‘country mast endure the constanc raids and attacks of the northern raiders, buc in times of need sehen the followers of ‘Chaos have gathered in great numbers, the Kislevites have received ald from oxher nations. Most commonly, forces from the Empire—in particular Ostland, the Ostermark, and Talabecland—march north co assist against these larger ‘As has been mentioned earlier, the people of the Empire vend | +0 look down on the Kislevites as backwards and primitive though ivis certainly not the ease. Most Empie foll cant understand why anyone would want co live in such a cold, ‘mpty land that is constantly threatened by the forces of ‘Chaos. Surely, they say the people of Kislev would be berter ‘off moving somewhere less dangerous? Of course, this view is ‘one that sensible people dont voice, as Kislev provides a handy buffer between the Empire and the hordes of Chaos. Were the Kislevites to act upon this advice, their nation would become part ofthe Realm of Chaos, and the northern marauders would be on the Empire’ doorstep! Fortunately for the Empire, che Kislevies would sooner eut their own throats than leave theit beloved homeland, for Kislev is their home, and co abandon ic would be unthinkable. And there ia streak of stubbornness that many suspect motivaes the Kislevites to stay, fr to leave would be co admic defeat, and such a thing is unacceptable tw a warrior nation. However, there ate those inthe Empire ‘who suspect the truth is that the Kislevites enjoy being able to bemoan ther fite and cast themselves a a pur-upon nation, bur without their courage, the world would fal to the Dark Gods of Chaos ‘During the Great War against Chaos, when the hordes of | the north srerched ikea | sea across the Taig, it was hotjostthe Humans of | were they ro fll” the Empleo who alded the oe dette Dats lps well High IP Mage Teli travelled from Ulthuaa to aid Magnus the Pious a he led his armies northward to fight the Chaos tibes in Kislev. A contingent of Divas from Karsz--Karak foughe alongside the Kislevces in defending the walls ofthe capital Kise. In return, it has been known for Kislevites co aid the Dwarfs in clearing the mountain passes, particularly the High Pass, of foes such as Skaven, Greenskins, and marauders, Both respect the “stubbornness chey seein each other, though Kislevites cannot ‘understand how Dwarfs can spend so much time underground, ‘while a Dwarf generally chinks tha all tac open sky drives the Kislevits a lite insane Pci tiopen teers those horsemen with the feathered wings on their backs. Even though they looked as fancy as Elves, they're good. JSighters, them boys. Noisy as a Mannish steam engine ‘when they charge, but you ought ta seen the grobi keck their loinclochs when they heard them coming!” —Sworni Sronexean, Dwany LONGBEARD “Do not underestimate these northern Humans, for they “Fight the warriors of the Dark Gods with a hatred that putts ours to shame. Iris beholden to uso aid them, for | ‘her Sigh is our figh, and the secre war would suffer | Waywarcrrs or Arse Loney Tue Peorte oF KIsLeV Kislev is a country forged from various warring invaders who finally setled alongside each other. The bulk of the nation’s population is made up of Ungols, the Gospodars, the Norse, and the las remnants of the Ropsmenn. Tiibes such as the Dolgans make their home in Kislevs northern areas, and many ‘af che people that inhabit thes display many crass of the Empi for people i this region so interact and mingle the bloodlines fe ee In fact, Kisev is almost two nations in one. On the one hand, there ace the more and the ciies, where the Bi sesds te cla ee Aad in the north, particulaly north ofthe Lynsk, there are wild, nomadie tribes. In the time of Sigma, the harsh lands north-east of the Urskoy were populated by the Ungol tribes, who ako dominated the smaller tribes ‘of the Ropsmenn who lived in whacis now Till Country. Shating many traits wil the Kurgan steppe nomads o the east, che Ungols were a scacered people consisting of nomadic, horse-riding tribesmen. Sigma’s influence did not scetch cis far north, and they remained independent from the confederation of tribes founded by Sigmar. Around the year 1500 IC there was a large westward migration fiom the eastern steppes, and of particular importance was the arrival of the powerful and wealthy Gospodars. Torn with strife, the Empire was in no postion to contest these lands, and the superior arms and. —Nerapan Seanowratz, | cay 1) acts ofthe Gospodars drove “The Wood Elves are famous the Ungols tothe west and. Pid thal cap he Foe “Never trust a Human. Especially one who tives om the | north, who in urn absorbed they distrust all outsiders, very edge of the Realm of Chaos.” the Ropsmenn complecely. ‘ven theit kin from Ulchuan. Exam HawKMOON OF Utriuan | Over the flowing century, However, there are instances the power ofthe Gospodars where even these reclusive peoples can seraside their | isolationist predilections to come to the aid of others ‘When ancient foes reat L their heads, they have been ‘known to make common cause with others. There ae very few incidents ofthis in Kile’ history but they are shere—batles against Beasmen when unexpected Wood Blais have attacked the creatures of Chaos from their hiding places, as ‘well as occasions when a Kisley patrol has been deaen to the sounds of ghting ro find a small Wood Elf community embattled by Ores or Chaos marauders. be after Kislev winter!” ‘*Kislevites grim? You ry living in wind with kyazak and the cold forever at your throat. See how happy you | —Usacnowns Kistevire Prasat be eo grew, and the city of Kiskev was founded. The setdlemene | of Pag grew i seas the Gospotars used che Lynsk. to launch incursions into Ungol territory rentually Forcing the Ungols to accept Gospodar rule (who were now beginning to be called Kislevtesafcr their capital iy. By this time, the former Ungol city of Erengrad had grown into-a busy port ruled by the new Kislevtes, and from here, the Kislevites ‘were able to sail the Sea of Claws, wading and fighting wih the Norse and on occasion the Empire, as well as keeping che Ungols in check This state of affairs has existed for over 750 years, and Gospodat and Ungol society has blended over the centuries, t0 a greater of leser extent, into the nation of Kislev. The ruling elite, from whom the Tears and Trarinas hal, are of Gospodar heritage. The influence of the Gospodar language and beliefs is more evident in the south, particularly in the eities of Kslev and Erengrad, while furcher north, che land becomes more barren, and the hors tribes stil hold sway. In fact, Praag has bbeen reclaimed in a large part by the old Ungol nobility and in, many ways ia separate power in the north, Frequently che bulwatk agains: the wibes of Chaos, the islevie relish the debt owed to them by the people ofthe Empire to the south whom they protec. However, thi does not stop a Kslevie fom birerly coraplaining about dis ace of ffir a every opportunity. The Kislevtes are close to the psople ofthe Empire than many of them would admit and ‘ew them with a kind of patronising humoue chat one might reserve fo a bright bu lightly eccentric cil LANGUAGE “All their songs are sad, and all their wars ae happy.” —Porutan THtzan SAYING OF Kistv ‘The language spoken by the people of Kisly is known as Kislevarin and isa blend of the original Ungol and Ropsmenn. tongues with the addition of the languages brought by the ‘migrating Gospodars. Over the cencuries, this has become the ddominane ofthe three languages, with the addition of some Reilspiel words and conventions from the south. ‘There ate, of course, many different dialects within Kisle, and the language is spoken somewhat differently in different regions of the country, though the differences berween these broad dialects are slight, Theze is almose never any difficulty in mutual understanding, and non-Kislevarin speakers are generally unable to distinguish them without conscious effort. “The regional differences coerespond mainly to old tribal divisions from hundreds of years ago, che mose significant of these (in terms of numbers of speakers) are Sudevarin, which is spoken in che south, Krevarin, which is spoken in the east and centre of the country, and Dolvarin, which is the principal language of the north and of the tribal raiders who plague the farmers. In che stanitsa ofthe far north the older tribes ‘and families keep alive che distinctive Géresk dialect, said to be the unpolluted language of the Ropsmenn, and they ake great pride in their culture and langu his sid 10 bbe much more musical than standard Kislearin. Some city twellere—especially the les affluent populacion—also have their own distinctive dialects. An example ofthis is Travarin, ssll spoken by some ofthe population of Kisey, though these city dialects are now mostly extincr due to assimilation with seandacd Kislevarin, Kislevatin is often said to be one of the most difficult languages for non-native speakers to learn, and while difficult for speakers of “classic” Reikspiel, ti not so difficult for those raised in the norch and east of the Empire since the regional dialect of Ostland and Ostermark owes much co early Kislevarin, ‘What makes Kislevarin so difficult to master is that i has an extremely complex gender system, based on the fac that itombines three categories—gender (masculine, Feminine, neuter), personality (personal versus non-personal), and vitality (animate vesuis inanimate) Over che centuries, Kislevarin has borrowed a large number of words from other languages, most notably Reikspil, since the Empire and Kislev share a border, and a high proportion of the inhabitants of Kislevte cities are fiom the Empire. Most such words are adapted by altering che spelling to keep the pronunciation bue are written according Kislevice phonetics Thus, ic possible for a non-Kislevarin speaker to pick out the odd word here and there ftom a conversation, such as Siem-tza(Steatn Tank) and Robets (Racers). Here are other cxamples of borrowed words: selacha (which comes from the Reikspiel word, adelsgeschleche, meaning nobility) and drurmisrz which comes from the word burgomeister, meaning mayor) RELIGION IN KIsLEV “Death or Glorymis of no matter?” —Kistevrre Saving The Kislevites are descended ftom Humans that travelled from the Kurgan tribes ofthe north and eas. Jn particular, the Kurgan inuence is sil strong in the north, andthe horse clans share many traditions and cstoms with the likes of Dolgans, Khazags, and other marauder tribes. The ancient tmadiions of these peoples are more keenly held ro amongst the nomads, who see their southern cousins a weakened by the ivilsing influence ofthe Empire, In this espect, worship of the various ancient Kislev Gods varies across the nation, being ‘more promineat in the north, while ochet Gods have been incorporated into the Kislevite religion in southern lands. In addition, the Gospodars brought with them the Cult of Ursun, which has been established as a dominant religion of Kislew As most of the Kislevite ancestry originated from the eastern steppes and the harsh northlands, their Gods represent very Jmportant forces in thei lives. Various nature and household spirits ate worshipped all across the Old World, bu this practice is parsiculay strong in Kislv, These magical creanutes are servants and messengers ofthe Gods in this world and. shoul be reated as such A fuller discussion of region in Kisley can be found in the section Religion and Custom on page 35. Kistevire Dress “lothing in Kisle, as in other lands, reflets an individual's rank, wealth, profession, family stacas, and locality: Kislev has close ties with lands beyond ies horders, which has had an effece on the many different forms of clothing thar can be found within is borders, particulary in the wpper clases Kislev’s interaction with the Norse and trade with the Empire and beyond means that clothing scyles in Kislev are not completely isolated from styles inthe rest of the Old Wold. However, the climate of Kislev governs the clothing types ‘worn by the majority of its people: its long winters and cool summers make closed-up cloching with many layers and furs practical Most clothes are made fom wools and linens (including hhemps), the same asthe rest of che Old World, Coarse, homespun wool is used for peasant clothes and also for the undergarments and everyday cloches ofthe merchant classes, and even boyats. Fine, imported fabrics are usually reserved for outer garments and festival costumes. The main imported fabrics come from Tilea and include brocade, velvet, and golden velvet (velvet embroidered with gold thread). Fu is used extensively: and peasant winter clothes are lined with ‘wolf, fox, bear, or rabbit fur. The nobiiey, however, enjoy beaver, otter, sable, and marten to line their clothes and trim their finery to distinguish them from peasants. Asa grest deal ‘of time is pene working outdoors, warm, far hats known as chapha are a common sight. Similar in appearance to & hollowed out cake, these ur-ined hats are an essencal item in the wardrobe of any Kislevite. Those worn by the nobility have warm flaps that can be brought down and tied with leather cord under the chin to protect the eas, though the peasant ‘ones ofien do nor because the sound of approaching raiders is ‘muted by furry Has. In opposition to their dour reputation, Kislvite clothing is very colourful. The raw colour of unbleached linen predominates in peasant clothes, bt if intended for the nobility i is often dyed, whereupon ic becomes known as Irashenin, The most common colours include blue, geen, and red, though imported fabrics are often dark red, crimson, purple, and azure PEASANTS “The primary garb of Kislevite peasines is the ankle-length ‘rabatsa, loose shift that can be worn asa mans shit or & ‘woman's underdress The rubakha is made fom linen, though sill from the east often used by the richer classes. The man's shire reaches to about mid-thigh and can be wora both hanging out and tucked in, usually with an ornamented belt ‘or military sash. Most rubakha are white or off-white, and the man’ shire fequently has red piping at the seams and red underarm gussets, Both the shirt and dress are decorated with hands oF embroidery atthe cuffs and around the collar and hem. Sometimes a band of embroidery aso follows the collar sl Kislevte women spend an inordinate amount of time on. fantastically complex decorations for their clothes, using ‘embroidery in strong primary colours, gold and silver thread, ‘semi-precious stones, and copious amounts of freshwater peas. An obligatory part of woman’ peasant garments isthe bel, and the richer a village inhabitant i, the more prominent the orsamentation, the higher che quality of their manufacture, and the more expensive the utilised materials. Most peasant ‘women also wear elaborate headdresses (venets for maidens and Aik for mastied women), earrings, beads, copper bracelets, and blune-pointed, hand-woven shoes known a lp. Crry Dweters AND Noses “The dress of Kislevite city dwellers and nobles i, unsurprisingly, more complicated than that worn by peasants and includes a greater numberof wems. Over the underdress, many women wear one or several gowns of straight or ‘widening cut and an open-front over-gurment known as 3 raspashnve. The number of garments depends on the season and material circumstances ofthe family, the outer dress being shorter than the lower garment and with wider sleeves. The hem and cfs ofthe lower garment ae visible, forming 2 stepped silhouette, and asin the traditional dres of peasants, able is almost always added. The nobility often weat cloak called forzna, whichis normally rectangular or semicircular in cut. Fastened by 2 brooch or buckle on the right shoulder or in the middle ofthe chest, the korana hangs to the ground in wide pleats and is sometimes gathered at the waist with a belt. On cold autumn o winter days, nobles sometimes wear a sheepskin coar known asa kozhkbi beneath their bright, expensive fabrics “The headdress of city dvelles has much in common with peasants, though the decoration is more complex and intricate, utlsing embroidered chains of cloth that drape to necklaces of coloured beads. Noblewomen often wea large, folding silver bracelets over ther sleeves a the wrist and forearm, though those of lowe status must be content with coloured glass. The garb of noble city dvellers is most ofen cut from expensive, Imported fabrics that demonstrate che owner's wealth with :mulicoloured cloth, silver and gold embroidery, and expensive furs. Boyar Beledna was said to have given his wife a coac lined with fox fur when a single fox pelt was worth more shan a peasant family’s yearly earnings. PH] To distinguish themselves from peasants, city dwellers and the ruling class wear boots instead of shoes—giving rise o the expression “living in the boot"—which indicates that a person is wealthy. Tall, eather boots and riding boots area status symbol with rooes in the past when such things indicated the ‘wearer was ether a horse watrior or a person of note who could afford his own horse JEWELLERY The jewellery won by Kislevite serves to display wealth, but ‘many are charms designed to ward againse che evil eye, and thus, much of't is designed ro make noise to scare away evil picts Eartings are uncommon, bur bracelets, rings, beads, and necklaces can be seen on virrually every Kislevice of noce. The majority of peasant jewellery is made of poorer metals (copper, bronze, or law-grade silver), while noble jewellery is fashioned from silver and gold, Jewellery is often commissioned by individuals, and expensive gold and silver jewellery with precious and semiprecious stones are often passed doen for ‘many generations. Kistevire Prizsts Priests of Kise ate almose all warsiors and wear loose clothing that allows roaximum fredom in baele. Priests wear a dark brown or black hair rubakha that reaches o hele fet wich nacow leeves over the hands anda wide belt These incredibly uunconoreble garments ae fashioned feom a coarse, woo! fabric and are worn direcaly on dhe ody a form of self flagellacon. Mose also wear a cloak that reaches below the knee and is fastened atthe waist hy a bear-stamped buckle. Woven shoes of boots are wou on the fee, as priest are exempt from the tational convention that tates boots ae fr nobility and shoes are for peasants KistEv CALENDAR Kisley uses thee dating systems the Calendar of the Empit, the Gospodarin Calendar, and the Ungol Calendar, The Ungol Calendar is now only used for the northern wes, and it works con the principle ofa 4-year cycle called an Ura, daring from the time tha the great Bear God, Ursun, ist awoke from hibernation. This date roughly equates © 500 years before Sigmar’ time: Dates are also known wo vary from ribe to tribe, so thac while one tribe may say that che great chieftain Eskadar fought the bate of Lynsk in 452 (1310 IC = (1310+500)/4), another might say it isin 453 (1312 IC), For these reasons, it is only of interest co scholars for its eccentricity more than its functional use. The Gospodarin Calendar ses far more widespread use in Kisley, owing its popularity to dominance of Kise city and the influence the'Tzarina holds over the majority of her people The Gospodarin Calendar traces its orgins ro 1524 1C with che founding ofthe city of Kisle. Since the Great War aginst ‘Chaos, many Kileits, especially i the south, have embraced the Imperial Calendar. Such is she extent ofits use tat i thas now become common for dates o be given in both the ‘Gospodarin Calendar ard the Imperial Calendar (RR [ cai tatnivinias PSE) Kyvas— Tue Ot oF A NATION “Spent some time drinking with the Kisleites, The [peasy esthey call, en’e bets ae the Ronret sla bleach the hairs on your beard! I don’t remember ‘much about the rest of the night, but when I woke, my pockets were empy and my ale stolen. not forget that in a hurry? —Gorrai Hau-Havouen, Dwar Mexcrant ‘The word as srandlates as “sour milk” and is, afer waren the most popular drink in Kisly. Ie isa drink thac transcends the normal distinctions of class chat hold sway overall other aspects of Kislevie society. Peasants drink ic with gusto, and nobles prefer ic co the weak southern wines and brandies brought by foreigners. Such isthe Kislevite fondness for kvas, that itis used in almost every aspect of lf, from cooking [oshere ie serves as stock for many daily dishes) ro medicine Igehere ici credited for saving many peasants from scurvy during times af famine). ts curative powers were also sid to ‘extend to colds, dropsy fever, and diseases ofthe intestines, bose whether this can be attributed to he kvas or the Kislevites legendary consctution from drinking the stuff will likely never beknown, ‘There are many recipes for kvas, each stanitsa ing chat it has the dfinisive recipe and that all others re “like drinking yellow snow.” but in general they have the same ingredients, justin differene proportions. Kvas is made from malt, rye, or wheat flour and boiling water Tis dense mass is blended unci the village hetman declares i is ready; ehen i's pur in a heated coven fora day and night. Afterwards, is dissolved in water and lef in a room fora few hours before being poured into wineskins. The stengeh of kvas varies from place to place (as docs the flavour) foe, as Kislevites are fond of saying, there are as many different types of kvas as grass on the steppe. THE RULers OF KIsLEV The rulers of Kislev are powerfil figures descended fiom the line ofthe ancient warcor kings and Khan-Queens ofthe Gospodats. On the very forefront of the was against Chaos, they rule a land that must always stand ready to fight the forces of the northera tribes and their cecrible Gods. From the ley fores of he capital ity of Kise, Tarina Kaazin niles her land with an aloof majesty that has earned her the epithe of “Ice Queen,” The daughter ofthe fry and charismatic Tear Boris, she ascended tothe throne in 2517 IC, fllowing her fathers death in bate whils leading an army north ofthe Lynsk inco Tell County. She is the latest in along line of “Taarinas descended from the ancient Khan-Queens of the ‘Gospodar, the power riba group that migrated west ‘enturies ago and became the dominant peoples of what was ro grow into the naion of Kslx. ‘A great sorceress in her own right, her power is said to come from the land of Kisles, it icy soul and bleak tundra giving her command of the elements and mastery of tha form of | wizardry known as lee Magi. Indeed, some whisper she is the living reincarnation of the very frst Khan-Queen, Miska, so complete is her grasp of this dangerous branch of magic. ‘Upon her ascension to the throne of Kislev, it is said the Bokha Palaces grew a new wing, hundreds of yards in Iength and) formed entirely of glitering ice. This wondrous creation would bbe beyond all but the most poweeful Ice Mages, and ic is here Kararia remains for most ofthe time, granting audiences in an immense chamber of magically woven hoarftose. Some believe she simply prefers the chill of these frozen corridors, while cothers ay tis display of her power to overawe would-be ‘enemies and foreign ambassadors Where Tuar Bokha was 2 man who preferred to lead from the front and was renowned for his courage and leadership, the “Trarina, in keeping with her iey powers, is aloof and remote, preferring ro work through agents and generals. Only under the ditese circumstances does the Tzarina join her armies (known in Kisle as pulls), but when she does, ics often upon a mighty steed whose lanks shimmer with glinting ice crystals and whose breath is the wincer wind, or she rides an armouted sled drawn by a team of identical beasts. The Trarina caries a fearsome warblade known as Fearfrost, a ‘weapon said to have been forged by the ancient Khan-Queen Miska of the Gospodars, whose intense cold ean kill with a single scratch, This blade has passed from Tzarina to Tearina ‘over the ages, and only a Tzarina can wield the blade. Were a man to lift che blade, he would find himself frozen solid in a Ihcartbeat, ‘On those rare occasions she does lad her army in bate, the devotion lavished upon her is beyond thar which might be expected of such a remote ruler. Her power over the elements is clear proof thatthe blood of the Khan-Queens lows in ber veins, and the Ungols of the north fear and respect her a8 one of the ancient warrior witches from their oldest mychs. ‘Though the Tearinas grip on her icy land is firm, even she cannot rule a land as large and fractious as Kislev on her own, ‘The spirit of stubborn independence that makes Kisey such « formidable nation of warriors means itis only with the support of thenobility chat a ruler can maintain control. Beneath the ‘Taarina area number of high-ranking nobles known as boyarin, each of whom commands an army in times of wat, ach boyarin isa hereditary ruler, the vce passing from father to child (bay or girl), and the lands and villages nearby. lowe him fealry and loyaley. In erurn, the village can expect protection and support from the local lord in times of Famine and war, bur they are beholden to answer his cll ro battle. TPS J] cme tn niin tenis POP PE Me LAN 3 cs ‘When the Trarina gathers her amis, the boyarin send riders ‘out co the villages for which chey ate responsible, and ‘muster of warriors begins with speed thet pats most other nations to shame. Whete the men of other nations might only fighe when their own lives ate threatened, Kslvites have strong bond with the land and its people, and the idea of invaders despoling their homeland i abhorrent co them. Ii considered a great honour to fight for Kiley, and chere fs no shoreage of brave young men who seek glory and honour asa hors archer of lances AB\ = f i ye In each stanitsa the people are led by a hetman, a man who has displayed the qualities ofa warrior and leader and whom the villagers respect. Where the tte of boyarin is passed from father 1o his offspring, the hetman ofa village earns his place, whether he seeks such office oF not, The hetman must see his village through times both good and bed and rule his people with wisdom and courage. Hl will bea battle-peoven warrior who can command the defences of his village should ie come ‘under atack from raiders or tribes of Ores and Goblins, Many. noble families and boyarin can trace theie origins back to a berman of a humble stanitsa, hough most prefer not co. a “You took down on us and think we are little better than barbarians, but you are glad we here, for without us here, the northern tribes would be dining on the “flesh of your children in your burning homes. But for the courage that flows in our veins would your lands be theirs. Look down on us? You should get on your knees and thank us every day!” —Virausa Kovast, Kistevire Wavcen LANCER es history of Ksle is one of war and battles, of heroes and horrors, For as long as men have lived north of the Urkoy, there has been blood spilled for this bleak and inhospitable realm. The land has ies origins inthe fierce tribes that ruled the steppe and made constant war upon one another since ancient times. At the time of Sigmar, the harsh lands northeast of the Urskoy were populated by the many Ungol and Dolgan tribes These tribal groups ive a wasike existence on the steppe and dominated the smaller tribes of dhe Ropsmenn who lived in what {snow the Toll Country. Sharing many tats wit the Kurgan steppe nomads othe east, che Ungels were a satered pcople ‘consisting of nomadic horse-riding wibesmen. These warriors were ‘master horsemen and lived and fought che sil, perfsting 2 ‘way of war that was unmatched by any other bes ofthe steppe ix the time. The Dolgns were already a people in decine, and their ways were looked down upon by mos other tbs as being unclean pos because the Gods they worshipped bore 2 siding resemblance those ofthe Chaos Wises Tue Tripes oF KIsLEV Living in family groups, each eribe would range across the steppe, stopping each night and erecting a camp that could be struck with incredible speed. Everything the tribe needed could bbe eattied on the backs oftheir horses, and each tribe possessed jes own identity and culeural traditions. Many of the tribes chat hreld to these traditions have been forgotten over the centuries as other tribes, starvation, or disease wiped them out on the ‘steppe, but many others have survived in superstition, name, or tale to this day. To live any other way was unimaginable 10 the tribes, and thus, the steppe peoples grew strong on plunder and war but could never become more than they were, No Crops were sown, no buildings were erected, and no roots could be pus down, fora tribal culeure based on finding new grazing lands could never remain static for long, ‘Sigmar's influence did not stretch this far north, and the steppe tribes remained independent from the confederation of tribes he founded. The neighbouring Teutogen tribes of the Empire existed in more or less peace with the tribes of Kislev, though there were skitmishes and border raids beeween these nomadic tribesmen, Tue Norsil The tribes ofthe north were Berce and warlike, and they lived for bate and the lie ofthe steppes. To these warriors ighting ‘one another was as natural as breathing, and sucha life bred ‘men strong and honourable. War was away of life, and the ‘worth ofa man was measured in how many souls he had sent to the next life, how many horses he on sons he had fathered, Further south, Sigmar consolidated his hold on the Empire, uniting the seatered tribes of the Empire under his rule and driving out those who would not bend the knee to him, The ancient Nori tribes refused co accept Sigmar’ ruletship and were scattered by his armies, driven northwards beyond the Middle Mountains and into Kisle. |, and how many The arrival of such a large body of warriors was met with understandable hostility by the ribes of Kisley, and the Ungols ‘made war on the Nori, driving them further north into the frozen lands of Norsc, breaking the host of their greatest hero, hal Bloodheart, in bar at che edge of the Chaos Wastes. Tales axe sill told ofthis giant, bearded warsior who hacked off his ‘own head to deny his enemies th pleasure, Impressed with his bravery, the Ungols carried his remains south into the Troll Country and buile a great cain to house his body. Some say this caien has long siace vanished, while others maintain it remains undiscovered in the depths of the Toll Country. Whatever the sruth of dhe matter, Ungol legends say thatthe spirit of Bloodheart sill howls across the steppe the night before a bate judging the wartiors who are o fight and ensuring they are worthy of traveling co the next world upon theit THE GREENSKIN MENACE While the Ungols fought che Norsi, the tribes of Ores ofthe Worlds Kidge Mountains were growing restless. And under the leadership of Warlord Gortork, a massive host of Greenskins Dres rampaged stated much of the steppe, destroying began ravaging the eastern lands of Kislev fiom the east and deva tribal homelands with wanton brutality as they marched towards the more fertile southern plains. Understanding the tribes ofthe steppe could nor hold back such a force and that these Ores would eventually make their way south ifallowed {0 go unchecked, Sigmar sent many of his warriors to aid the Ungols against the Ores. At the site of what is now the city of Kiley Sigmar and the Ungol war chief Subotan fought the horde of Gortork, Sigmar and Suboran fought side by side and hacked their way through the howling warlords bodyguard before Sigmar was finally able to slay him with a mighty blow from his magical wathammes, hal Marz. Both leaders swore a blood oath that should either of their ands be threatened by invaders, they would answer the call to battle and fight alongside one another again. Sigmar sent watriors co Kisley many more times, chough he was never again to personally ght upon the steppe. In return, Ungol war chies sent some of their greatest horsemen to aid Sigmar when he marched to battle a mighty hose of Ores and Goblins alongside the Dwarf King Kurgan lronbeard atthe legendary batde of Blacfire Pass. Thus was born the ere alliance that thas joined Kislev and the Empire together since then, though it was not until after che Great War against Chaos that it became a formalised treaty THE MiGRATION OF THE GOsPODARS ‘After the Bale of Blackfire Pass, Sigmar returned to the Empire to build his realm, and the Ungol tribesmen returned to dominate the steppes, fighting many batles against bands of vicious raiders from the Chaos Wastes ofthe north and ‘migrating tribesmen from the east. Over the centuries, these tribesmen grew in numbers, until icscemed as though every day brought fresh warriors dow from the High Pas. Around 1500 IC, the largest westward migration from the eastern steppes began. Increasing expansion of the Chaos ‘Wastes had forced the Gospodar tribes of the eastern steppes to move westwards over the mouncains. Led by the Khan: Queen Misks, the Gospodars were powerful and wealthy and possessed an unmatched genius in warfare, their skill in STAR] cmectitisoy isn IPSS [ae fighting from horseback supetior to that of even the Ungols. nightmares for centuries to come. Together with the Khan- “The Khan-Queen was not only a warrior of great skill and Queen's magic, the Gospodars’ superior arms and tactics ‘courage but also sorceress of unmatched power. Het legions drove the Ungols west and north into the land occupied ‘of horse warriors and the power of her magic seatered the _by the Ropsmenn, where the two tribal groups foughe for ‘Ungols from the steppe and earned her a place in their dominance. Important Events IN THE History OF KisLeV Note: As with al things historical, is impossible to be certain a 0 the reliability of some ofthese dates asthe Kiseite practice of placing theic rulers at whatever battle they fel most iting of thee skill and temperament seems designed to give the history scholar headaches. Similay, laces of ancient hisory are equally vague, and this historian hopes his readers may forgive any lapses caused by the vagates of current records. Gospodarin Event Calendar ‘C-5000 Elven colonisation of the Old Word finally reiches the site of modern-day Frengrad. This outpost marks the furthest che Elves penetrate tothe east and noth, ©3800 Dwarf armies from Karak Vlg and Karak Ungor combine t drive the Elves out ofthe Lyk Gtuaty and the wuchern ‘coast of che Sea of Claws. ‘C3000 Greeskia attack force the Darts to abandon their scdements along che Rives Lynsk and Uskoy. ©1600 “The lands north of the Uskoy are peopled by the Ropsmenn and Ungols. Except for border raids and the 6d Uitish, peace exist between them and the Teutogens who border their teiory. =543, Goblin eribes sete in the frens berween the Lynsk and Upper Talabes. (C-1828 The Thurini ere migra from the east ofthe Worlds Edge Mountains along the River Lyk wo dhe wuit-ean wore of the Sea of Claws. 1524 The Empire is founded under the warior-king Sigmar. He scaters the ancient Nori people from he shores of the Sea of Clays, aid they flee northwards The Ungols drive them Further north into whac is now Nora. Sigmar aids the Ungos fighting Orcs ofthe Worlds Edge Mouncains, and peace exns between the Empire and Ungolsafter they ight together at the Bate of Blacklre Pas "ee i C45 Overseverl yeas, increasing expansion hy the urbes ofthe Chaos Wastes frees che Gospodat bes to move Westwaies (C-30_ Khan-Queen Misa leads the Gospodar wie over the High Pass, deving back the Ungol people. 27 Ungol Warlord Hethis Chal army defeats a Ropsmenn hos led by King Weiran on the cif overlooking dhe Sea of laws. “The Ropsmenn are satered and the Ungols rake their lands, 1 Under the rule of the Khan-Queen Shotka, work begins on the building ofthe great Gospodar capital, Kise. She takes the tile Tearina ro indicate hee new reign over ce lands north of the Uso. 3 Nowvard, greatest setlement of the Ungol i capeured by che Gospodars and renamed Erengrd, This evenceecively completes the Gospodar conquest of the lands north of the Urskoy. 778 Great War aganse Chios. Asaar Kl leads a erifjing hos of Chaos warriors south into Kislev, Magnus the Pious appears in Nuln and unites the Empire. Tar Alexis appeals co Magous for ai. Bolgasgrad and other settlements along the Lynsk are abandoned, Chaos fects range across the Sea of Claws and attack merchant ships. The siege of Praag begins in spring “Magnus the Pious arrives in Middenheim and split his forces, The mounced troops depart ro atempt relieve Praag. while Magis leads the rest of his army through Tlabheim to Kile. Prag fills in the winter, and the siege of Kislv begins. Bartle of Ksley breaks the Chaos Fores, 5 AIT aaa hs ee ‘corpse in a block oF ce where she remains to his day. z 968 Tear Vladimir Bokha dies fighting Goblins cast of Kise. His son, Boris, inherits a nation tha has done litle to recover fiom the Greae War against Chaos 969 Tear Boris Bokha defeats a Large army’ of Beason outside Pad, eaing the tite Radi Bokha (Bokha the Red) 973 RadiiBokha recurs from the wilds with che war-bear Urskin and becomes the fist high priest of Ursun in over four hundred years: he cakes the tle Bors Ursus 993 TrarBoris dics ia bude while eading an army north ofthe Lyk int Tell Country. Ar an unnamed ve crosing he Tat falls ging Hae Feds. Tar Bors daughter, Kaarn, becomes the Trrina of Ks, beginning the reign ofthe ee Queen, 997 Thetime known as the “Spring Driving” The hordes ofthe Chaos Warlord Archaon rampage south and eros the Lynsk. Numerous combined armies ofthe Teatina andthe Empire are defeated. 998 ‘The Storm of Chaos, "The power of che Dark Gods grows i the north a the noviheth bes are nied by Archaons Chass anmis led by Surtha Lenk and Aelfre Cyenvulf ravage much of northern Kise. Lenk is defeated by Boyarin Kurkosk at “Mazhocod, and Cyenwul s beaten st Urzeya by an army of the Empire and the kee Queen, Archaon leads his victorious _armics south bur is defeated outside the wall of Midklenhcim by the defenders of the Empire, DS CE Pee Le LS SN (One ofthe Ungo’s strongest bastions inthe steppes was Prag, bbursoon, even that was fll to che Gospodars. Ts walls were cast down by the Khan-Queens magi, and is people were driven westwards to thelr former capital the por city of [Norvard, Having dominated the Repsmena befor, the Ungols quickly gained the upper hand inthe wars they were now forced to fight fr territory, and Warlord Hethis Chag defeated the last Ropsmenn hos led by King Weiran on the cif ovedlooking the Sea of Claws. With this defer, he Ropsmena were effectively a destroyed people and the Unga completely absorbed them nto cheir own culture. Though even to his day, here ae scattered hands of horse ties inthe Troll Coury who claim tobe the living descendants ofthe original Ropsmenn, BirTH OF A NATION “The Gospodars further expanded their territory wesewards and even pushed into the lands of Sigmars people. Tarn with strife in the period known asthe Time of Three Emperors, the Empire was in a0 position to contest these lands, and whole swathes of the north of the Empire became Gospodar terttory. Much of ths has since been won back, but as the power ofthe Gospodars grew; so to0 did their stars asa distinct kingdom. The Khan-Queen Miska did not live to see the land she had begun to forge take shape, for she vanished into the north, claiming to have seen a vision of a terrible future where she ‘would once again be needed to lead her people to salvation, Leaving her fearsome varblade, Feaftost, to her daughter Shoilka, Miska gathered her most crusted wastiors to het and rode into the Chaos Wastes. She was never scen again, but one of the most enduring legends of Kislev is that the Khan-Queen will return in Kisley’s darkest hour co save ic from destruction, Some people whisper thar she has already done so in the guise of the Tee Queen, and the more northetly tribes of Kisley certainly fear the Tearina Katarin as much as they dreaded Miska, Under the rule of Sho, the city thar was to become Ksle was founded, andthe realm began to take shape ico the nation its today To beter demonstrate her dominance and rule over the nation, Shoika took the ce of Taina instigating the fst year ofthe Gospodarin Calendar and the esablishment of the nation of Kiser. Fer ist act as Tearna was to march on Norval the seat Ungol pore onthe western coast of Kslew. This mighey trading pore was the key to placing Kislev atthe forefront of tade with the rest ofthe word, and Shovka realised the Gospodas dream of united land would not be realised while Norvatd remained in Ungol hands. Les than wo years afer her erowning, the port of Norvard lw her armies, and ie was renamed Erengra. The Ungols who survived the bloody siege fled into the north, where they were ruthlesly huned unl they swore eventually forced t accep the Gospodar’ rule (who were ow beginning tobe called Kisleits afc their capital city) ‘Within afew years the serlement of Praag was again growing in size, and Erengrad had become one of the busiest ports Jn the Old World. From her, the Kislevites were able sail the Sea of Claws, trading and fighting with the Norse—and oceasonaly the Empire—a wells keeping the few remaining ‘Ungo_ tribes that refused to submis to their rule in check “This sae of atts has existed foe over 750 years, and Gospordar and Ungol society has merged over the centuries, toa greater o leser extent, into the nation of Ksley, The ruling elie, from whom the Tears and Tzarina hil, are, unsurprisingly all of Gospodar heritage, though che influence of their language and beliefs more evident inthe south, particulary in the cities of Kslev and Erengrad. Farther nord, ‘where the land becomes more baren and the hors tribes stil hold sway, theres been a resurgence in she old ways. fact, Praag has been reclaimed in large part bythe old Ungol nobily and, in many ways, is a separate power inthe north, THE TRIBES OF THE Dark Gops Throughout history, Kisle has bred hardy people, no only because of the harsh climate and generally infertile lands bu also due to the constant depredations by raiders from the Chaos Wastes. There are usually constant, small-scale affairs from individual warbands and tribes heading south in search of glory and plunder. Known by the Kislevites as fyzza, these raiding parties are an ever-present threat to settlements and caravans north ofthe Lynsk, and some even venture a fi south as to cross the Lynsk ‘The incursions are mostly short lived —usually lasting for only a season at 2 time—and either end when winter draws in or when the invaders are driven back by the armies of the Kislevites. These armies ate drawn from the scattered stanitsas and towns ofthe Kislev oblast, each providing a standing force ‘of warriors, much like a militia. Ungol horse archers patrol the northem reaches ofthe country, while settlemenes with a great Gospodar heritage pool their resources to create squadrons (or rotas as they are known) ofthe famed winged lancer. ‘This tradition is continued by the cities, and the Tearina can ‘command a large number of winged lancers drawn from the families of the cichest boyarin and their household troops. But every year, the kyazak grow more daring, their attacks driving deeper and deeper across the Lynsk, until even the outlying settlements near Brengrad and Kislev come under threat. Occasionally, a parculaly powerfl chien of warlord will sein Norsca or amongst che Kurgan ebes. They weld together a rough confederation oF several tribes and launch attacks into Kise. Ar these times, the various ress of Kiley ae drawn together into larger army groups called pulls. “These pulks ae invariably under the command ofa boyaria of Gospodar heritage and ae the closest Kiley ha to a standing army. Sometimes single pulkis enough tose off the threat, bbuc other times, eo, three, or more pulks may combine their forces co counter an ambitious marauding warlord, Tue Great War AGainsT CHAos “he greatest of these incursions is known and remembered with evil shudders and led to what would become known as The Great War against Chaos. The power ofthe Datk Gods had been pe growing stronger in the Chaos Wastes for many yeas, and the cold north winds had been blowing particulary hard—elling ‘those with a kil for reding such things thar something terrible ‘was soon co happen. Sure enough, inthe winter of 2301 IC, che halEDaemon warlord Asavar Kul united the wibes of the north and launched an atac into Kisle. An army of Kislevites and Empire soldiers mustered to face Kul bur was massacred north ‘of Praag, and the horde of Daemons, monsters, beass, and tibesmen advanced along the western foothills of the Wockls Edge Mountains. The Chaos army fought and destroyed a contingent of Kislevites defending the last bridges of the River Lynsk, and Kul’ forces crossed the last barier berween ic and the city of Praag, “The Siege of Praag lasted throughout the spring and summer the city’s brave defenders hung back thee atackers time and again with desperate hetoies and stalwart bravery. Bucs winter set in and the year diew to a close, Praag fll and the hordes of Chaos ran amok. The raw power of Chaos engulfed the city, suid Praag was changed forever its survivors fused together in hes, inhuman shapes. Living bodies melted into the wals of the city, so chat i beeame impossible vo wl flesh from stone. Distorted face peered from alls, agonisd limbs writhed from the pavements, and pillars of stone groaned with voices ‘that came from once Human lps, Praag had become a living nightmare and a grim waming ofthe suffering thc lay ahead if the warriors of she Dark Gods were victorious Macnus THE Pious ‘As the Empire readied for full-scale invasion, a leader known, 5 Magnus the Pious arose from the horror ofthese dark times. ‘Magna raised a massive folloving among the common folk of the Empire and marched northwards fiom city to city gathering about him an army the likes of which had noc been sen for an age. By the time the army reached the city of Middenheim, i was the largest single force in the history ofthe Empire, and ic was so large tha Magnus had to divide his troops into ewo armies 3s no one place could provide enough food and water t support both. “The fist army; consisting of vengefl Kslevitelancers and slory-hungry knights, rode with all speed to the hope of relieving the siege. Too late, these warriots discovered the horror that Praag had become and quickly turned south to wreak their vengeance upon the Chaos horde. Magnus marched his second army directly to the cty of Kslev, hoping to re-supply a che capital before continuing onwards. Upon reaching Kislev, Magnus discovered the city already under siege by Kul’s army with but a few Kislevtes and a contingent oF ‘Dwar from Karaz-a-Karak desperately fighting to defend it Magnus immediately ordered the charge and his enemies were scattered by ths sudden arack. Grim-faced Empire soldiers drove a wedge deep within the Chaos hos, and victory seemed assured but Asavar Kul was a mighty leader and lle his varios and usd their greater numbers vo encitcle Magnus’ army: Honfying Dacmons slaughtered eae regiments, while evil sorcerers unleashed powerful ancient magic: Magnus’ army ‘was urtounded, and iseemed thatthe fate of Kslev was sealed. As Kul’ warriors fll upon Magnus’ army in the final attack, the Kislevice lancers and Imperial knights returning from. [RE [owen ten PP SSD Praag appeared over the ridge of what would become known as the Gora Geroye the Hill of Heroes, and thundered into thie enemies with hatred burning in ther hears. "The Dwarfs and remaining defenders charged from the city, and Magnus scized this last, despetace chance for victory. The Chaos hordes faltered as they suddenly faced no less than chee armies. The Kisleites were driven co wild fury by the terror wrought upon their beloved land, and the host of Asavar Kal was slaughtered by the implacable anger of the combined forces. The army of (Chaos was shattered, and thousands of its warriors were hacked down as they turned to Ree ina rout. Tue Rep BoxHA For the next two centuries, Kislev struggled to recover from the devastation caused by the Great War. Its people had been massacred and its towns reduced to rubble—or worse, been ‘consumed by the Realm of Chaos. The corrupted city of Praag ‘was razed to the ground and rebuilt, buc an evil taint has forever remained over this city, and people from Praag ae stil viewed ‘with suspicion by others, Many had died in the wat, and over the next wo hundred years all manner of foul creatures took advantage of cis state of affairs rampaging Greenskins from the mountains, Beastmen from the Tioll Country, and Skaven from unknown warrens beneath the earth Tzar Vladimir Bokha wvas the frst Tzar since the time of the Great War to begin 2 systematic campaign to push these enemies from his lands, and his inital efforts mec with great suceess, though he was to die in battle aguinst Goblins tothe eas of Kish ‘Vladimir’ son, Boris Bokha was a fey, passionate wartior, and it was said he was born with the sound of the Bloodheart howling on the wind above him—a good omen fora warrior— and the hags predicted he would fight hard and die well. Bois ‘continued his father’s work, emprying the treasuries to hire mercenaries to re-tan the Kislev army, rebuilding bridges, roads, and towns and importing black powder and engineers fiom the Empite. Though it almost bankrupted his family (and several other noble families in the bargain), Tzar Boris’ eign willbe forever remembered for his driving spirit and eagerness to reclaim the lands that had become infested with Goblins, Trolls, Beastmen, and other vile creatures. Tear Boris was also instrumental in a revival of the Cule of Ursun, which had slowly been overtaken by worship of Uric, Taal, and other foreign Gods. To do so, he undertook the tial of initiation that priests of Ursun must overcome and went into the forests to tame a beat. He was not seen or heard of for eighteen days, and many feared he had meta ‘gruesome fate in the depths of che icy forests. Preparations began for the coronation of his iafane daughter Kararin when the search parties came across his unconscious form on the ‘inereench day. His sil body was guarded by a bear of gigantic proportions that would not allow anyone near. The Tear was surrounded by the corpses of over wo dozen wolves, and the snow was red with their blood. Nothing the searchers could do would entice the bear away from their ruler or convince it that they meant no harm, Finally, after another day had passed, Boris awoke, and the hear allowed the searchers to approach and tend to their rulers wounds 335 TEVO* Ff Crapter I: History of Kislew we Tr | The tale Bors related upon his return to Kisley has since passed ino folklore, though few doube the tcuth of it. Four days before being found by the searchers and afer much wandering, hhe came across the mightiest bear he had ever seen, with teeth and claws lke sword blades. Taking this assign from Ursun, fhe had confronted the beast, and ie charged him, the ground. shaking with che fury of ics charge and a bloodcuedling roar echoing through the forest. With bis bare hands, he fended off the creatures attacks but could not overpower it. The struggle lated fall day before a wolf pack, drawn by the scene of their combined blood, attacked. The wolves immediately went for che bear; but Bors sprang to its ald, crushing theit skulls with his fists and tearing them from is back. Boris was badly wounded, however, and fell beneath the artacks of the wolves. As the beasts closed in forthe kill, the bear protected his erstwhile enemy from the common foe. t stood over the supine Tear, tearing the wolves apare with is claws and savaging them with is powerful jaws, Boris had slipped into tunconsciousness, yet each time he had drifted awake, the beat had been there, protecting him fiom the wolves. The bear reeurned co Kisley with the Tzar, and from then on, whenever Boris took to the field of battle, it was atop the back of Urskin. (hich means bear-brother), both a symbol of Ursun's power and affection for Boris and an implacable enemy in battle, Tar Boris met his end in bale in 2517 IC whils leading a pulle north of the Lynsk into che Troll Country. Aran unnamed river crossing, the Trar charged deep into the Kurgan army of Hetzar Feydaj but was soon surrounded and cut off from the rest of his army. He and Urskin fought with all the might and fury of the Bear God, but even Red Boris could noc triumph againse such odds. Urskin was able vo fight his way clear of the Kurgans and carry the Tear back to theres of the army, but ic was already 10 late; the Tzar had taken a score of wounds, each enough to be mortal. Only when the batle was won did the'Taat slide fiom the back of Urskin and die. His faithful mount roared in mourning for a fll night before vanishing into the bleak northlands, and legend has i thac to this day Urskin continues to hunt down the ceatutes of Chaos that slew his master With che death of Taar Boris, the now flly grown Katarin became the Trarina of Kisle, the latest in along line of rulers descended from the ancient Khan-Queens of the Gospodars. She rules with 2.cald majesty, beloved by hee subjects and feared by he ‘Bor barely four years into her reign, he land was to face the gyeatest threat 10 Kislev since che Great War against Chaos. THE STORM OF CHAOS Tales abounded of Archaon the Everchosen, a mighty warlord who gathered an army such as had not been seen in the northern wastes since the Great Wat against Chaos. In response, an army of the Empire led by Grand Theogonist Volkmar the Grim of the Cult of Sigmar, marched north at the head of fanatical army of fagellants and soldiers from Talabecland to do battle with Archaon. The two armies made ‘war across the barren tundra ofthe Troll Counery, but Volkmar ‘was cut down and his army destroyed. In che wake of this defeat, Azchaon led his host of marauders, Daemons, and monsters southward, With invasion imminent, The Emperor Kail-Franz summoned the rulers of the Old World to the Conclave of Light in Aledorf and the races of Humans, Dua, and Elves came together to plan hhow best to fight the forces of Chaos. The lands of Ksley were sffering greaty in this latest incursion, as Archaon’s lieutenant, Diaggorn the Exalted, laid siege tothe city of Kiser while Archaon led his horde against Erengrad, Where previous armies ‘of marauders had become bogged down in Kisl, Archaon kniew hhe had to strike for the Empire without delay and took Erengrad swifily when. Norse raiders aracked from the sca, Refugees and bloodied survivors ofthe invasion of Kisley poured southwards, bbut by now, the Emperor had rallied his armies and rode out to do batele. While the Dwatfi of Karak Kaden held Deak Pass against Archaon’ general, Vardek Crom, bate began berwcen Archaon's horde and the armies of Middenland, Ostland, and! Hochland. Archaon’ atmy reached Middenheim, and the land around the mighty city echoed to the aucous clamout of battle asthe brave soldiers of the Empire and Kislev fought the innumerable hhordes. Thousands died each day, bue the allied armies slowly began to turn the tide against Archaon. The warlords army was eventually broken and scattered to the four winds, the alles showing no mercy to those they caught. Kistev ENDURES To live in such a blood-soaked land seems folly to those of other lands, but the Kislevites and their ancestots have spilt blood every year to take and protect their lands. Whilst one Kislevte sill draws breath, there will be one who will defend the land against the northern hordes. Ir can be no other way, for Kiley island and land is Kisle == Seo 4G" a PW A aeedag other ROMENES OF “Of course the Tzarina is our ruler, and her authority is boundless. You still aren't going in without the boyar’s say-so.” —Dainov nnasin, Gusnp ow THE ARMOURY aT NEKOLTRA rom the outside, Kislev appears to be 2 centralised monarchy, ruled with iey resolve by the Tzarina Katarin. ‘That is exactly whae the Tzarina wants everyone ro think. Within Kisley, one of the most important forces in politics is her attempe to make reality march the image. The other most important force, unchanged for centuries, s the constant threat of destruction from the forces brooding in the north. The Seorm of Chaos brought that threat home to everyone, and the ‘Tuasina is wying co exploic ie to reinforce her position, Tue THREAT OF DARKNESS The threat from the wastes tothe north and east of Kisii by far the most important factor in Kislevitepotites. The threats real always imminent, and without any warning can become unerly devastating All Ieaders reassessed in terms of how well they can defend people from this theeat, and no other political dispute can be allowed to ge in che way of defence, “The constant threat of war means that people only rise up against their overlords when they've thought :o be hindering, the defence against the north, Otherwise ic would be foolish 10 [oat nion FES [ae waste effort fighting another Human when foul perversions of nature might attack at any moment. As a result, most uprisings, happen near the borders of Kislev, when the leaders to the south ate perceived to be withdrawing troops or other resources needed for local defence. The performance of the Tzarinas Forces during the Spring Driving—when Archaon crossed the Lynsk and defeated che combined forces ofthe Tzarina and the Empire—has dampened the desire for revolution for the ‘moment, but this sentiment will nor lst forever Temight be thought that a common purpose would smother all political disputes. When the hordes are actually lowing over the steppes, it docs, but most of the time, disputes continue, However, che most important political disputes, the ones ‘over which people will not compromise, are almost invariably ‘concerned with the best way to defend the land. Often, this means that the peasants put up with new taxes, rather than risk weakening their defences, bu itean also lead to the nobility withdrawing unpopular taxes, as discontent among the ‘common folk makes for less effective warriors. Bur when both, sides think conceding would undermine their defences, chings can, and do, get very unpleasant. — STRUCTURES OF RULERSHIP — isle i «large and mostly empty country, swith leagues and containing little more than herds of wild horses. Such vast distances making governance a challenge ‘even more so with the Trarinas idealised vision of how she should govern, Ill chings were equal, she would delegate day-to-day rule to local leaders. In realty, the people are far more auconomous than even the Tzarina would wish, There are stanitsas where the ataman has never received any = xia) = % sort of instruction from the Tearina or even from a boyar or ruzhina, These people still recognise they are subjects ofthe Ice Queen, bur they would be profoundly surprised to learn Katarin expects to beable to tell chem what to do. Thus, to understand politic in Kisley, itis necessary to work from the local level upwards and keep in mind the difference between, the way the Tzarina says the system works and the way it actually does work. 357 [B79 if ‘Chapter III: Politics of Kisley ws = ATAMANS AND STANITSAS Throughout most of Kisle, settlements called stanitsas are ruled by atamans, che ticle given ro village chiefs. The ataman discharges nearly all the functions of government, enforcing the law, settling disputes, and setting priorities for the sania In Ungol stanitsas, che ataman i always supported by atleast two other judges in case che ataman is a member ofthe groups involved in a court case. Even in those settlements, the ataman judges all cases he is qualified ro judge, and the other judges are clearly inferior ro him, The ataman has almost unlimited authority whi his settlement. There ate few with the power to contradict him, and even those who offically have such power are normally too far away to have any effect on day to day affairs. Despite this, few aramans rule as cyrants. In most cases, the wise women and priests ofthe Gods provide a counterweight, and in the ler of the roramaster also has significant influence. There area few ‘eases where che ataman is nor the le e village’ roca, stanitsas where the ataman isthe roramaster and the only priest; many of these are devoured by the Dark Powers 25 no fone has the abiliy co challenge the ataman’s authority The Tzarina claims all atamans are appointed by her and. serve at her pleasure. In practice, atamans reach thir office through a variery of traditional routes, and the Tearina simply Jssues proclamations “appointing” the current arama. [n ‘most Gospodar stanitsas, the ataman’s position is hereditary Jn a noble family, chough the details of inheritance vary Matrilineal inheritance is common, though female atamans (called aramanka) are somewhat rater and make up only about a quarter of the roral numbers. Very few Ungol stanitsas have surviving nobility, as the Ungol leaders were climinated by the victorious Gospodars. In those places, elections in which all adule residents vote are common, Some Z stanitsas do consistently elect members ofa single Family however In many border stanitsas, the best war leader becomes the ataman. Such atamans have almost invatiably served as roramaster, but itis quite common for them to abandon that role to concentrate on more strategic matters. few, particulatly among the Gospodars, retain old waditions of having rival candidates duel forthe position: most ofthese duels ae to first blood, but rumours persist of isolated sertlementsthae stil Impose fights co the death. Other contests are also possible; one staniesa in the east requires candidates for ataman to wrestle bear, in tribute o Ursun, whilst another, in the southwest, hholdsa singing contest. Even the villagers there are baffled as to the origin of the custom, but recent extreme good luck (¢he Spring Driving bypassed them entcely, for example) males them reluctant to change anything that might offend the spits ‘Katarin knows her proclamations are mere formalities, but for now, that is enough. Once people come to accept the formality 2s necessary for someone to become an ataman, she will have the power to genuinely control appointments, She is taking advantage ofthe devastation left by the Chaos Incursion to proactively appoint aramans when there is no immediately =<—SOAZ = F-20606 ooRer| BTR] ontnintn FET] lear traditional candidate, She relies on her advisers to ensure she only appoints people with strong local support, and sofa, itis working. She has even been able to remove a coupe of. notorious cowards fom the ataman positon. DRUZHINA “The deuzhinas are the lowest rank of formal nobility among the ‘Gospodars, Many atamans hold this rank, as do asignificane number of rotamasters, The rank is traditionally hereditary, but the Ice Queen has recently started making individuals druzhina for life im rer for great service tothe Tyarina or the state or for financial contributions. She has even extended this privilege to some Uingols, which has created some discontent among, both Gospodars and other Ungols. Kataria often uses the rank of druzhina to reward influential individuals who publicly affirm and support her power and authority, These rewards are almost always for life, but she has ‘occasionally granted a druzhina the right to pass the ile on ro his heirs. Boyar “The boyars are the middle-rank nobility, the nobles who hold real power. They are all Gospodars, and the rank is universally hreredieary: A few boyats suspect Kararin plans to appoin« life boyar, possibly even from among the Ungols, and they do not like the idea ae all. They have started spreading the idea that being boyar requires having che right sort of failypedigre, soing back several generations at least. The Tzarina has, 0 fa, shied explicitly opposing this de, bu she cen doesnt support it Instead, when she appoints boyar 0 pos of greater esponsibiiy,such as leadership ofa pulk, she emphasises she is doing i onthe bas of abil ‘Across most of Ksly, the boyars are the most powerful individuals. They ae close enough and have enough followers to tll atamans whar 0 do, and any higher authorities are a very long way away. Most boyars allow aramans a great deal ‘of independence, provided that taxes are paid in full and on time because they have more interesting things wo do than deal wth che petty disputes of a bunch of peasans recent tend i for boyats keep a home in one of Ksle's three cities, The Tzaina has encouraged this fashion, as boyas living ina cic are subjece ro her authority in practice and theory but there are sila substantial number of traditional holdouts across the oblast. Sach individuals may be unfashionable and unculcured, but they generally have a firm grip on local power. Many of these oblast boyars see lie need for a central government at all. This feng is even more common among Ungols of similar status, shough chey have no formal rank. They do not openly defy the Ice Queen, as they do not need the trouble, but they pay as lice attention to her laws a they ‘an get away with. The Tzarina would like to be able to offer the Lingols the rank of boyar in return for an acknowledgement of her authority, but, as noted above, doing so would case far ‘oo many problems with the existing boyar. TuE Frozen CouRT “The heart of Kislevs government lies within the Tearinas ‘enchanted palace of ice. Its walls, ceilings, and floors are constructed of magically fashioned and maintained blocks ‘of ce. Although the temperatures ae fr below frezing, Krarin sem completely at ease in such an unweleoming ‘environment. Tragically for hee courtiers and hangers-on, the same cannot be said for them. To ease thet discomfort, the “Taarina has decreed formal court dress can include many layers of fur, As well, she does not require most people to sit on chairs carved from ice. However, since her throne is carved from a single block ofee, and as ic assumes a different shape each clay, the majesty and power she displays are enough to chill che heats of the most warmly dresed of petitioners. Inthe presence of the’Tzarina, dere are certain forms all ecognize and do their bese vo maintain, Ensuring proper ctiquerte are the “Tratnds palace guards, dangerous men of poerkss sil n arms, and a relence that rivals even the courageous Dwarf of the Worlds Edge Mountains. While the rules of cour are strictly cnforced, Katrin keeps them simp. She wants people t keep them, not have an excuse o punish those who break therm. + Novone may turn his back on the Trarina, which means backing away from her, primarily. he almost always leaves @ room immediately aftr finishing a meeting, so people can leave easly + None may sie in the Tearin’s presence. Karan has granted personal exceptions to this rule to a few valuable ‘or influential individuals who have trouble standing for Jong periods. Even they tend to rise when she enters a room, the exceptions being those who no longer have legs. ‘+ Noone may stand behind the Tearina. This rule is incerpreted to mean everyone within the room must be ‘within hee fld of vision and is only stiedly enforced while she is seated, She normally stands fora few moments at her throne, o give people time to move into views = Noone’ head may be higher chan thar of che Tearina, Fornunately, she isa all woman, and her thron always raised on a high platform. People do have to bow when she enters oF leaves a room, however: + Nobody below the sank of boyar may speak directly to the ce Queen, and boyats may only speak to et when invited to do so, While this is generally rue the “Trarina is known ro make exceptions on a whim or in special circumstances. = Katarins personal bodyguards are exemp from all of these rules, so they can do their jab propery, and they always ‘enter rooms ahead of her, both ro check for threats and to ‘warn couriers thar the Tzarina is about to ari The total effect of these simple rule sto keep everyone in court ‘constantly aware of where che Tzarina is and where she is looking, ‘And because she always dress to have an impact, the rules make iealificult co spend any time at coure without subconsciously forming the idea thatthe Taarina isthe centre of the work. THO! FT ower roiior risen ? JE~| — Musrany Marrers — he threat from the Ruinous Powers means the military forces of Kislev are a matter of constant concern, even more so than in the Empice, Almost every able-bodied male is serving or has served in some sort of military unit, and many of the women have some experience defending their homes, The varied naeure of this service depends on the individual’ social rank and cultural background. ‘Wincep Lancers The winged lancers are a Gospodar tradition, and most Gospodar stanitsas support a rota of them, often consisting of neatly all the men of the setlement. These mounted warriors are famed for theit elaborately decorated armour, most especially the larg, Feathered "wings” mounted on their back that make an cetie sound when they charge. The rest of the armour is decorated as richly as the stanitsa can manage a matter of pride—and che warriors only don their armour immediately before battle to avoid damaging it in everyday Unsurprisingly, theie primary weapon is che lance, but they also use swords for loser fighting, often discarding their lances after an inital charge. While not as manoeuvrable as the Ungol horse archers. they are scill a highly mobile force and the mainstay of Kislevite armies. They are, however, not full-time soldiers andl often seem more loyal to their home than to the Tearina. Nevertheless, they fight bravely against Chaos, and so the lee Queen is more concerned with other political problems. THE GryPHoN LEGION ‘The Gryphon Legion can be thought of as an elite group of fll-time winged lancers. They draw exclusively from the Gospodar nobility and flecch cher wings wich Griffon feathers, hence their name. The regiment was founded in 286 (1810 10) as bodyguards tothe Tzar Gospodar IV. In 293 (1817 10), they were sent on an expedition into the Worlds alge Mountains where their leader, Viadic Dosto, single- handedly slew a Griffon, using is feathers to decorate his ‘wings. This heroism gave the regiment the staus necessary to act independently, and since then, they have spenc their time fighting as mercenaries, largely within the Empire. They are, however, sworn to answer the call of the Trar of Tatina, and they fought wih notable bravery alongside the Ice Queen dluring the Spring Driving. Katarin would like to bring the Gryphon Legion more closely under her personal command but i having to work carefully thanks to the regiment’ long tradition of independence, On the other hand, the Legion has litele political commie other nobles o locations in Kislew, which makes i an easier choice than regular rotas of winged lancer. Th commander, Tordimie Lubovasyn, is loyal co the Toarina but does nor want her mediding in his running ofthe Legion; he is not convinced she truly understands the needs of his soldiers. He has agreed to inform the Tzarina of all contracts tunderaken by the Legion but has resisted asking for permission, even formally. Tordimir has an unimpeachable reputation for valour, and the Legion is fercely loyal to hit so the Ice Queen treads carefully. She is, however, paying attention ta lower-ranked officers in the Legion, looking for someone more accommodating to groom as Tordimir’s successor. As yer, she does not seem to have setcled on one: Horse ARCHERS The horse archers are supplied by Ungol sertlements. They wear little or no armour and are armed with sword and bow As front-line troops, they are hopeless, bust they are extremely ‘manoeuvrable and can shoot more accurately from horsebacle than anyone else, with the exception of the Elves, As a result, they make excellene backup for winged Iancers, harrying the enemy and driving them towards che other troops, They also sake superior scouts, a role they greatly enjoy. Presently, Katatin's main concern is eo make sure the horse archers cannot unite into an Ungol army supporting her political opponents. Fortunacely, che natural independence of the stanitsas works for her, as no unie of horse archers would sacrifice the security ofits own home to support the political ambitions of some other noble, The Tzarina has given ddruzhina rank to the leaders of particularly notable units, ‘which has secured her some personal loyalty. Roccsnipte er 4 ) “the Kislevite kossar career described in, WARP i used to describe jus about any warior common in his ores. 4 Kossars “The kossars are the standing army of Kislev. They fight on foot with axe and bow and are descended from an Ungol tribe thar foughe as mercenaries for the Gospodars against the other Ungols, Asa result, joining the kossars is seen asa way of renouncing other ties and escaping a dificule past. The officers accept anyone who can pass the fitness tess, and Tzar Boris granted new kossars a full pardon for any crimes committed before they joined. This pardon does nos, of course, apply to crimes commicted afier becoming a kossr. ‘Concemporary kossrsinchide both Ungols and Gospodars and they have more than their fae share of criminal, bored younger sons, and general troublemakers. This structure means they have an even worse off uy reputation than most soldiers. “Theis boyars clo rot keep records ofthe number of kossars executed fr their crimes agains civilians asthe numbers would be too embarrassing. (On the other hand, they are extremely effective in batle, as they are trained constantly and drilled in battlefield tactics and ‘manoeuvres. This eputation is also widespread, soa settlement facing imminent atack is always glad ro see che kossars but also ken to sce them leave again. For along time, che kossars were more loyal to each other than to the Trar. However, Tzar Boris liked to lead kossar tunits in person, and they developed a great deal of respect and admiration for the Red Tear: Katatn i trying to capitalise on this and has personally addressed and led kossars on a number of occasions, She has maintained Tear Boris’s pardon and, before the Spring Daving, had increased the pay-and improved the conditions of the typical kossar In che aftermath of the Storm ‘of Chaos, she has been unable to maintain that, and since the kossrs served bravely, there is some muttering in the ranks. “The ie Queen would like wo restore the kossar’ pay and increase the size of the army, intoducing clement of cavalry. However, ods, spits and magic are very important in the lives of [Kislevices, The threat from the north means that everyone is well aware of the peils inherent in such power but also of the necessity of having similar power on their side. Tue Cutt or Ursun Under Karan’ father Bors, he Cultof Ur renaissance, utterly crushing the dhreat co its pre-eminence posed by the Cult of Ubic, The cule maintains ies postion, and, the bravery of many of ts priests during the Storm of Chaos thas not hure its status in the slightest. The Tzarina is widely in enjoyed a smany nobles, both Gospodar and Ungol ae very suspicious of any moves ro increase the sie ofthe standing army and have encouraged winged lancer and hors archers ro se any attempt to inclade cavalry in the standing army san insle o their prowess. The Tari has thus given some thought to hiring a mercenary evalry unit and gradually converting it toa Kisevite unica it ites replacement warriors. Keay however, she would like the Gryphon Legion to become par of the standing army. Rewer COLUMNS Before che Storm of Chaos, Katarn remained aloof, spending, most of he time in the Ice Palace. Vey few oF her subjects hhad actly seen her in person. This remoteness was party personal inclination buc als a deliberate attempr to cultivate ‘somewhat otherworldly image. During the wats, howevet she personally led Kslevie forces, lending her mastery of Tee Magic the srugge agains the Ruinous Powers. Inthe course of thee ares, she found her dread inspired direct loyalty, bypassing the local nobility. Even ifa boyar fought alongside he, the chekiselseet police) reported that loca residents tended to credit the Tzarina with defending therm from the Northen. As zesule she has altered her previous policy. ‘She has created an army-—drawing ftom the kossars, che Gryphon Legion, and some of the best horse archers in the hation—and in the suumet leads it north and east, to regions of Kisley threatened by raiders. There, the horse archers seek cout raiding bands, and the [ee Queen leads her army co save the area stanitsa, The Tearina applies the rules of the court (see The Frozen Court on page 24) to any place she goes and ‘makes sure to demonstrate her mastery of arcane power in any battle. This policy is very new but seems ro be working, ‘Tordimir does not object to part of the Gryphon Legion sctving the Tzarina personally, and the rows of saved stanitsas Ihave often volunteered to serve with her. “The main problem with this poliy is that ie forces hero neglect the concerns of central government for weeks ata time, Her chancellor, Misa Skvortskova, is competent and apparendly loyal, but Katrin is still noe entirely happy. ‘Rumours say she hs hited complete outsiders to check on the Joyalry ofall her servants, including the chekis. — RazIGIOn AND Magic — believed to bea sincere devotee of Ursun, as befits the daughter of one chosen directly by the God as high priest. However, het relationship with the cule is complicated by the fact she is only the daughter of the high priest and not high priestess herself. The cult does not recognise her asa spiritual leader, though ics grateful for her support and certainly docs not promore rebellion against or resistance ro che Trarina. Politically, chief priests of Ursun have a great deal of influence locally, especialy given the resurgence in the cul’ influence, but on a national evel, the cult has no organisation and, thus, 1 policies, Katarin’s devotion appears to be genuine, and she thas been subrly encouraging the cult to stay out of politics. For rows, there are no problems, but ifa new high priest were to arse, things could change rapily. THE Cutt oF DazH ‘The Cult of Dazh has more potential political influence, thanks co its tighter organisation, but under Watcher Yéeski Jit does not use cis influence for much of importance, concentrating mainly on the enforcement of minor commands of the God. Katarin pays homage ro Dazh and is known 0 ‘ust her personal attcadant, Fredrek Solzeyn, Indeed, she has ‘more contact with him than with any pries of Ursun “This preference has led some to suspect she has plans for the Cale of Dazh and may he grooming Solzeyn to be the next head of the Kislev temple. Certainly, some young priests have started preaching thar the Trarina is the chosen agent of Dazh, appointed co defend his holy fires againse outside threats, and 1 one has moved to stop them. Some suggest this tolerance can only mean that higher authorities inthe cult want to encourage the spread of such beliefs, While Watcher Ydeski is too bound up in his own paranoia and petty crusades to care there are priests in distant regions ‘of Kisley who have sai that they do not believe an ie witch ‘can be the chosen of the God of fire. Most are careful 10 ‘emphasise chey believe the Tzarina isthe rightful ruler of Kislew; those who do noc are arrested and tortured until they cdo so. If, however, the [ee Queen does try to impose a new doctrine on the cult, serious trouble could ensue THE Ice WITCHES ‘One ofthe most famed and feared political groups in Ksley isthe ice witches, Women of great magical pow, of whom Taina is their most famous member, they command the very clements and bring to bear the might ofthe land in defence of their great nation. They are a strange breed, being physically and spiritually linked to the seasons, growing weaker inthe summer and stronger in the wine “he ice witches are firmly on the Tzarna side, She is currently the most powerful ice witch in Kile, and some say she is 3 reincarnation of Miska, the fist ice witch and Taarina of the early Gospodars. Katarin, in turn, favours the ice witches, granting them legal privileges similar t those extended to the nobility “The main weakness of the ice witches, from a political perspective, is that they have very lite to do with the common people of Kisley, remaining aloof while studying eheit magic. The level of power they bring to the Tratina’s service is highly valuable, bur they do nor bring any other supporters with them, Individual ice witches who could win the order a place in the affecions ofthe people would be greatly favoured by the Tzarina ‘Wise WoMEN ‘The Tearina is widely believed to dislike the wise women (also known as hags). To begin with, they are strongly associated with the Ungols, and Katarin is the heir of everything the Gospodars stand for. Further, the wise women seem utterly Indfferen othe le Quezrisauthorey and have even claimed ‘not co be subject to her laws and commands. While the Tzarina does not aceepe that, she and her agens have occasionally had co concede to specific demands or rs iot and rcbellion in the oblas leis certainly ue that the wise women have no legal privileges, and people who have killed hags have been allowed the defence thar they were destoying a servant ofthe Dark Powers However the'Tzarina has not aken any dec actions against hem yet, posibly fr fear char doing so would alienate the Ungols and posibly out of fear of their magic. On the other side, very few wise women, and none ofthe infucatal ones, have counselled outright rebellion or even resistance. Rathe they suggest doing asthe Tzarna requires, a least as long asthe spirits say no differently Most knowledgeable observers agre the Tearina would prefer to have the wise women on her side and is looking for ways to convert them. Individual wise women willing to ‘openly support the Trarina and advise ochers to do the same ‘would receive significant patton 0, however, have lost ther status among the wise women in return, and so, the promise of patronage has not been fective ‘At present, che wise women do not have a single strong leader; a number of hag mothers share the influence. If thac were to change, the Tzarina might come to see them as more of a threat. OF course, ifa potential leader were a supporter of the Taarina, the Ice Queen would be very likely to support her. “The few who have done Yhere are two other important fuerors in Kislevite polities, though neither has nationwide influence at present, The st is the guilds of Erengrad, and the second is Nyvena, an ‘Ungol warrior, Gutps OF ERENGRAD The merchants of Erengrad formed into guilds some time ago and spent a long time trying to persuade the Tear to recognise them and grane them privileges. Tzar Boris never did, ashe had, little time for merchants. Katarin, however saw their potential asa power bloc that was nor yet aligned to any nobles, She granted them many of che privileges they wanted, as well asthe tile of druzhina to some of the guild masters, in return for ditect service and loyalty to the Tzarina, The most ‘onerous condition —and one some guild members wanted to reject —was the Tzarinas demand she be allowed «o appoine the guild masters. In the end, however, the privileges in trade, legal rights to govern trading conditions, and personal honours for the current guild masters (all of whom she promised to confirm in their positions) won out, The Tearina has thus far kept her promises to the guilds, and through her efforts, they have greatly expanded theit power within Erengrad. This said, in appointing the ewo {guild masters, she went co great lengths to seloce men with considerable support within the guild, thus ensuring she made popula choices while also befriending some of the most influential members within Erengrad’ guilds, As one would expect from such shrewd plotting, the guilds have become quite loyal 1 Kararin, especially since their ascent has weakened the traditional nobility of Erengrad. As these nobles had a reputation of fierce independence, their waning influence sees their former power falling into the PAT RE [cups t: rotis rk TF Ff — Orner ExLements — hands who support the distant monarch, The boyars of the city are certainly not happy, but as yet, few talk of rebellion NYVENA Nyvena is an Ungol warrior from the western reaches of the oblast. He leads a band of mounted wartios, including. some lancers (not winged) and horse archers, and he has won ‘many notable victories over the forces of Chaos. He rose to prominence during the Storm of Chaos and has continued his barce against the Ruinows Powers ever since. A valorous ‘warrior in his own right, he is also a skilled leader of mea, and his reputation stands high. The Trarina offered him the rank of drushina, but he turned It devin, saying ic was a Gospodar tank, and be was of the Ungol. The problem with Nyvena is that he is not disloyal; he answered the Tzarina’ call when the Spring Driving came down, and he has never defied her agents, On the other hand, he clearly does not ee all his authority as springing fiom the ‘Trarina’s pleasure, and neither does anyone else. Thus, he isa possible centre for discontent and rebellion. Certain elements ‘of the chekist have urged he be assassinated, bur the Tearina is said to be reluctant r9 do so before he becomes a real threat. At the moment, he is a great support to the defence ofthe oblast, and she would be reluctant to lose that, especially if there were any chance of people finding out she was behind it, There ae wo posibilies that could make the issue more serious. The fis i hata leader ofthe wise women might throw her weight behind Nwvena a leader ofthe Ungos. The second is that Usun might choose him as high pres. Nyvena isa devout follower ofthe Beat God, and a aummber of priests who have met him believe he shows signs of special blessing, Ifether ofthese events were 10 come to pass, Nyvena would be too powerful for the Tarina to ignore. “Law and justice are essential to any civilised society. Lawyers... not so much.” —Boris KHANDNASKY, PraaG BURGHER AND MAGISTRATE xizens of the Empire sometimes imagine Kislev asa lawless, barbarian waste, which is far from the eth It is true that Kisle’s laws rend to be simpler and enforced in a system involving fewer lawyers than those of the Empire. They an also be very different, something that has landed more than fone acrogane visitor from the Empie in a great deal of trouble, — THE TZARINA AND THE Law — ‘part of her drive ro centralise authority, Tearina Katacin jeclared she isthe sole source of law and justice. Thus, any attempt to make, of even enforce, laws isa criminal ac, unless the person in question has been authorised ca do so by the Tearina or by her representatives. She has instructed all her agents to take this aw very seriously and so they do. “The result is that the penalties for unauthorised law enforcement are much more severe, where possible, chan the penalties for the crimes involved. A group of adventurers who {slled a group of bandits because they were bandits would face death by slow freezing for challenging the Tearinds authority. On the other hand, 2 brawler who kills his opponent may be spared any further punishment if his victim was unpopular and ifhe took some wounds in the fight. Thus, cunning, adventurers know to claim to have fought over an insult ora bet and, in che resulting brawl, killed a group of people who happened to be the bandits plaguing the village. Ofcourse, everyone knows the truth behind the ruse, but the “Tearina recognises that the surface Form is what matters, For row. Ifno one claims to be enforcing the law without her authoriey, chen, very soon, she really will have a monopoly on thae authoriey ‘To support this strategy, the Tearina designated all the existing judges, magistrates, and city watches as her agents. Since the Storm of Chaos, she has stopped issuing retrospective authorisation, but she has yer co turn down a request backed by the local rulers or community. Her closest advisers are now looking fora suitable location in which she can appoinc someone without community support. There isa long way ro 190 before the Tearina will actualy have control over the fll system of law and justice, bur neither she nor her counsellors plan to waste 2 CHAOs AND THE Law Ieis not illegal to be a Mutant ora servant of the Ruinous Powers in Kisle. On the other hand, i is also no illegal co kill ‘Mutants, Beastmen, or other creatures touched by corruption, So, anyone who finds a nest of evils free to wipe it out without facing any legal penalties, whether for murder of for enforcing the law without the Tzarina’s permission Te eas once illegal, a capital offence, to work with the servants cof Chaos, but Katarin changed the laws shortly after assuming the throne. Since ao one had ever realy bothered with tials, she presented i as simply recognising the actual situation, and almost everyone accepted that. The enthusiastic pursuit of Mucants and cultists by Katarin and her associates spoiled. any notions she might be providing legal protection for such. pqwzz ‘creatures; indeed, she argued that she was, instead, providing protection for those who hunted them. Jn principle, an adventurer could be wed for murder ace killing 2 calist and executed ifhe could not prove his accusitions. In elt, sucha thing is only likely co happen if the adventurer isan outsider (om the Empire, for example), and the cults is a member ofthe local community. Asa result, (BE [Supe Witawinkiser 9 BES J foreigners need to be careful, but Kisevite witch hunters have nearly fee reins very few people are willing to stand up for an accused —and deadservant of che Ruinous Powers. This situation is, of course, abused in some cases. But the chekise. catch some ofthe wont offenders, and the general feelings chat there are fewer innocent death tis way than ifthe euless were sgramed the chance to manipulate judges in a i — Uneor Law — n some areas of Kislev, generally remote parts of the oblast, Ungol law sil applies. Tear Boris made this concession, which won him the support ofa large number of Ungol warriors, but Kararin would like wo undo it. She would prefer Gospodar law—with herat the head—to apply everywhere. “However, she has to respect the edicts of her father, and so she works within Ungol law in those areas The inhabitants of any place can petition for cheir home to be transferzed to Gospod: Tay and Katain grants any such petition that has substantial support. Changes in the other direction are not permitted, Group REsPonsiBiLITy “The fundamental concept of Ungol law is that a group is responsible for the actions of ll ts members. Ifa member of 4 group commits crime, any member ofthe group may be punished for cae rime “The smallest such group isthe family, defined s all che blood descendants ofa living woman and the husbands of any ‘marred women in that bloodline, Men change families when they get married. Families split into groups defined by blood descendants of a matrarehis daughters when she dies. Ungol law has nothing to say about actions taken within a family, and the elders discipline as they se i. In most cases, however, che harsh environment ensures families pull together. Ie is normal for a family co travel together or live in the same place. And while individual members may lave, cis unheard of fora family to be split berween two stanitss. Above the families come the clans and tribes, 2s well asthe stanitsas. Both clas and tribes were originally defined by blood links, bur over the centuries, they have simply become traditional groupings. [is unusual, but not unheard of, for a family wo change clan or tribe, though an individual woman ‘must belong o the clan and eribe chosen by her fail. Fis rot uncommon for men, on marriage, to change both clan and tribe as well s family, Scanisas are places of residence, rypically villages, and often hosta number of families and even diferent clans or bes Ifa crime is commited against an individual, the penalty ean bb levied om any individual who shares membership with the criminal ina group to which the vieim does nor belong, Thus, ‘flboth criminal and victim are in the same family, there is no possible group to take che penalty. If hey are in different families within che seme clan, a member ofthe criminals family must be punished. Ifthey are in differen clans, anyone Jn the same clan may be taken “The law states thar the actual criminals the preferred eager of punishment, and the judge grants the criminal’ group 2 period of time to produce the malefactor for punishment. This deadline is normally a least a weck, occasionally as long asa year the length depends in large parton bow important the criminals group is Gospodars ar, forthe purposes of Ungol law, considered to be ‘one family, That means any crime committed by a Gospodar against an Ungol may be avenged on any ocher Gospodat. This parc of Ungol lw is something Katrin thoroughly isis. In response, she has established a group of Gospodars who track clown the rel criminal and rake che punishment if chey il. “These selmi, as they are called, are often convicted criminals given a chance to work off thei penalty. They often fllow che hounty hunter career. Kislevites are considered to bea single group, and al foreigners are treated a a single family. This generalisation has ed to an innocent Tilean merchant being executed for a murder committed by a mercenary from Strland, and Katarin would like to find some foreign volunteers to play the same role as the seni. So far, however, they have been in shore supply, particulary as judges have been known to give foreigners only until sunset to find the true criminal. Uncot Courts ‘Ugo aw courts consist of single judge who listens to the evidence asks questions as he wishes, and then makes «decision, Theres no appeal. The only rales that the udge must not belong othe same group as either the victim or the accused Thus, a judge between wo families must be from a tied family, ‘which means that a judge berween Gospodar and Ungol must bbe a foreigner, though the Ungol thes have agreed the Tearina in person can als serve as judge in such a case. When judging. between a Kislevite and foreigner, there is no neu group, so any judge can serve. Asa cesul, foreigners racy win dir eases, Although the formal requirements are simple, most judges are chosen based on their experience and reputation for fairness. In principle, the cwo partes to a case can choose anyone qualified ‘whom they agree on, and inthe pas, things worked that way Now the Turina requires any judge have ber approval, so groups ‘choose judges in advance and send the names tothe cour in Kislv for official recognition. Such methods ae often unwieldy and take up far too much of the Tearina’ time, s0 she delegates the minor appointments to her represcatatives—usually ice witches. Most judges are elected, though some arcas have 33 [Br ¢ Ff Coapter V: Law in Kskey_ ws ‘man or someone who was crippled fighting against raiders from judge, though he is never the only judge present. Foreign judges ae chosen based on theit actions, and theie names are sent to Kisle in the normal way. Witch hunters from the Empire are chosen quite Frequently, as they often impress the Ungols with their commitment to hunting down foul cultists They also have no objection co handing ou and are willing to travel the oblast to has recently refused an application to appoint a particular witch hunter as 2 judge, and he proved co be a secret cukist of the Plague Lord, so this has strengthened her hand somevha ich the cases, Katarin The judge decides whac evidence to hear, and the verdict is at his sole discretion, as isthe penalty, For the most par. orks well enough and provides something close to justice quickly enough to allow life to continue on the this process unforgiving steppes. [Fa judge becomes corrup—or worse, seduced by the Ruinous Powers—ie can be disastrous Uncot Laws Ungol law is not written down anywhere authoritative. Rather, ies remembered by the judges and the wise women and applied according to common sense. Iris unwise to argue the deals of the definition ofa erime in an Ungol court The laws contain the normal kinds of prohibicions against theft and violence but alo have a number of provisions based on life ‘on the steppes, Refusin murder. Some allowance is made for the circumstances, but hospitality ia serious offence, only a litle below turning someone away ftom your camp is always a criminal matter. The basic rule is that more petmanent settlements must offer hospitality and that, both groups are equally nomadic, the responsibilty falls on the larger. Abusing hospitality isan even more serious offence than murder, and some judges ar possible, It is one oft innocent members ofthe criminal’ group to be punished as well. However, the most important mark of gravity is thatthe Ungol put a lot of effort into finding and punishing those who commit this crime, in some cases spending years on che bunt. For example, one Tilean follower of Ranald was finally sain by a half dazen ervel-worn Ungol warriors on the streets of Sartosa, ati the mast serious offence =v eases in which a judge might order Hospitality docs not, of course, extend to followers of the Ruinous Powers, and refusing hospitality to chem or abusing their trust is perfectly legal UNcoL PUNISHMENTS The Ungol do not us fines as punishments, though they may requite compensation to be paid to victims, Similarly, they do not use imprisonment asa punishment, but criminals may be 1. Suspects ate norrnally held by theit than by the accusers, in order to ensue the held while they await er own family rather right person suffers ifthe decision goes against them. == SO Away « ‘Asa result, Ungol punishments ae almost entirely corporal Flogging and branding are popular, and the number of lashes for the sie ofthe brand depends on the nature ofthe crime. ‘Crippling is only employed when a whole group is held to bear ‘some responsibility fora crime, as crippled member becomes a burden on the group. Indeed, cs not uncommon fora crippled criminal to be killed by his family, an action outside Ungol law. However, minor mutilations, which do noc affect a persons ability to survive, are used in much the same way a brands, Finally, capital punishment is common. ‘The following specific punishments are popular in Ungol areas, but most judges have their own favourites. Ari SES Se ee “The criminals tied to a post, and archers shoot arrows a him. The number of arrows, and the distance between the archer and the post, are deermsined by the judge. This punishment can be anything from a death penalty to alight slap on the wrist. In almost all cass, che victim i allowed to nominae an archer. The Ballad of Isukin and Noga includes a famous scene in which [Noga shoots twenty arrows at Isukin—who was convicted of | betraying Noga—from five paces and misses every time. In the ballad, chis acti the stare of an alliance chat overthrows a horde of Kurgan, Satirical versions in which Isukin kills Noga as soon ashe is untied are almost more popular than the original balla. ‘The Glove ‘A metal glove that opens like a clam shell is heated until it slows and then isclased on the criminal’s hand. Ic is left closed. fora number of heartbeats depending om the severity of the ‘time and then removed. The victim takes 1d10 damage plus 1 damage per heartbeat. Ulrics Fury does not apply, and critical injuries only apply to the hand in question. ‘The Helm ‘A dosed helmet is heated until ie glows and then is forced onto the criminals head. This punishment is a form of execution, and if the judge is feling mereful, she helmet is riveted to the base ofthe skull with along spike, causing near-instant death and sparing the ctiminal considerable pain. ‘Horse Running “The criminal is tied to a rope, whichis ied 0 the saddle of horse, The hors is then set nto moxion. Many variations ofthis punishment exis, allowing it v0 be tuned to the crime. The length ofthe horse run can be controlled, as can its speed. Similarly the length ofthe rope and the means by which itis fastened ro the criminal make a difference. A rope ted around the waist allows the criminal to run as fist ashe can. One tied around the wrists ‘makes him more ily wo fal, while one ied around the ankles guarantees that he will be dragged. Further, the horse might be Fidden or simply driven into gallop out ono the oblast. Leaving thehorse to its own devices means the final evel ofthe penalty in the hands of the Gods, something appealing to some judges. “The criminals dive out inc the obit branded on his face with a mark indicating thats a legal dy to deny him hospitality, This ac is basically a death sentence, an in most case, the ximinal is driven ou naked and with no possesions, which guarantees a sift deat, However in some cases, he criminals allowed fl equipment, particulaly iis family s very popular or if he judge fees he was justin his actions. Iris sil esenally a deat sentence, buta few people manage to survive alone on the steppes Suren the Dead is a legendary example; certainly, his plots in suppor ois family and agains the raider rom the north have ben exaggerated in the tling. — Gosropar Law — G= law is more like that ofthe Empire and has been srongly influenced by ic. Some Kislvies fel there has been too much influence and long for areurn tothe good old days of proper Gospodar justice. The Trarina however, likes the centralised system, s0:no change is likely any time soon, The biggest difference fiom Ungol law is that the responsibilicy fora ctime rests solely with the criminal; Gospodar courts ‘cannot flog someone just because his cousin isa thie: ‘Nearly as significant isthe face chat Gospodar law is writen and defined by the wording of the Trarina’s proclamations. The judges must make decisions in accordance with this writen law and, chus, must study i before they can be entrusted with ‘a court. Although the writen law exists, itis simple compared to the laws of the Empire and leaves a lt of room for judicial incerpreraton. FEUD GGospordar law permits feuds berween families, posbly under the influence of Ungol law. The law allows an individual, or an individal’s Family ro take revenge for an injury suffered. The person receiving the injury necd noc be che guilty party. Its, of ours, also permissible o take revenge forthe injury inicced in revenge The legal mechanism to being feuds under control i the law that it is not permissible to take revenge fora reasonable injury inflicted as punishment for a crime recognised ina court of aw. If the punishment is unteasonable, however, this mule does not apply Taking revenge for a reasonable punishment is, however, regarded more seriously chan inflicting the original injury. “The Trarina would dearly like to abolish the law on feuds, as it undermines her authority. However, too many nobles still see ic as essential to their dealings with each other, and she is not strong cnough to force them to give up their Feuds. She prefers, the current situation to having the nobility defy hes authority, so it remains, for now, “The law that allows courts to bring feuds to an end is having an effec, as slightly weaker parties are tending to bring issues to court rather than continue the feud on their own. The 35> Law* Caper IV:Lawinkity — fae? JF—C| farina has instructed her agents, particularly the chekist, to be particularly vigilant about groups who do not respect the decisions of the courts Gospopar Courts Gospodar courts are run by profesional or semi-professonal appointees ofthe Tzarina. In remore areas, the ataman ofthe serlement almost invariably holds this position, bu inthe cities, the magistrates are increasingly becoming 2 profesional group separate from the nobility. Kararin encourages ths tend, and 2 few of the powerful nobles can see the threat it poses ta their power. They do not, however, ypically want co rake on such 2 ull job, which means thar Katarn’s plan i proceeding well Most courts havea single judge, though those setup to judge boyars or higher member of the nobility have thee jadges who each has two, a reminder of the unrest among the northern boy: unanimously in order to convict. Ksley and Erengrad 2 Single permanent court for the nobility, while Prag, The judge decides who speaks, what other evidence can be admitted, and whether the accused is guilty. There is no appeal but 2 judge who issues a decision that contradicts the law can be tried for treason. Even if the judge is found to have broken the law, the judgement against che person convicted sill stands, ‘The penalty is determined by the victim or the vitimi’s family. The law sets ouca list of permissible penalties, but they are not distinguished by offence. A victim can choose to have a verbal insule punished by slowly torturing the criminal co death, and that penalty is enforced. The main check on this is the possibility of feud, as discussed above. OF course, when the victim is powerful and the criminal is nos, ifs not really an issue; boyars often inflict draconian penalties on peasants, Outside the serslements, law is enforced by “oblast justices These judges are as much police as judge, and they bear many resemblances co the bounty hunters of the Empire. Unlike city judges, chey ae also permitted to impose penaltcs, though some take pride in dragging criminals before the victims for Punishment, [fa settlement is without a judge, which is rare for has a complaint against the ataman, which is more common, its members may appeal to the oblast justices. The need for oblast justices is assessed on the spparent level of crime in a region—meaning, ifthings appeat to be calm, the residents are reluctant to stir things up ¢oo much by undertaking detailed investigations. On the other hand, if here isan obvious problem, many try to scare it back into the shadows, for tales of close links between oblast justices and local crime syndicates are common. The chekist spend some of their time looking for such corruption, Gosropar LAWYERS People with training may nor speak in court, even in tele they have also been appointed as judges by the Trarina. This provision has greatly lawyers found in Kisley but has not eliminated them entirely They provide pre-trial consultation services and advice on whether a course of action is legal own defence, unl ricted the number of Mach of their advice consists of suggestions of how to play to the selFimportance of udges, but they can also bring laws Some people think that even this small amount of interference introduces too much delay and poinless quibbling into the judicial system, and influential groups of nobles are campaigning forthe study of lw to be made illegal outside designated schools for taining judges. The main opposition to this comes from people concerned about che rsk of making illegal to read the Tearinas proclamations. Kararn has yet to take a public postion om this matter, and many suspect she ses it a a trivial distraction Gosropar Laws Gospodar laws navurally have the standard sorts of laws against theft and violence. Bur the laws aso contain a number that are more specific to the land of Kislev ci illegal for adule males to not have, maintain, and practise with appropriate weapons. For most of the country this law is irrelevant, as thete ate far more pressing reasons to be ready to fight. However, in the cities, here are some who want to get around the law, and the judges and chekist worry about the possibility of armed vagabonds riot cant be stopped, Before the Storm of Chaos, the pressure to change the law was strong, but the reminder of just hoy much of a threat the raiders from 1 are has undermined this position for now. Ics impor when chey realize they nt to note women are permitted to wield weapons ic is merely not a ion for them, “The importance of Ursun to the culture is reflected in the laws, Mose notably, cis illegal ro killa hibernating bear, and there isa general consensus that the most serious penalties are appropriate for such an offence. ‘A number of ays concern the proper respec being shown tothe nobiligy—and especially roche Tain, Teis a ximina offence ro crits the Tarina in any way orto undermine respect for her rule. This laws enforced harshly agains boars, aamans, and others in postions of authority but much more lol agains. ondary cies. This aw was decreed bythe Trina directs any sgn of divertor dlyaly among, the people withthe power to disurh her rule must be wiped out immediately, but low-level ‘murmuring and jokes among the ordinary people canbe tolerated (Ofcourse, serous suggestions that the Tarina should be replaced are dalewith harshly no matter what che rank ofthe offender. ‘The laws forthe nobility are enforced more strictly against the ‘ordinary peopl, Criticism isnot illegal but disrespect is. Peasants fare required to give way to nobles, to always speak politely to robles, and to change their actions if what they are doing is inconvenient for a noble. Some boyars press cass for violations of these rules with great vigour, particularly in the cities. The country nobility tend to be a litle more tolerant, as there are fewer people to back them up ifthe peasants come to hate them. (One result of the enforcement ofthese laws is thar the common people rend to see the Tearina as far more sympathetic vowards them than she is roward the lower nobility. While a petty noble might drag a shopkeeper to cout for not bowing low enough, the Trarina overlooks drunken conversations about taxes being, ‘too high, even when the chekis is present. Tis reason is why. the common foll have great affection forthe Tearina, and. ‘while Katarin may not have planned for this consequence, she is certainly taking steps to maintain i. Gospodar lw does not contain any requirements to offer hospitality, bur ic does contain laws punishing abuse of hospitality. These laws state a host should be treated as a member of the nobility by his guests. As a result, very few people in the cities ask for hosptalicy from people they are not already friendly with. Our on the oblast, customs of hospitality are very strong, and abuse, while rare, is punished withthe fall force ofthe lw. 1c chekist are the Taatina secret police. Their existence is not secret, and they have a lor of open members, but they also have spies searching for signs of corruption and opposition to Katarins rule “The chekist are—by decree ofthe Tearina—infallible in theit interpretation of the aw. Whatever they say isthe laws the law, and the penalties they select are always appropriate to the crime in question, They never convict the wrong people, and while chey may arrest and torture people who prove to be innocent, that is no fault of dhe chekist. ‘The most important qualification for becoming a chest is absolute loyalty tothe Tzarina, which is dose followed by competence. Katarin does not want ro institute a reign of terror; she just wants to be able ro deal with her enemies ‘quickly and efficiently. Chekist who display excessive cruelty and incomperence ae aresed by their superiors and soon Gosropar PUNISHMENTS ‘As noted earlier, under Gospodar law, any legal punishment may be meted out for any crime atthe vietim’ discretion under the feud provision. Punishments tend to be harsh, but very few victims go against the socal sense of what is resonable, and those who do ate ofien ostracised, even if they are not targeted by a feud. Of course, nobles fel thar harsh punishments are Jy appropriate when a peasant assaults a noble, and they do nor cate if peasants want to ostracise them. Fines, ofany amount, area permitted punishment. Halfof the fine goes ro the court—and thus to the Tzarina—while half is kept by the victim. Fines of a bie more than twice the cost of any damage are universally recognised as reasonable, and victims of theft who restrict themselves ro such punishments can get a reputation for justice and mercy even as they vigorously pursue anyone who wrongs them. Itis common for vietims to requite a fine in addition to any other punishment, Flogging, up to onc hundred strokes with implements ranging froma light cane co heavy leather straps loaded with weights and spikes, is another popular penalty. The most popular form of legal discussion in taverns is of the appropriae level of Aogging for hypothetical offences. Branding is not permitted under Gospodar law. It used 10 be, but it was abolished after a series of perry thieves were branded “raise” or “cultst ofthe north.” “Matilacion is generally only applied in eases of wounding, whete itis common for the same injury tobe incre on the criminal Nobles can often ge way with imposing injure that corespond to damage done to this propery: An urchin who broke the ‘windows of noble’ house might be blinded, for example “The death penalty is also available but rarely used by the common folk for anyching shore of rape or murder. Nobles tse it more loosely and commonly impose ic forthe death of valued animals. — THE CuExIST — become even mote closely acquainted wih the furnishings of the interrogation rooms. "The simply incompetent generally die in the course oftheir duy, without any asistance from their superiors, CChekst who are sadistic but competent pose the biggest problem. In most cases, they are rotated around the county, so that no single area sues too much from their depredations. (Often, they are asigned co dal with very dangerous threats because the hierarchy would rather los dificult chest shan ‘one who fits in perfectly. “The chekisecazry'an claborate, minted medallion idendifying their position and show ic if required to prove who they are. ‘They wear black when on duty but have no formal uniform beyond that, making it relatively easy to pose as 2 member of the seeret police. The chekist deal with anyone who pretends to be one of them, which is another rask frequently assigned to those who are both sadistic and competent “The Gods are great, but only a fool would trust them with his life.” —Borya BEARFINDER, Prurst of URSuN Di Spa tte oe: dsc Kidevasaland wih 100 lite faith and too much superstition. Behind the Empire prejudice, there is truth inthis. There are many agents ofthe forest and the sky, and all of cher must be respected, whether God or sprit. Respect is che hear of Kislevite religion Theic Gods are much like their wineers indifferent and often arbitrary but if they are respected, they may spare your life—if only for another da. Ursun God of Bears Ursun is the God of Bears, also known as Father of Beats, or Father Bear. His worship was first introduced by the Gospodars, but bears are sich a major pare of Kislevite life thar the religion was absorbed almost instantly. Bears continue to bbe vital part of society to this day, and che religion is now: inseparable from the Kislevite culture, Worship of Ursun is not state religion as the worship of Sigma in the Empire is, but the fate of Kislev is linked in many minds tothe fortunes aad favour of Father Bear Ursun is usually depicted asa giant, brown, cave bear sometimes wearing a gold crown, He also often has golden teeth or golden claws, which indicate not only that Ursun is king ofthe beasts bur the value of bears as well. On the oblast, « killed bear will provide grear wealth ro an entire stanis, (Occasionally, Ursun is depicted asa large, burly man with grey streaks in his wild hair. He wears a loincloch and carries nothing bua spear Asa wild God, Ussun is not worshipped in temples bur in outdoor shrines or disused bear caves. Inthe eis, great gardens of pine tres, bushes, and rocks serve asa place of ‘worhip, the shrine hidden in 2 cave or cleft inthe centre, The greatest ofthese gardens sits near the Bokhar Palace in Kise SymBor Besides a depiction ofa bear, Ursun is symbolised by a bear claw, ‘wor around the neck. The truly devout will wear a gold-plated claw. leis also reverent to dress ina beatskin but only ifthe \wearer kill the bea. Similarly, some wear an entire bear paw ot fixa skull their helmet or bel but, again, only ifthey killed the bear in question. Icis not disrespectful wear abearskin thac was killed by another, as long as its not done estentatiously (r ceremonially: Many keep warm through the long winters thanks toa bearkin shire, without any insult vo the God AREA OF WORSHIP Despite his wild navure, Ursun is as popular in the cites as he isin che oblast. This status is mostly because the previous Tzar ‘was also the high priest of the Cult of Ursun, the frst co clan that tile in over four hundred years. During the Great War against Chaos, the Cult of Ursun was scattered to the winds, ‘The Bear God was sill revered, but wich so many cites and towns devastated, the central cul vanished. When Tzat Boris had his encounter with Urskin the Great Bear, he knew he was chosen by Ursun, took the God's name as his, and brought the faith back to Kise His daughter, Katara, did not fllow in the role of high priest butis no less dutiful to Father Bear. Thanks to che interest oF the royal family, worship of Ursun has been taken up feverishly by the druzhinas and wealthy folk of the cities, and there is hardly a street in Erengrad or Kisley chat lacks some reminder of the bear God. ‘Ursun is no less ubiquitous in the oblast, That the bear is both 2 popular folk figure and a eo-habiting species means ‘every stanitsa includes someone who reveres Father Beat frst and foremost. Meanwhile, anyone who benefits from a bear kal or jst eaves the forest without becoming food for beats will thank Ursun fori. In che wild north, bears can bea ‘constant threat, and every man is aware he owes his life to the forbearance of Ursun, as much as to his own strength and luck ‘TEMPERAMENT Father Beat is fierce, patriarchal figure. He is unyielding and unforgiving when ic comes to his strictures but also demands his followers fend for themscves. Ursun isa God of bears frst, then ‘men, He permits the hunting of his children out of compassion for humanity, under che strict condition i is done respectfully and with the awareness that it isa privilege, not aright. Ursun is aloof but nor unfeeling—he grants prayers to the faithful, and common fol and priests alike may axtract his arrention by nailing a fish to their door. Ursun highly favours those who demonstrate the stength and courage of his bear kin, however. A warrior fighting furiously in battle will win Ursus fayour over a priest praying fervently ata shrine. Those who are coseardly, weak, or who hunt in a disrespectful fashion receive no blessings and may be punished. Such rebuke might ‘mean the stanitea has no successful bear hunts that year, or it ‘may involve a great bear charging into town and rending the transgressors limb from limb. Ursun isa wild God: inconsistent in his justice and brueal in his anger. GE [_ CapeV Retgionsnt Cwom fF SS [OMe In his favour of deeds over words, Ursun is akin co Ulric The followers of both religions get along well, hough there is rivalry between them, Each is keen co prove their God is the strongest, and they are more blessed asa result. This rivalry is mostly friendly, contested with things such as wrestling parcicularly when a lot of drinking has been involved —the rivalry can become ‘matches or competitive hunts. Sometimes violent buc is rarely more serious than a bar brawl Ursuris relative indifference to Humans and nature also makes him much like Taal, and the two religions share more than just a border at the Talabee. Followers of Taal wonder why the Ursunites choose one animal overall the ‘others, while the servants of Father Bear wonder how anyone could fal to see the bear's obvious superiority, though in other respects, their cules have lite difference and blend together casily. Taal worship is often found side by side with that of | Ursun, particularly in the west sation of STRICTURES + Never hunt a bear in winter—fet him sleep as he lets you a + Wake the bear in the spring, and feed him well before bis winter rest + Bears muse only be killed by che strength of your hand or the fight of an arove + Only display the hide, elaw, tooth, or skull ofa bear you have killed yourself + Shun the comforts of indoor life whenever possible. In particulay all ablutions and bathing must be done ‘outdoors. + Earfish at east once a week, asthe bear does. Never catfish and another meat on the same day, as this is waste Ursun’s CULT ‘The Cule of Ussun is strong but far less organised than the cults of the Empire Gods, Each town and stanitsa with more than one follower of Ursun will havea chief priest (sometimes called a speaker), sypically the strongest or largest among them. The chief priest speaks for all his followers and for the will of Ursun, leting his village and fellow worshippers know whar the bear God wishes. He is also responsible for leading hunrs punishing chose who break che strictures, and overseeing the members and new priests. Those wishing to take the role of priest must go into the wildemess alone with ‘only bow and knife and bring back a tamed bear. While rarely fatal, ir can take years for an aspirant to find a sutable animal. initiation of ne “The role of chief priest is held until death, and itis considered bad luck fora chief priest to die outside ofa battle ora hunt. The beat does not die sleeping,” isthe adage used. Upon the death of a chief priest, the honour passes to the strongest warrior amongst the remaining priests. ‘At times, Ursun is known co choose 2 great high priest, who isthe chief priest ofall of Kislew. Ursun speaks to him abour the fate oF the whole land and the path ofits people. High priess are found through signs and portents—perhape a child ‘born with a hear-shaped birthmark may be destined for such role; a chief priest who slays a terrible ice bear may be called by Ursun co be his voice. The high priest before Boris Unis, the shaman Flagrim Beat-Brother, was lost in the snow as a youngling and found alive the next spring in the care of a mother bear. And the tale ofthe choosing of Tzar Bokhar is well known, Like the chief priest, the high pres is responsible for ensuring all the people ofthe land show proper respect xo Father Bear. ‘When the high pris is close to death, he is offen given a vision of the next high priest, allowing the ttle co be passed on, Other times, the position lays vacant uncil Ursun needs such a servant again, Many believe a high priest rises when Kisley js in great need, and Ursun must prepare his followers against invasion or other great tral. Yet Tear Boris died before the Storm of Chaos broke. Some wonder ifhis erly death means Ussun’s favour has abandoned them. Others wonder ifthe Scorm will allstoo-soon blow back again and if che’ have time {0 scan the portents forthe next high pres. Bey Ores SEE aE Wich ts new prominence under Toa Bors, the cule gained two new orders. The frst is 2 watior group known as the Cele of the Bear. Membership in is prestige ranks i reserved ony for winged lances who demonstrate grest courage and great devotion co Ursun. The Citcle swears total obedience ra Father Bear, bur when lacking such divine guidance, they ake orders iret fom the Trarina Borisalso ordain a group known as the Keepers ofthe Hunt. “This loose connection of warriors and woodsmen ensure all bear hunts around the eapital are performed according ro Ursuni strictures, However ther authoriey is limited, and with the Tear gone, their numbers ate dwindling. Within the Keepers ofthe Hunt is a sub-cul called the True Keepers, and with the death of the Tear, their 2el for their holy ‘mission has only increased. They see noblemen and drurhinas using dogs, traps, and guns, sleeping bears bein killed, whole «carcasses lft to rot in the snow, and nobody stopping it. They believe the only way to end such atrocities is with blood and have begun hunting down and murdering the perpetrator, using the same techniques the offenders used co hun bears. So far, only a few nobles have failed to ruin from theie hunts, but very soon, this trouble will boil over ‘Gault Skills and Talents Injsiates of Ursun begin with the Animal Training Skill in addition to thei normal career skills. Press of Father Bear ‘ay, at their option, lean che following skills and talents as part oftheir careers: Follow Tail, Outdoor Survival, and Very Seong ee ‘The most important figure inthe cul is of course Trar Bors Hes sen asa saviour ofthe uth, restoring iin the hearts Reicious SayInes “if he bear awakes”: Added to a Sentence vo mean “astming verging goes az we wish.” “Off chatting with Vrow nsweting acl of nature | cLaoking at Dash’: Not watching where you are going or being caught unawares “Since Dach fis ride Something very ld, or which bas been afouid Seemingly orev. Also “Until Dac ls ride” ‘which means “wen he en of the word.” “Tor Bolt” A bautle cry to unleash fury and death upon an ‘opponent | Tor’ helper* Alcohol, For those who wish o aid Torin his provision of courage. and minds ofthe decadent southerners. His daughter, 00s venerated for shating the blood of Bors Ursus. Beyond her, the cult has no figures of authority other than the chie pies Jneach town, Instead the cult veneracs historical high priests and the legends told about them. These legends include such gras as Hagrim Tooth-talker, who could speak the language ofthe beasts; Pavel the Bea-Thrower, a man so strong he could throw a bear over his head and Aged Aelfe, whois sid co have sat on & mountain-top so long the stones complained. Although they have litte religious authority the chief priests ‘ofthe cities do have some politcal power. In Erengrad, the chief pres isan elderly, affable character called Uika Boyor. Although he disapproves of foreigners joining in without understanding che holiday, he has been a driving force in ‘organising holy celebrations and can be found dancing a jg in the main square on Waking Day (sce the next section: Holy Days). Both he and his counterpart in Kise lori Kleizowski, ‘were old friends ofthe Tzar, and they miss him and the strong faith he propagated. Kleizows muterings about the "good old days” and sccrely approves of the True Keepers and their ations “The che priest of Praag, gor Urosh has neither religious nor temporal power because nobody has sen im in years, For more on Urosh, ce The Temple of Ursun on page 77. pote va 0 at SES GES ee Ursum has onfy two holy days, bur they are celebrated with great vigour and without fil. The isc is Waking Day, which ‘occurs in early spring. In the north, cis rypieally done when the ice breaks or when the fis birds of summer recurn. In the south, itis observed at che spring equinox. "The purpose of the ceremony isco wake the bears from ther hibernation, To do so, large groups—sometimes the entire stanitsa—gather inthe forests at midday and make as much noise as posible. Pots and shields are banged, drums beaten, instruments played, and children yell; some participants even lec of small charges of gunpowder. Inthe cities thee are fireworks and street pe pparades—the din is incredible, and nobody ean sleep through & ‘good Waking Day ceremony. ‘Six months later, a the autumnal equinos, the bears are sent ‘off to slep with the Final Feast, Again, the stanitsa gathers and leaves offeings of meat, ish, and vegetables, which are piled high in the forest for the bears to eat before they hibernate, ‘ensuring they come through the winter healthy and strong. In Erengrad, Waking Day has become a tourist attraction, and traders will remain for che event and the extensive drinking tha accompanies it. In Kise, the Final east was so encouraged by “Taat Bors chat ic became a compaction berween the boyars to see who could show shir devotion the most. Each yea, the houses